“ | Leo has got the reflexes of a ninja, but that T-Rex doesn't | „ |
~ Donatello |
Donatello is one of the main protagonists of the 2003 TV series. He is voiced by Sam Reigel. Known as "Don", he is the smartest and most technologically-adept Turtle. His personality is still the traditional techno turtle, but unlike most other incarnations, he is the most passive and is rarely aggressive. His trademark Bō staff is his primary weapon, but he has used other weapons such as laser guns and those of his brothers.
Tier: 8-C, 7-C | At least 7-C | 5-A | 5-A | 5-A, possibly Low 2-C
Name: Donatello, nicknamed "Don" and "Donnie"
Origin: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003)
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown likely late teens
Classification: Mutant Turtle, Ninja, Crime Fighter
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts (Master of Ninjutsu and combat martial arts, Master of Bōjutsu), Stealth Mastery (Is highly adept at stealth, subterfuge, and misdirection), Genius Intelligence (Genius inventor and technician), Rage Power (oftentimes, the Turtles experience a boost in stats when becoming enraged, allowing them to easily defeat opponents who had previously been defeating them)
Same as before, Energy Manipulation, Creation (Can create vehicles)
Same as before, Ki Manipulation, and Shapeshifting (Is able to transform into a Dragon)
Flight, Breath Attack, Sharp claws, Fire Manipulation
Building level+ (Should be comparable to Leonardo. Should have AP comparable to his durability), Town level (Can harm Utrom Shredder, who barely survived the explosion of the Utrom Home Base) | At least Town level (Received training from the Ninja Tribunal. His "Byakko" has shown to have been comparable to Raphael's "Banrai", a weapon that could shatter mountains) | Large Planet level (Was able to harm Utrom Shredder in an alternate timeline, who was able to fight the Tengu Shredder) | Large Planet level (Donatello seemed to have arguably the most control over his Chi Empowered form. Matched and defeated the Mystic Warriors, who were superior, or at least on par with the Ninja Tribunal) | Large Planet level (Beam struggled with Dragon Tengu Shredder and contributed to wiping out an army of demons, all of which were superior to the Mystic Warriors), possibly Universe Level+ (The dragon form can come out by drawing power from the astral plane)
Supersonic (Should be comparable to the other turtles), with Massively Hypersonic+ reactions (Trains with Master Splinter who trains the other ninja turtles and has been on pair with the other ninja turtles throughout their adventures. Should be comparable to Michelangelo, who can react to attacks from the Justice Force members such as Silver Sentry who was mind-controlled to kill Michelangelo. Sentry and the other Justice Force members are capable of leaving the Earth at this speed and are capable of reacting to and dodging electricity. Reacted to a huge meteor which was aimed at him alongside the other turtles), Massively FTL+ (Can delfect lasers from Triceratons. The beam tagged a ship. Triceratons ships travel to the further corner of the galaxy) | Massively FTL+ | Massively FTL+ | Massively FTL+ (Should be far faster than his base form. Is equal to Chi Empowered/Mystic Raphael and Donatello who can easily one-shot a Boulder Monster who in turn can easily one-shot the Silver Sentry. Fought against the Tengu Shredder alongside the other turtles, who can easily defeat the Silver Sentry. Equal to Chi Empowered/Mystic Michelangelo who is on equal footing with Hisomi-Shisho who can run 200 yards in just a second and managed to traverse mountains on foot with ease) | Massively FTL+ (Far faster than his Chi Empowered/Mystic Form. Should be equal to the Dragon Forms of the other turtles. Has fought against Tengu Shredder alongside the other turtles)
Class 25 (Should be comparable to Leonardo, who lifted the mouth of a T-Rex when he was inside it, the T-Rex was pushing as well. Leg pressed a statue) | Higher (Helped levitate a ship) | Higher | Unknown
Building Class+, Town Class | At least Town Class | Large Planet Class | Large Planet Class | Large Planet Class, possibly Universal+
Building level+, Town level (Tanked a direct blast from the Sword of Tengu, which easily can destroy entire buildings. Took hits from mutants who "Shook the City") | At least Town level (Survived blows from the Mokusai No Bushi, though was otherwise soundly defeated) | Large Planet level | Large Planet level (Shrugged off blows from the Mystic Ninja) | Large Planet level, possibly Universe Level+
Very high. Studying the crystals from underground for days without ever sleeping and after that can function absolutely normally. Has routinely fought the Foot Clan for hours at a time, can fight even while heavily injured plus Turtles can survive being stabbed. Comparable to Leonardo, who fought all day with the Foot Clan. Possibly limitless in a Dragon Form (Should be superior to base Tengu Shredder and at least comparable to his Dragon Form. Dragon Donatello it's his avatar. Avatar is a special manifestation of the spirit, which is expressed in the appearance of an animal. The highest point of the manifestation of the spirit is the merging with one's spirit and reincarnation into it. The rarest, strongest and most powerful type of avatar is considered to be a dragon, which Donatello possesses)
Extended melee range with bo staff, several meters with shurikens
Bo Staff, Shurikens, Byakko
Extraordinary Genius (Highly adept at stealth, subterfuge, and misdirection. Additionally, he is well-versed in the use of combat martial arts. His fighting style seamlessly blends attacks with any part of his body and weaponry. Along with these abilities comes a propriety for assassination techniques. Can defeat numerous Foot Elite, robots, and aliens with his staff. Highly intelligent, and knowledgeable; he is a technical genius has invented portal guns, robots, and all of the turtle-themed gear (Coms, van, and blimp); is responsible for the numerous defeats of tech-heavy villains like Baxter Stockman and Krang. Reprogrammed the Krang-created robot, Metalhead, to fight as an ally to the Turtles. Created a fully-functional, mechanical duplicate body for himself when he was shrunk permanently by his own “Quantum Inversion Redimensioning device”)
Pacifist, more interested in technology than his ninjutsu training
Seasons 1 - 4 | Season 5/Ninja Tribunal Arc - Fast Foward | Back to the Sewers | Chi Empowered | Dragon Form
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: