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Welcome to a comprehensive guide to Dragon Ball's (ドラゴンボール Doragon Bōru) cosmology! This guide delves into everything from Dragon Ball Super (ドラゴンボール Doragon Bōru Sūpā) to Dragon Ball GT (ドラゴンボール Doragon Bōru Jī Tī), and even Super Dragon Ball Heroes ( スーパードラゴンボールヒーローズ Sūpā Doragon Bōru Hīrōzu). Please note that this is not a power-scaling guide for individual characters. Instead, the focus is solely on exploring and scaling the cosmology associated with the series.

I will additionally include lowballs for all of my scales. At the end of each scale, there will be a note in italics that explains the lowballed version.

Without further ado, let’s dive in!

Living World[]

The Living World (この, Konoyo; literally meaning "Present World") is the physical, corporeal, and non-abstract realm within the Dragon Ball universe. It closely follows the laws of real-world physics, with one significant exception: the existence of Ki (気, Ki; Viz: "Chi", English TV: "Energy"; literally meaning "Breath, Air, and/or Strength" also referred to as energy (エネルギー, Enerugī) or spirit (スピリット, Supiritto), which represents the energy of the soul and spirit. It is composed of three core components[1]:

  • Genki (元気; "Energy")
  • Yūki (勇気; "Courage")
  • Shōki (正気; "Mind")

Before diving deeper, it's essential to outline the various realms within the Living World. The Living World consists of three distinct spacetimes:

  • The Mortal Realm
  • The Demon Realm (大魔界, Dai-makai; "Great Demon Realm"), also referred to as the Dark Demon Realm (暗黒魔界, Ankoku Makai) or Devil World (悪魔界, Akumakai)
  • The Dead Zone (デッドゾーン, Deddo Zōn)

Mortal Realm[]

The Mortal Realm is the realm where Earth resides, alongside countless other planets, solar systems, and galaxies. It is described multiple times as infinite in size. Claims like "​Bulma (ブルマ Buruma, lit. 'Blooma') states that they are at the edge of the universe" are contradicted by Jaco Teirimentenpibosshi (ジャコ・ティリメンテンピボッシ Jako Tirimentenpibosshi), a Galactic Patrolman whose knowledge of the universe far exceeds Bulma's. Furthermore, the concept of an "edge" does not preclude the possibility of an infinite universe.

Another common misconception arises from macrocosm maps depicting Earth and Namek on opposite sides of the universe. However, Akira Toriyama himself clarified that these maps are merely representations and not to scale. Thus, they should not be interpreted as accurate models of the macrocosm's structure.

It is stated that solar systems in Dragon Ball are "nebulae composed of innumerable stars," and there are "galaxies composed of innumerable nebulae." The universe is described as infinite, containing an infinite number of galaxies divided into four sectors. Contrary to the common misconception that the Dragon Ball Z universe only consists of four galaxies (North, South, East, and West), these are not galaxies but rather regions of the universe, each supervised by a Kaio.

Additionally, the universe includes an extra dimension of time, making it four-dimensional/4D (Universe+ Level).

Demon Realm[]

The Demon Realm is a dimension parallel to the mortal universe. Everything that applies to the Mortal Realm—its infinite scale, dimensionality, and complexity—also applies to the Demon Realm (Universe+ Level).

Dead Zone[]

Next, we address one of the most debated realms: the Dead Zone. There are two prevailing translations regarding its nature. One translation claims that the Dead Zone is a hyperspace, which would classify it as five-dimensional/5D as it transcends the already existing 4D Mortal Realm. The other translation describes it as a superspace, which could make it either 5D or infinite dimensional. In the context of bosonic string theory, superspaces involving supersymmetry are infinite-dimensional.

Since Dragon Ball incorporates elements of quantum mechanics and wavefunctions (as real-world physics still apply in The Living World as proven above), the superspace interpretation implies that the Dead Zone is infinite-dimensional.

After extensive analysis of various translations, the conclusion is clear: the superspace interpretation is correct, while the hyperspace translation has been debunked. For further verification, I have cited all relevant sources so you can review them yourself (High Hyperversal).

However, what if the Dead Zone wasn't a superspace and was just a hyperspace? Well, hyperspaces have 4 spatial dimensions and 1 temporal without further context, so, the Dead Zone would be 5D.

Dimension of Strange Swirling Lights[]

The Dimension of Strange Swirling Lights appears in Dragon Ball Super: Broly (ドラゴンボール ブロリー Doragon Bōru Sūpā Burorī) after Broly (ブロリー Burorī) and Gogeta (ゴジータ Gojīta) shatter the boundaries of the universe. The fight is described as a "super-dimensional fight." However, "super-dimensional" does not imply being beyond all dimensions; it simply means one layer above what is beneath it. In this context, it is one layer higher than the High Hyperversal cosmology. There is insufficient evidence or statements to suggest that it is truly Outerversal. Additionally, this realm should not be considered part of the Living World as it is beyond its boundaries albeit it's still a lower cosmological structure to Otherworld (Low Outerversal).

Now, if you completely ignored that it was a superdimensional fight and just used the statement that they "broke through several dimensions", several means 3 or more, we already scaled the Deadzone to 5D, so adding an extra 3 dimensions onto that would equate to 8D (Complex Multiversal).


Otherworld (あの Ano Yo), also referred to as the Underworld, Other Side, the Cosmos, Next Dimension, Oblivion, or Netherworld is consistently described as a place without the concepts of space and time. It is also described as non-corporeal and non-physical. Furthermore, it is disconnected from The Living World on every level except the metaphysical one, which supports the notion that Otherworld is spiritual (as it houses spirits and it isn't physical), conceptual, atemporal, and unbound by mathematics and dimensions (Outerversal).

Once again, ignoring any and all Outerversal evidence, you would just add an extra 2 dimensions, as it transcends "dimensions that cannot be perceived from the human realm (The Living World)", and then you add an extra dimension as it transcends those extra dimensions, making it 11D (Low Hyperversal).

Kaioshin Realm[]

The Kaioshin Realm (界 かい 王 おう 神 しん 界 かい, Kaiōshin Kai) is a realm where the Kaios observe the entirety of Universe 7, including Otherworld. This realm is stated to exist beyond the entirety of the macrocosm, orbiting outside it. It transcends Otherworld, as beings in Otherworld cannot access the Kaioshin Realm, while the Kaios have full access to the macrocosm (1 layer into Outerversal).

The Kaioshin Realm would be 12D as it is above Otherworld (Hyperversal).

Cardinal Universe[]

Outside the entire macrocosm (comprising the Living World, Otherworld, and Kaioshin Realm), there exists an infinitely larger space that dwarfs everything within it. I refer to this as the full magnitude of a universe. We know this space exists because Koyama stated that while Broly (Z) can destroy the macrocosm, he cannot destroy the infinitely larger universe. Additionally, a black void separates the Kaioshin Realm from the rest of the macrocosm.

Furthermore, the full cardinal universe can be represented differently from how the macrocosm is depicted. The reason this universe is considered a higher, transcendent plane compared to the macrocosm is its immense scale; it dwarfs the macrocosm to the extent that it is portrayed as a collection of tiny bubbles. This plane of existence would be beyond the Kaioshin Realm (2 layers into Outerversal)

The Cardinal Universe would be 13D (Hyperversal).

Neutral Zone[]

The Neutral Zone is a space that exists between universes. The Nameless Planet is a planet that floats within the Neutral Zone, separated from the twelve universes. The Neutral Zone renders the twelve universes finite and insignificant by comparison, placing it on a higher plane beyond these universes (3 layers into Outerversal)

The Neutral Zone would be 14D (Hyperversal).

World of Void[]

The World of Void is a realm devoid of the concepts of space and time. This realm is durable enough to withstand battles involving three Gods of Destruction. Even two Gods of Destruction fighting can result in the destruction of two universes, giving the World of Void durability equivalent to at least two universes.

Its resilience goes further, as it can endure the power of both a suppressed and a full-power Jiren, who was stated to be the strongest opponent Universe 7 has ever faced, surpassing Infinite Zamasu, who merged with an entire timeline. This suggests the World of Void may possess durability comparable to the Subspace (discussed further below), although it is unknown whether Zamasu ever reached the Subspace (4 layers into Outerversal).

The World of Void would be 16D (Hyperversal).

Zeno's Palace[]

Zeno's Palace exists in a separate space outside the twelve universes. Zeno can manipulate reality and universes as if they were pieces in a chess game, with universes appearing as mere pillars in this realm.

What suggests that Zeno's Realm is beyond the Neutral Zone and its multiverse is the presence of the same clouds seen in the Otherworld, which previously symbolized transcendence over other realms. However, these clouds alone are not sufficient evidence to conclusively prove such transcendence (4 layers into Outerversal).

Zeno's Palace would be 16D (Hyperversal).

Parallel Worlds[]

There are a countless number of parallel worlds, most likely an infinite amount, as history branches out infinitely. Dragon Ball officially follows the many-worlds interpretation. It is stated multiple times in various games involving "what-ifs" or time travel that there are an endless number of timelines. Each timeline possesses every realm mentioned earlier, from the multiverse all the way up to the Sugoroku Space (explained below) (6 layers into Outerversal).

Parallel Worlds would be 17D (Hyperversal).

Wrap in Time[]

The Wrap in Time is a "tunnel" allows travel between timelines and is used by Goku Black with his Time Ring and the Time Machine. Traveling across parallel worlds creates rifts that can "heal" themselves, potentially causing the traveler to return to their original timeline. These rifts function similarly to Buu’s Vice Shout, which allowed him to create holes between dimensional walls. They are described as wounds in time and referred to as "splits" by the narrator. There is a space between parallel worlds, which users of the Time Ring and Time Machine navigate to travel across timelines (7 layers into Outerversal).

The Wrap in Time would be 18D (Hyperversal).

The Crack of Time[]

The Crack of Time (時の狭間 Toki no Hazama, also known as Chasm of Time or Time Abyss) is a world beyond and outside the multiverse (all timelines), outside of time (in context, time and history refers to sets of timelines), beyond space and time. Gods and Super Shenron can't reach this realm. This world houses timelines that exist and never existed (8 layers into Outerversal).

The Crack of Time would be concretely Outerversal.

The "Summit"[]

The Summit is a realm beyond the understanding of the Kaioshins. As mentioned in the Kaioshin Realm section, Kaioshins understand not only the concepts of space and time but also abstractions, such as the different realms that transcend the Living World. The Kaioshin Realm, for example, can look down on the Otherworld. Zamas possesses this knowledge. However, the "summit" is beyond his understanding, as well as the understanding of any other gods. While gods comprehend parallel worlds and what lies between them, they do not grasp the concept of the "summit." Zamas even theorizes that there might be parallel worlds within it (9 layers into Outerversal).

The Summit would be 1 layer into Outerversal.


The Subspace is a realm outside of time and space that contains the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, The Teleportation Zone and the Sugoroku Space.

The Teleportation Zone[]

The Teleportation Zone (瞬間移動空間 Shunkan Idō Kūkan) is a realm that transcends space and time. Users of Instant Transmission or Kai Kai can teleport to any realm because the subspace exists beyond all dimensions, including Zeno's Realm, as demonstrated by Shin's ability to teleport there. In simple terms, every world to which an Instant Transmission user can teleport is lower than the subspace. What proves that a subspace belongs to a timeline is its existence in Dragon Ball GT (an alternate timeline to DBS) and possibly in DBS as well, as shown when Goku uses it and a portal appears . This realm is beyond timelines, as Goku can teleport to Future Trunks' new timeline, beyond the Crack of Time. (9 layers into Outerversal)

The Teleportation Zone would be 2 layers into Outer.

Hyperbolic Time Chambers[]

The Hyperbolic Time Chamber (精神と時の部屋 Seishin to Toki no Heya, lit. "Room of Spirit and Time") are rooms located in the subspace, where time flows differently compared to the Living World. For example, one day in the Living World equals one year inside Earth's chamber, while one day in the Living World equals three days in Merus' chamber. The most recent chamber is the one Frieza used for a total of ten years to achieve his Black form.

Hyperbolic Time Chambers (HTCs) are separate universes, as stated by Dende using the kanji "宇宙 (Uchū)," which means "universe." These chambers are described as infinite in size. In Dragon Ball Super, Earth's HTC was upgraded to withstand the power of Goku and Vegeta in their Super Saiyan Blue forms, both of whom are capable of destroying the entire macrocosm. (2 layers into Outerversal)

The Hyperbolic Time Chamber would be 12D (same as the Kaioshin Realm).

Sugoroku Space[]

Sugoroku Space (スゴロク空間 Sūgorokūkan) is a realm into which Goku (GT) falls and becomes trapped. It is heavily implied to be infinite in size. Notably, Kibito Kai's (キビト神, Kibitoshin) Kai Kai (カイカイ, Kai Kai) was unable to reach this realm, despite his Kai Kai being capable of reaching Zeno's Palace (5 layers into Outerversal).

Sugoroku Space would be 17D (Hyperversal).

Fictional Japan[]

There is a world where Japan sees all of Dragonball as fiction (10 layers into Outerversal).

Fictional Japan would be 3 layers into Outerversal.

Beat's World[]

Beat's world perceives all of Dragon Ball as fiction. Since Dragon Ball contains beings like Tokitoki, who embody the concept of timelines and are abstract in nature, this positions Beat's world at a High Outerversal level. Just as transcending and viewing the concepts of time and space as fiction grants an Outerversal state, perceiving the concept of timelines—including Tokitoki (which exists many layers into Outerversal)—as fiction elevates it to High Outerversal.

Beat's World also includes the same deities found in the Arcade world, such as Gods of Destruction, Angels, and more. Therefore, the cosmology effectively stacks on itself. While the Living World where Beat resides is physical, it simultaneously transcends abstraction. In Beat's world, concepts like the abstract state of the Outerverse are irrelevant and reduced to mere fiction. What is considered physical here is far more abstract than anything below Beat's world.

At this point, every other realm would follow the same structure as the Arcade World. (High Outerversal)

Beat's World would still be High Outerversal and the rest of the scale would still continue as normal, I found no way to lowball the rest of the scale.

Beat's Otherworld[]

1 layer into High Outerversal.

Beat's Kaioshin Realm[]

2 layers into High Outerversal.

Beat's Cardinal Universe[]

3 layers into High Outerversal.

Beat's Neutral Zone[]

4 layers into High Outerversal.

Beat's Zeno's Realm[]

5 layers into High Outerversal.

Beat's Sugoroku Space[]

6 layers into High Outerversal.

Beat's Time Ring Tunnel[]

7 layers into High Outerversal.

Beat's Crack of Time[]

8 layers into High Outerversal.

Beat's Teleportation Zone[]

9 layers into High Outerversal.

Beat's Fictional Japan[]

10 layers into High Outerversal.

Real Japan[]

There's a Japan which monitors Beat's World (11 layers into High Outerversal).

Charisma World[]

There's the Charisma World which sees all of Dragon Ball Heroes as a fiction (12 layers into High Outerversal).

Real World[]

Last but certainly not least, there's the Real World which is where the editors and Toriyama's avatar live (13 layers into High Outerversal).
