Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


The Dreamcaster is a robot created by Doctor Eggman in Sonic Boom. It was equipped with the power to control the minds of others, which it used to brainwash the entire village by broadcasting its waves on TV. Sticks was the only one to resist it thanks to a tin foil hat she was wearing, which provided resistance against its hypnotism, and it was soon defeated.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 7-C, likely higher

Name: Dreamcaster

Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog

Gender: Masculine programming

Age: A few days

Classification: Robot

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical CharacteristicsMind ManipulationLevitationImmortality (Type 13)

Attack Potency: Town level (brainwashed an entire village and a bit beyond), likely higher (contended evenly with Sticks and effortlessly overpowered the rest of Team Sonic Boom)

Speed: Unknown

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Town Class, likely higher

Durability: City level, likely Small Town level+ (took hits from Team Sonic Boom) 

Stamina: Infinite, as it's a robot.

Range: Town level (his waves were broadcast all across town)

Standard Equipment: None

Intelligence: Unknown

Weaknesses: Unknown
