Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Duraludon is a Steel/Dragon dual-type Pokémon introduced in the Galar region.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 3-B | 3-B

Name: Duraludon

Origin: Pokémon

Gender: Can be male or female

Age: Varies

Classification: Alloy Pokémon

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts, Aura, BFR, Air Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Enhanced Senses, Plant Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Forcefield Creation, Earth Manipulation, Sleep Manipulation, Healing, Instinctive Reactions, Darkness Manipulation, Black Hole Generation, Attack Reflection, Energy Manipulation, Energy Projection, Metal Manipulation, Transformation, Weather Manipulation, Illusion Creation, Spatial Manipulation, Density Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Air Manipulation, Statistics Amplification, Statistics Reduction, Mind Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation, Can harm intangible beings, minds, and souls, Acausality (Anyone can bypass the effects of time by just ignoring reality), Causality Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, and Law Manipulation (There were several occasions where just any regular Pokémon are capable of changing the future when the future was already set, such as the time where Sabrina knew she would fight the protagonist three years in advance, and she foresaw their victory, and then changed the future to where she won, and yet they still won, anyway. Olympia can also predict the future and she sees battles as the trainers writing their futures and fates. It is clarified when fighting against one Hex Maniac that her clairvoyance was so potent that the player's Pokémon had to have rewrote the laws of causality to have won), Resistance to Electricity Manipulation, Power Nullification, Electromagnetism Manipulation, Plasma Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Beak-based abilities, Wing-based abilities, Metal Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Crab-based abilities, Plant Manipulation, Fungus Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Acid Manipulation, Venom Manipulation, Smoke Manipulation, Snake-based abilities, Radiation Manipulation, Bug-based abilities, Earth Manipulation, Magic, Mind Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Mind Reading, Sleep Manipulation, Dream Manipulation, Extrasensory Perception, Precognition, Reality Warping, and Memory Manipulation

Attack Potency: Multi-Galaxy level (Far superior to most fully-evolved Pokémon, seeing as they can face off against Tyranitar, which are seen as invincible Pokémon.) | Multi-Galaxy level (As a Gigantamaxed Pokémon, should be far more powerful than Dynamaxed Pokémon, which are far more powerful than most fully-evolved Pokémon, such as their base form. Likely more powerful than other Gigantamaxed Pokémon.)

Speed: FTL+ (Far faster than Pokémon who can keep up with Pokémon who can use Morning Sun.) | At least FTL+

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Multi-Galaxy Class | Multi-Galaxy Class

Durability: Multi-Galaxy level | Multi-Galaxy level

Stamina: Very high

Range: Ranges from standard melee range to tens of kilometers.

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius. Can acquire an IQ of nearly a thousand.

Weaknesses: Ground and Fighting type attacks.

Key: Base Duraludon | Gigantamax Duraludon

Note: This profile covers the possible capabilities of an average, untrained Pokémon.
