The Lungfish is capable of living without food for 4 years
Enhanced Metabolism is the ability to go on without basic requirements such as food, oxygen and sleep longer than the average human. This is not to be confused with Self-Sustenance, as going on longer without sleep is different from not needing sleep entirely.
- Type 1: Respiratory. For characters that can go on without oxygen longer then the average person. The average human can go on for 30 seconds to 2 minutes without oxygen. This can also grant the user a limited resistance to suffocation, gas-based toxins or harsh environments.
- Type 2: Nutritional. For characters that can go on without food or water longer then the average person. The average human can go on without food for 30-40 days and can go on without water for about 3 days. This also might grant the user a limited resistance to certain poisons.
- Type 3: Restful. For characters that can go on without rest or sleep longer then the average person. The average person can go on without sleep for 11 days. This grants the users impressive amounts of stamina and in some cases a minor resistance to Sleep Manipulation.