Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Ghostface Scream 6
Let's see how much pain you can endure before everything turns black.


Erick Williamson is a FC charachter from Scream, he is a solo killer.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B, Higher with weapons and vehicles, up to 9-A with prep

Name: Erick

Origin: Fan Charachter, originally from Scream

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Classification: Serial Killer

Powers and Abilities:

  • Slight Pain manipulation (Can walk, run, fight and etc, even after he was shot through both of his eyes.)
  • High temperatures (The ghostface cloak, along with the bullet proof vest and mask would make the costume to be pretty hot inside of it, yet, this still doesn't seem to affect the same.)

  • Attack Potency: Wall Level (Dented metal with a kick. Shoved a pen through someone's neck. Can stab clean through necks, waists, skulls, spines, and hands, with knifes, axes, pickaxes, and even pens. Broke through a glass door. Kicked someone through a wooden table. Stabbed through a wall with a pickaxe. Slashed a human head off with one swing of his knife.), Higher with weapons and vehicles (Sliced someone in half with a chainsaw. Blew up a skull with a shotgun. Ran over someone with his vehicle.), up to Small Building with prep (Blew up multiple houses, cars, and burned people until nothing remained.)

    Speed: Peak Human travel speed (Ran across a hallway in seconds. Dissapeared from sights, even though the people are still staring at him.), with Subsonic+ combat and reaction speed(Dodged gunshots. Attacked multiple peoples before they could react, including defeating a 1v4 thanks to his speed and skills.)

    Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Lifted an adult men with only one arm by the neck. Snapped a human neck.)

    Striking Strength: Wall Level (Kicked someone through a wooden table. Snapped a human neck with one kick.)

    Durability: Wall Level (Was hit by a car that was going on 60 MpH. Had been attacked with a crowbar. Had been shot with a bullet proof vest without breaking any bones.), Higher with armor (Under the costume, he wears a bulletproof vest and mask.)

    Stamina: Superhuman (Was shot through his eyes, and yet he still attempted to kill.)

    Range: Standard Meele Range, up to hundreds of meters via weaponry

    Standard Equipment: Buck 120 Knife, modified Voice Changer, Phone, Laptop, Bullet Proof vest,

    Optional Equipment: Desert Eagle, Mossberg 500, H&K SL8, Styler TMP, Chainsaw, Crowbar, Baseball bat, Pickaxe, Axe

    Intelligence: Gifted in terms of combat and planning (Can keep up with multiple persons at once in combat, winning a 1v4 when he only had a knife. With his voice changer, he framed multiple persons throughout his attacks, leading the police to think there was some kind of cult going on due to the large amount of murders striking with the same Modus Operandi.), Supergenius in term of mechanic (Built a modified voice changer from zero that can mimic any persons voice without any flaws)

    Weaknesses: Standard Human Weakness

    Feats: Killed 23 people by himself


    Notable Victories:

    Notable Losses:

    Inconclusive Matches:
