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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Error Sans
You aren't anything but


- Error explaining to Underswap!Papyrus why he will destroy Underswap


Error!Sans is the main protagonist of Aftertale's sequel, Ask Error!Sans. He is a Sans variant created by LoverofPiggies (aka CrayonQueen, or CQ). Originally a version of Geno Sans, he accidentally sent himself into a void outside of all Universes, the Anti-Void, suffering an immense amount of time there, screaming with his screams coming back, which leads him into becoming glitched beyond repair, losing practically all of his memories, and going mentally insane. He now dedicates his life to cleanse the Multiverse of anomalies, whom he deems every single AU in existence besides one, believing that this is right. Because of this, he's often known as the "Multiversal Destroyer".

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: Varies depending on random stats and whether he holds back or not, around at least 9-C physically with 8-C Gaster Blasters while holding back, 2-C Environmental Destruction and Creation via resets, 2-A physically without holding back and with regular AU destruction, far higher with most powerful attack | Varies depending on random stats and whether he holds back or not, around at least 9-C physically with 8-C Gaster Blasters while holding back, 2-C Environmental Destruction and Creation via resets, High 2-A physically without holding back and with regular AU destruction, Low 1-C with most powerful attack

Key: No Crossovers | With Crossovers

Name: Error!Sans, Error, Sans, “Sans Abomination #1” (By himself[1]), Geno Sans (Formally[Note 1])

Origin: Ask Error!Sans

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown (Stated to have been hearing voices for years.[2] Implied to have trapped countless amount of Frisks[3][Note 2])

Classification: Skeleton, Error, Glitch, Destroyer of AUs, "F'N BASTARD" (An accurate description of him[4])

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Varies depending on the random ATK and whether he holds back or not (Technically, Error chooses to be weak in battles, fighting like a regular Sans, despite being a very strong one, similarly to how Asgore and Toriel do in Undertale despite having unimaginable strength[76]), around at least Street level[Statistics Value 1] physically (Physically, Error is stronger than a regular Sans, although not by much[77]) with Building level[Statistics Value 2] Gaster Blasters (Comparable to Geno[Note 1]) while holding back (Technically, Error chooses to be weak, fighting like a regular Sans, despite being a very strong one, similarly to how Asgore and Toriel do in Undertale despite having unimaginable strength[76]), Low Multiverse level Environmental Destruction and Creation via resets (Reset destroys the timeline and creates a new one to where the user saved[78]), Multiverse level+ with regular AU destruction (Was heavily implied to cause "all reports to end forever",[79] which is the same as all timelines ending forever in Aftertale[80][Note 7] as hinted by[81] Error's author[82][Note 8], and there are infinite amount of timelines in an AU Multiverse. Supportingly, it was stated that Spectre!Sans had reports that everything, including time, was about to end very, very soon" due to Error, and that those reports were similar to the ones canon Sans received with the only difference being that in Spectre!Sans case, everything would end much, much sooner,[14] meaning that his destruction should be comparable to the destruction canon Chara did. Implied that he would destroy Underswap and all alike timelines, as he was talking about the probability of Universe like Underswap existing.[83] Was stated and/or implied to be destroying Universes here,[84] here,[85] here,[86] here,[12] here,[87] here,[63] here,[88] here,[89] here,[90] here,[91] and here[92]), far higher[Statistics Value 3] with most powerful attack (Can destroy all AUs quickly, albeit one by one[77]) can ignore durability in multiple ways | Varies depending on the random ATK and whether he holds back or not, around at least Street level[Statistics Value 1] physically Physically, Error is stronger than a regular Sans, although not by much[77]) with Building level[Statistics Value 2] Gaster Blasters (Comparable to Geno[Note 1]) while holding back (Technically, Error chooses to be weak, fighting like a regular Sans, despite being a very strong one, similarly to how Asgore and Toriel do in Undertale despite having unimaginable strength[76]), Low Multiverse level Environmental Destruction and Creation via resets (Reset destroys the timeline and creates a new one to where the user saved[78]), High Multiverse level+ regular AU destruction, Low Complex Multiverse level with most powerful attack (Can destroy all AUs quickly, albeit one by one,[77] with all of them collectively making up a 6-dimensional Multiverse), can ignore durability in multiple ways

Speed: FTL[Statistics Value 4] travel speed (Comparable to Underswap!Papyrus. Was able to run away from Underswap!Papyrus to self-created portal.[24] Comparable to Geno Sans[Note 1]) with FTL[Statistics Value 4] combat and reaction speed (Kept[38] up[49] with Underswap!Papyrus) while massively holding back, far higher[Statistics Value 5] without holding back, even higher attack speed with strings, Speed of Light attack speed via Gaster Blasters (Gaster Blasters were stated to be lasers[39][Note 6]), Infinite attack speed with the strongest attack (Can quickly, one by one, destroy all of infinite amount of AUs[77])

Lifting Strength: Varies depending on the random ATK and whether he holds back or not (Technically, Error chooses to be weak in battles, fighting like a regular Sans, despite being a very strong one, similarly to how Asgore and Toriel do in Undertale despite having unimaginable strength[76]), at least Class 1,[Statistics Value 6] likely at most Class 5 (Physically, Error is stronger than a regular Sans, although not by much,[77] meaning his ATK glitches only around above that of regular Sans) while holding back (Technically, Error chooses to be weak, fighting like a regular Sans, despite being a very strong one, similarly to how Asgore and Toriel do in Undertale despite having unimaginable strength[76]), at least Class 100, likely far higher[Statistics Value 7] physically when not holding back (Should be massively superior to Toriel), at least Superhuman with Telekinesis (Should be same as Geno Sans[Note 1]) and strings

Striking Strength: Varies depending on the random ATK and whether he holds back or not (Technically, Error chooses to be weak in battles, fighting like a regular Sans, despite being a very strong one, similarly to how Asgore and Toriel do in Undertale despite having unimaginable strength[76]), around at least Street level[Statistics Value 1] via random ATK (Physically, Error is stronger than a regular Sans, although not by much,[77] meaning his ATK glitches only around above that of regular Sans) while holding back (Technically, Error chooses to be weak, fighting like a regular Sans, despite being a very strong one, similarly to how Asgore and Toriel do in Undertale despite having unimaginable strength[76]), Multiverse level+ when not holding back (It was stated that Spectre!Sans had reports that everything, including time, was about to end very, very soon" due to Error, and that those reports were similar to the ones canon Sans received with the only difference being that in Spectre!Sans case, everything would end much, much sooner,[14] meaning that his destruction should be comparable to the destruction canon Chara did) | Varies depending on the random ATK and whether he holds back or not, around at least Street level[Statistics Value 1] via random ATK (Physically, Error is stronger than a regular Sans, although not by much,[77] meaning his ATK glitches only around above that of regular Sans) while holding back (Technically, Error chooses to be weak, fighting like a regular Sans, despite being a very strong one, similarly to how Asgore and Toriel do in Undertale despite having unimaginable strength[76]), High Multiverse level+ when not holding back

Durability: Varies depending on the random ATK and whether he holds back or not (Technically, Error chooses to be weak in battles, fighting like a regular Sans, despite being a very strong one, similarly to how Asgore and Toriel do in Undertale despite having unimaginable strength[76]), around at least Street level[Statistics Value 1] (Physically, Error is stronger than a regular Sans, although not by much,[77] meaning his DEF and HP glitch only around above that of regular Sans) while holding back (Technically, Error chooses to be weak, fighting like a regular Sans, despite being a very strong one, similarly to how Asgore and Toriel do in Undertale despite having unimaginable strength[76]), Multiverse level+ when not holding back (Does not use the power to destroy AUs from outside, meaning that he destroys them from inside.[63] Moreover, he was stated to "just go in and destroy" universes without any mentions of actually leaving the universe.[71]), glitching stats make him extremely hard to kill | Varies depending on the random ATK and whether he holds back or not, around at least Street level[Statistics Value 1] (Physically, Error is stronger than a regular Sans, although not by much,[77] meaning his DEF and HP glitch only around above that of regular Sans) while holding back (Technically, Error chooses to be weak, fighting like a regular Sans, despite being a very strong one, similarly to how Asgore and Toriel do in Undertale despite having unimaginable strength[76]), High Multiverse level+ when not holding back, glitching stats make him extremely hard to kill

Stamina: Superhuman (Is completely unbothered by always having ERRORs around him,[5] which puts him in the state of uncomfortableness.[47] Was completely fine with eye-blinding glitching[93] which causes[47] extreme discomfort.[48] Was completely fine after having all of his body phase out and strings coming out of his eyes[46] with former being described very painful, as if his body is trying to rip itself apart,[47] and latter being described as very, very painful as well[48]. Was able to dodge Underswap!Papyrus' bones and run away to the portal even with his whole body phasing out, being completely fine and capable of dragging Underswap!Sans with him and talk freely after the glitching stopped, as well[24])

Range: Tens of Meters with Bone Manipulation, Gaster Blasters, and strings, up to Multiversal+ with regular AU destruction, far higher[Statistics Value 3] with the most powerful attack, Interdimensional on High Multiversal+ scale with portals | Tens of Meters with Bone Manipulation, Gaster Blasters, and strings, up to High Multiversal+ with regular AU destruction, Low Complex Multiversal with the most powerful attack, Interdimensional on Low Complex Multiversal scale with portals

Standard Equipment: Glasses, countless of Frisks' souls.

Intelligence: Genius (Despite initially having little-to-no memories, if not practically all of them,[72] he plans everything before attacking AUs to hit them so no backup plan could save them,[8] is capable of figuring out that Fresh is a virus[94] and that Underswap!Sans was manipulating him[73] right when[8] he was doing so[74], which Underswap!Sans admitted to having done,[75] can piece the story together despite not understanding Spanish,[95] and can even explain the concept of the Multiverse and how it functions[96])

Weaknesses: Suffers from nearsightness[93] and haphephobia[97], although the latter one is not much of a problem if he is the one initiating the touch,[98] like a slap,[99] or if he is in an actual combat.[52] Can glitch at random points in time, completely closing his eyes.[93] If he feels that the situation is too much for him or he feels very strong emotions, he can "crash". During the restart, his ATK and DEF reach an absolute 0, unlike usual where he's glitching them out all tge time, making him highly vulnerable.[100]


Notable Attacks/Techniques:
  • Bones — the ability to summon red bones from the floor or just out of thin air. Can spawn bones into his hands and use them as melee weapons if he desires.
  • Gaster Blasters — huge black skulls that shoot lasers from their mouths at a huge distances. Also covered in the "ERROR" inscriptions.
    • Fire Blasters — a separate type of blaster that shoots fire instead of a laser and reproduces an explosion. It was also implied that this blaster has the ability to erase others from existence.
  • Strings — Error's unique attack, which is actually a concentrated version of telekinesis.
    • Soul Control — if Error's threads capture the soul of an opponent, then Error will be able to control the body and abilities of the soul's owner.
    • Soul Rupture — Error's threads can destroy souls to such an extent that even a revival, similar to Frisk's saves, will not save its owner.
    • Body Paralysis — if the threads are aimed at the body, and not the soul, then they paralyze the one they hit, preventing them from moving.
    • Spatial Orientation — the threads compensate for Error's poor eyesight.
    • Vision — Error can see through the eyes of the captured.
  • Communication — Error can communicate with the "askers", hearing them and answering their questions.


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 Error was revealed to be Geno after the events of Aftertale, who was messing around with his determination powers and accidentally sent himself into the antivoid. (Screenshot; Archived backup link)
  2. Although CQ does not state that herself, she does not correct the statement in the question, meaning that it is valid, or, at worst, close to truth.
  3. 3.0 3.1 This story was confirmed to be canon by loverofpiggies (Screenshot; Archived backup link)
  4. This will be updated after durability section is fully done.
  5. This part of reasoning is only applicable for the "With Crossovers" key.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Lasers emit real light by definition
  7. Although Geno did lie that Chara would end all timelines forever, this statement still applies to Error as the level of his danger was compared very specifically to this statement.
  8. "Hinted by Error's author" because she says "I never plan anything ever" when asked whether it is the same problem, and after she was told that she actually does plan everything, she shows a wink GIF, meaning that "I never plan anything ever" was a sarcastic way of saying "Yes".

Note 2: Cosmology is being worked on here.

Note 3: Credits to Palito for the gallery, since I've taken most of it from his Error page.

Note 4: Unfortunately, some archived links of an actual comic may not be working due to websites being sometimes unable to display Tumblr pictures. Also, some of those links are likely to take some time to load, especially if there are lots of images, so please be patient with them.




Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


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Statistics Values[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Around above 2.3 Kilojoules
  2. 2.0 2.1 3.8 Gigajoules
  3. 3.0 3.1 Infinite amount of infinite multiverses
  4. 4.0 4.1 3.0c
  5. Scales massively above 3.0c
  6. At least 920 kilograms
  7. At least 73000 kilograms, likely far higher