Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

It'll be easy for you since you're the Unlosing Ranger, right? It better be, or I'll be pissed.
~ Etranger Hanakikyou.

Super Baby
~ Super Baby.


Etranger Hanakikyou was the prophesied baby who would save the world and was said to have limitless power. She was kidnapped by Darkdeath Evilman who was going to kill her until the Unlosing Ranger showed up and lost, Super Baby then made a construct of itself to train the Unlosing Ranger to win.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 2-A, possibly High 2-A

Name: Etranger Hanakikyou, Super Baby

Origin: Z.H.P Unlosing Ranger Vs Darkdeath Evilman

Gender: Female

Age: A few months old

Classification: Human, Super Hero

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Aura, Forcefield Creation (Etranger is able to create forcefields strong enough to negate strikes from Darkdeath Evilman), Flight, Self-Sustenance (Type 1, Etranger is able to casually fly around in space without needing any air), Technopathy, Telepathy (Etranger can redirect radiowaves into someone's eyes so they can view live broadcasts and project a person's speech into someone else's head), Telekinesis (Telekinesis is stated to be one of Etranger's abilities even if she can't use it to lift up heavy objects), Teleportation (Etranger is able to teleport herself, others and objects across large distances), BFR (Etranger can teleport others across an entire galaxy to get them away from her), Avatar Creation(Etranger can create an avatar of middle-school self), Statistics Amplification, Size Manipulation (Etranger increased Darkdeath Evilman in size, increasing his powers vastly, Etranger also increased her own size till she was much larger than a normal human), Large Size (Type 1), Fourth Wall Awareness (Etranger is aware she is in a video game and can see the in-game text boxes), Transformation, Limited Age Manipulation (Etranger can transform from her infant self to her middle school self instantly as well as transform into a sea monster-human hybrid), Energy Projection (Etranger can shoot blasts of energy from her hands to make a psychic explosion and shoot lasers from her mouth), Resurrection (Etranger can transfer some of her powers over to a corpse to revive it), Summoning (Etranger's powers have shown the ability to summon beings from other universes), Duplication (Etranger can create solid holograms of people which are identical to them in every way, including their powers and abilities), Resistance to Extreme Heat, Radiation Manipulation (Etranger is able to casually survive in space without suffering any negative effects of the extreme temperatures or radiation), Fate Manipulation, Death Manipulation (Kept on living after her Bizarro Earth counterpart was killed despite the fact that regular Earth and Bizarro Earth counterparts share the same fate)

Attack Potency: Multiverse Level+ (Helped the Unlosing Ranger, Pirohiko Ichimonji and Dangerama to destroy Giga Giant Darkdeath Evilman, which is Darkdeath Evilman's strongest form that could tank the Dangerous Unlosing Hurricane which previously one-shot Giant Darkdeath Evilman who easily one-shot Dangerama who was easily beating the base Darkdeath Evilman who fought on par with Laharl who fought against and defeated Baal who, with just a fragment of his power, is far stronger than the malice powering the Prinny Bomb which was going to destroy every universe within the Nippon Ichi multiverse which there are an infinite number of universes within, Laharl has fought and defeated Alexander who destroyed every world in the multiverse over time, Laharl has defeated Metallia who helped Hundred Knight defeat and kill Niike who was able to destroy the ever-growing infinite worlds in the multiverse), possibly High Multiverse Level+ (Baal has a direct statement that the 4th dimension is nothing to him which implies he is 5th dimensional in terms of power)

Speed: Infinite (Can evade attacks from Darkdeath Evilman and fight on par with Giga Giant Darkdeath Evilman who fought on par with Laharl who fought on par with both Alexander, who destroyed every world in the multiverse, and Valvatorez who is able to defeat Fear the Great who was able to send out shockwaves that was destroying the multiverse with the multiverse which has been stated to be comprised of infinite "worlds" multiple times)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman physically (Managed to lift and throw the Unlosing Ranger easily), Unknown with Telekinesis (Is stronger than her normal lifting strength but Etranger has shown to be unable to move Giga Giant Darkdeath Evilman's body or a nuclear bomb)

Striking Strength: Multiverse Level+, possibly High Multiverse Level+

Durability: Multiverse Level+, possibly High Multiverse Level+

Stamina: Superhuman (Could dodge attacks from Darkdeath Evilman for several hours)

Range: Standard melee range, Extended melee with Baseball Bat, Interstellar (Created a psychic construct of herself on Bizarro Earth which is on the opposite side of the solar system to the regular version of Earth) to Multiversal (Etranger has summoned Etna from the Netherworld and telepathically communicated with Marona who lives in a different universe from her) with Psychic Powers

Standard Equipment: Baseball Bat

Intelligence: Genius (Despite being only a few months old, Etranger has shown the ability to surgically operate on the Unlosing Ranger and cybernetically augment his body)

Weaknesses: Etranger has a lack of experience due to being a baby, Etranger can be egotistical due to her nature of being the praised Super Baby
