~ F |

Season 1:
F is the main antagonist of the (kinda) Popular Indie Animation Series, Alphabet Lore, where F reeks havoc due to past trauma, Backstory: l and o bullied him and the rest of f.r.i.e.n.d.s in youth, got revenge by spelling "f.a.r.t" making it look like l farted, in revenge beated f and made f spell "f.r.i.c.k" which got every of the other letters mad and all beated up f and f cried back to his cave, then there came the F we know of today.
Epologue/Season 2 (as of episode 4):
he becames good again, until, him and N had an arguement because N wanted to save the other letters from getting beaten by the numbers. then L decides to bully F again by throwing the spaceship at him, though the "?" gem saves him, he gets curious and went inside the calculator spaceship and got too curious and started the spaceship till N pulls him away from the buttons, then he pushes N back and starts the ship, but O stopped F till he could'nt hold on anymore and let go of the spaceship, therefore making F fly into distant space.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: Low 7-B | 6-C
Key: Base Form | With Gems
Name: F
Origin: Alphabet Lore
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Letter
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Toon Force, Bodily Weaponry (Teeth), Social Influencing (Was able to trick X into dropping his gem in order to catch him off guard and kill him), Non-Physical Interaction and Soul Manipulation (Interacted with, ate and killed H by farting him out, who is a ghost), Body Control (Was able to control in body in a way that caused M to phase inside of him when he tried to attack him), Fusionism (Can fuse with other letters to form certain objects based on what word they spell) Inorganic Physiology (Is a Letter), Flight (With K) | Transformation (While not shown, he should be comparable to every other gem wielder who undergoes a transformation sequence when they activate their gem) Paralysis Inducement (Via the “.” gem, which is capable of freezing those hit by it in place) Time Manipulation (Via the “,” gem, which is able to fire a laser that slows down the time of those hit by it) Magnetism Manipulation (Via the “:” and “;” gems, which are able to attract people towards them to a point where they are stuck) Statistics Amplification and Afterimage Creation (Via the “!” gem, which grants the user enhanced speed as well as run fast enough to make it seem like they are in 2-3 places at once) Duplication (Via the “*” gem, which makes the user be able to generate many clones of themselves) Flight (Wielders of gems have been shown the ability to fly) Energy Projection (Upon activating all of the gems at once, the combined power of the gems can fire rainbow laser)
Attack Potency: Small City (In this case, Comparable to Striking Strength) | Island (M, using the “,” gem, was able to restrain 1’s spaceship completely just as it started to take off)
Speed: Subsonic physically (Was able to outrun C, A, and B after they turned into a cab to chase him) | Supersonic (The “!” gem granted P to Create Afterimages)
Lifting Strength: Class 100 (F throws D SUPER far) | Class G (M, using the “,” gem, was able to restrain 1’s spaceship completely just as it started to take off)
Striking Strength: Small City (Comparable to Durability.)
Durability: Small City (Should be Comparable to L, When I's Projectile aimed at L [in L's Episode] L Casually Reflects It, Seemingly Unfazed, then it aims Vertically and hits something which is probably Z's Tears, which are 3615.57147082 meters large from this, and according to this, It scales to that.)
Stamina: Superhuman (can run for far distances and was never seen tired)
Range: Standard melee range | Tens of Meters
Standard Equipment: The Gems (if he contains them).
Intelligence: Above Average (Good at Strategy)
Weaknesses: None Notable