WARNING: This page contains content that might be inappropriate for younger or sensitive viewers. This includes intense brutal descriptions of gore and violence. You might want to back away if you are sensitive to these things.
Fang is a tyrannosaurus whose hatchlings were devoured by other horned tyrannosaurs. Thus, she teams up with Spear, a caveman who also lost his family to the dinosaurs, on a journey across their prehistoric world and the dangers it holds.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: At least 9-A | 8-B
Key: Season 1 | Season 2
Name: Fang
Origin: Primal
Gender: Female
Age: Unkown
Classification: Therapod Dinoasur, Tyrannosaurus Rex
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Large Size (Type 0)
- Natural Weaponry
- Skilled Combatant (Knows most Dinosaurs and other creatures Weaknesses. Highly skilled fighter for a predator.)
- Regeneration (Low in Combat, Low-Mid over time; healed a broken leg in 3 days.)
- Acrobatics (Hypermobility; is a etrodinary jumper.)
Resistance to the following:
- Limited Resistance to Mind Manipulation (Fought off a witch's mind control for a bit.)
Attack Potency: At least Small Building Level+ (Smashed two boulders. Killed the Night Feeder with the help of Spear, the later of which could create a shockwave this powerful.) | City Block Level (Far stronger than before. Smashed a steel gate with this much force. Can harm those who can harm her. Was able to cause a earthquake in a cave by roaring.)
Speed: Superhuman Travel speed (Faster than Spear) with Supersonic Combat and Reactions speed (Scaling from Spear) | Superhuman Travel speed (Faster than Spear) with Supersonic Combat and Reactions speed
Lifting Strength: Class 10 (Could send a woolly mammoth flying.) | Class G (Can charge with this much force.)
Striking Strength: Small Building Class+ | City Block Class
Durability: Small Building Level+ (Can trade blows with others comparable or stronger than her. Was slammed by a Giant spider and Gorilla.) | City Block Level (More Durable than before. Comparable to Spear, who survived a explosion.)
Stamina: Superhuman | Superhuman
Range: Extended Melee Range via size
- Teeth and Tail
Intelligence: Average. (Somewhat animalistic, but a clever and perceptive hunter, tricked bats into bringing her to their master's cave by playing dead. Knows most Creatures weakness and is surprisingly good in Close Quarters Combat.)
Weaknesses: Fire. Afraid of snakes or anything that resembles them, such as worms.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: