Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

In the past, we have encouraged users to create new pages for powers and abilities they thought the wiki lacked. However, as of now, we want new pages to be approved by the staff, meaning that new powers and abilities pages must be suggested. This can be done in our official Discord server in the suggestion channel, or messaged to a staff member. Of course, users can always create blogs about powers and abilities to include in their profiles if they don't want to attempt creating official pages. Linking to other wikis' powers and abilities pages is also permitted.


Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Ozai Fire Bending


Fire Manipulation, also commonly referred to as Pyrokinesis, is the power to manipulate and generate fire.

Users can rapidly oxidate a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products.


  • Control and discipline are extremely important. Unconscious, emotion-influenced, or impulsive use of this power can be catastrophic.
  • Fire immunity and/or thermal resistance isn't always part of the package, so users may burn themselves as well.
    • May not be immune to other side-effects/products, such as smoke.
  • May be limited to controlling/immunity to their own fire.
  • Unless the user has extreme power of fire, they may be susceptible to the principles of the fire triangle, that being:
    • Oxygen is needed as a comburent.
    • Sufficient lack of heat may complicate things.
    • Some kind of fuel to burn is needed.
  • Users may face countermeasures from manipulation of water, ice, and/or heat.

Known Users[]
