Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Fred Figglehorn was born on December 18, 2002 in a bar. He comes from a dysfunctional home-- his father had left his mother before he was born and is incarcerated on death row in the Eastern State Penitentiary. His mother later became a drug-addicted and alcoholic prostitute who is neglectful towards him, leaving him in the care of his grandmother sometimes and occasionally locked him in a cage.

Outside of his family, he also deals with his crush Judy and his bully Kevin-- and being picked on by both. However, this doesn't stop him from trying different things and gaining new experiences. With an energetic and naive attitude throughout the original web series, he starts off uploading sporadic videos of him celebrating various holidays.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 2-A

Name: Bagel Fredrick Figglehorn

Origin: FRED

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Classification: Human

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts (Trained with Steve the Cookie [1]), Vehicular Mastery (Shown to be good at driving motor cycles), Shapeshifting (Has changed his color and even turned into a bat), Astral Projection, Flight, Invisibility, Intangibility (Can create a ghost projection of himself capable of turning invisible and moving through solid objects), Teleportation (Can teleport in puffs of smoke), Duplication (Can create duplicates of himself), Size Manipulation (Can become small enough to sit ontop of a back acne cream bottle), Animal Manipulation (Can communicate with animals and even get them to do things for him, most notably rats), Cloth Manipulation (Can change the clothing of himself and others with a snap), Reality Warping (Can change the color of everything around him with a snap. Freds imagination is capable of affecting reality in someways. Like after having a dream of himself being a 90s kid he wakes up looking just like how he did in his dreams [2]. This isn't an isolated incident as he created the idea of an Expired Cow that would later come after him in the episode, but at the end of the episode its confirmed that the Expired Cow was real despite everything in the episode up to that point being seen by everyone else as Fred imagining things[3]. Or how Fred often imagines John Cena who despite being an seen as imaginary by people such as Freds mother, is capable of physically interacting with the world around him and has even been seen by people in later movies[4]. Freds imagination becoming reality could also explain some other things in the series. Like how his music teacher, Mr Devlin, was thought to be a vampire by Fred. But this would be deconfined when he has a reflection, but at the end of the movie he ends up not having a reflection anymore[5]. And how Fred makes up a story about an Evil Fred from an far off planet exactly like ours but the opposite, and despite being dismissed is confirmed at the end of the episode to have been true[6]),Plot Manipulation (Fred altered the "Last Time on Fred" to make it into an action spy show before showing what actually happened last episode[7]), Summoning (Whenever Fred needs advice or assistance he tends to imagine up some form of assistance, whether it be John Cena, Steve the Cookie, Fredo, Derf, or whoever best fits his current problem) Fourth Wall Awareness (Fred often talks directly to the audience throughout Fred the Movie and Fred the Show. Fred can even directly interact with the camera man, forcing them to focus on him specifically [8]. People also seem unaware of these Fourth Wall Breaks and choose not to interact with Fred when he does them), Hammerspace (Can have people off camera throw him items that he needs[9]),Time Manipulation (Capable of stopping time when breaking the fourth wall), Emotional Manipulation, Minor Poison Manipulation (His love potion is capable of making anyone fall in love with whoever they see, and doubles as a potent bug poison[10]), Adhesive Manipulation (Has glue powerful enough to restrain people physically comparable to himself[11]), Explosion Manipulation (With his baking soda bomb[12]), and Fire Manipulation (With his Tiki Torch)

Attack Potency: High Multiverse Level+ (Capable of restraining his dad who is confirmed to be the WWE John Cena, and the fight in Fred 2 happened during a WWE Smackdown Event. And events in Freds dreams do actually happen as shown in Fred the Show where he learns about the 90s and gets an entierly new look in his dreams that carry over into real life[13]. Meaning Fred would scale to actual WWE John Cena who can scale to wrestlers who transcend time and space and people that come from the 5th Dimension like Stardust)

Speed: Immeasurable (Keeps up with John Cena who scales to those who tranced time)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: High Multiverse Level+

Durability: High Multiverse Level+ (Commonly takes abuse from John Cena)

Stamina: Average

Range: Standard Melee Range

Standard Equipment:

  • Love Potion: A potion created by Fred himself, capable of making anyone fall in love (even with inanimate objects). In addition, it can also kill bugs, cause hiccups, and attract dogs to whoever is sprayed by it
  • Super Glue: Normal Super Glue, although it is strong enough to hold down Kevin. Who is usually portrayed as stronger than Fred
  • Anti-Vampire Gear: Equipment used for combating against Vampires. Including wooden stakes and squirt guns filled with garlic sauce
  • Baking Soda Bomb: A homemade bomb strong enough to blow holes through walls

Intelligence: Gifted (Despite not appearing so, Fred is surprisingly smart. He crafted a robotic replica of himself that was fully functional from stuff around his room[14] and invented a love potion. And while trapped in his basement he could create his own working phone[15]. He even created and ran his own successful business with no prior experience at only 17)

Weaknesses: Afraid of alot of things including fireworks, snowmen, reindeer, elves, mailmen and the dark


  1. The Expired Cow
  2. Spirit of the 90s
  3. The Expired Cow
  4. Camp Fred
  5. Night of the Living Fred
  6. Evil Fred Part 2
  7. Evil Fred Part 2
  8. Fred and the Scary Movie
  9. A Visit From Grandma
  10. Love Potion
  11. Six Degrees of Kevin's Bacon
  12. Fred and the Scary Movie
  13. Spirit of the 90s
  14. Evil Fred Part 1
  15. Fred Gets Trapped