Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Fuad himself is a Supreme Being in the realm of <Afterlife>, because Fuad himself is its creator. The origins of Fuad are part of the Emperor of the Homoek Culture kingdom in the Miawlight area. But unfortunately, Fuad had lost them all because they had all been killed by Satan.

After that, Fuad erased Miawlight's existence to vent his anger, but Miawlight didn't completely disappear because he didn't forget that Miawlight was God, Windah's messenger.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 7-C, High 7-C with Ngawiers Sword | 8-C With his fist, Likely 8-A, Far Higher . 7-C with Ngawiers Sword, Far Higher | 8-C with his fist, Likely 8-A with super fist . 7-C with Ngawiers Sword, Likely 2-A With super Ngawiers | 7-C with Ngawiers, Likely 6-A with Ultimate Ngawiers Skill, Far Higher | 5-C with Super Fist . 7-C with Ngawiers, Likely Low 1-C With Ngawiers God | 2-C, Likely Low 1-C with Ngawiers Super God | High 1-B, Likely 1-A

Name: Fuad Shilverd, Heaven's hero

Origin: Windah Verse & Windah Verse Game

Gender: Male

Age: Inappicable


Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery, Elemental Manipulation & Energy Manipulation(Elements come out of his hands through mana), Immortality (Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8), Acausality (Type 4; Literally, Fuad is the Supreme Being in Afterlife. And he is no longer related to the natural laws that exist there. Because he made it himself), Plot Manipulation (Write stories to influence the realms of fiction and reality), Fear Manipulation (Makes the members of the God's council afraid of his presence), Mathematics Manipulation (Mathematical concepts are meaningless if they have been slashed using Ngawiers), Transduality (Type 3), Teleportation & Dimensional Travel (Teleportation to the next dimension), Time Manipulation (Completely control time), Resistance to Time Manipulation (Really running in linear time that has stopped), Transformation (Human form, god form, and author form), Dimensional Storage, Void Manipulation, Body Control (Control fiction according to his wishes live), Blood Manipulation (Sucking blood for the prosperity of his sword), Statistics Amplification (His review destroys space time), Nonexistent Physiology (Type 2, All Aspects) Time Stop (2× Above Baseline), Abstract Existence (Type 1), Social Influencing & Death Manipulation(Makes everyone around die of fear and it's instant). Logic Manipulation (The five logics are no longer meaningful), Poison Manipulation & Space-Time Manipulation (Emits dangerous poisonous smoke with every breath, the damage can melt anything that is hit by the poisonous smoke, even space-time), Quantum Manipulation, Avatar Creation (Create a subordinate to spy on Kagaya), Life Manipulation (The subordinate's life can be arranged as he pleases), Magic (Creates great magic and has unlimited levels), Resurrection (Mid-Godly; Can get up after being shot in the brain several times, and Fuad uses his base form {Human}), Law Manipulation (The laws of nature are changed with authority.) Resistance to Plot Manipulation (,When a god creates a new narrative for those who no longer follow his narrative, the fuad does not change even though all the structures have changed due to the change in narrative), Resistance to Time Manipulation (Even fighting with the god of time, when the god of time stops time, fuad can still walk and stop time at the 100th layer to surpass the god of time) Enhanced Senses (Increased senses after upgrading his form to the 2nd body where that form is a divine form), Existence Erasure (With Ngawiers, can remove Miawlight easily), Information Manipulation & Resistance to Law Manipulation(Type 1; All answers are correct, if they come from Fuad's mouth and are absolute), Soul Manipulation (Attracts the souls of his subordinates to feed Ngawiers' sword), Cosmic Awareness, Reactive Evolution & Absorption (Increases the power of his <Hack Power> to attract the power of enemies who are stronger than him, even if it exceeds his limits, he can still contain it until he surpasses that enemy), Size Manipulation (Atoms are enlarged by Fuad, and shrink the Afterlife realm to rearrange), Darkness Manipulation (Satan's dark realm is made into heaven), [[

Attack Potency: Town level, High Town level (Armor Menebas milik yakuchito) | Building level, likely Multi-City Block level (Can destroy cities with fists that have been given by God), Far Higher | Town level, far higher . Building level, likely Multi-City Block level . Town level, likely Multiverse level | Town level, likely Continent level, Far Higher . Moon level | Town level, likely Low Complex Multiverse level (Killed one of the <Pre-Multi Realm> executives) | Multi-Universe level, likely Low Complex Multiverse level (Become a superior occupying one of the <Pre-Multi Realm> guardian executive seats) | High Hyperverse level, Likely Outerverse level (With the creation of Afterlife)

Speed: FTL+ | FTL+ | Immeasurable | FTL+ | Immeasurable | Immeasurable | immeasurable

Lifting Strength: Immeasurable

Striking Strength: Town level, High Town level with Ngawiers Sword | Building level with his fist, likely Multi-City Block level, far higher | Town level with Ngawiers Sword, far higher | Building level with his fist, likely Multi-City Block level with super fist | Town level with Ngawiers Sword, likely Multiverse level with super Ngawiers | Town level with Ngawiers, likely Continent level with Ultimate Ngawiers Skill, far higher | Moon level with Super Fist | Town level with Ngawiers, likely Low Complex Multiverse level with Ngawiers God | Multi-Universe level, likely Low Complex Multiverse level with Ngawiers Super GOD | High Hyperverse level, Likely Outerverse level

Durability: Town level, High Town level with Ngawiers Sword | Building level with his fist, likely Multi-City Block level, far higher | Town level with Ngawiers Sword, far higher | Building level with his fist, likely Multi-City Block level with super fist | Town level with Ngawiers Sword, likely Multiverse level with super Ngawiers | Town level with Ngawiers, likely Continent level with Ultimate Ngawiers Skill, far higher | Moon level with Super Fist | Town level with Ngawiers, likely Low Complex Multiverse level with Ngawiers God | Multi-Universe level, likely Low Complex Multiverse level with Ngawiers Super GOD | High Hyperverse level, Likely Outerverse level

Stamina: Infinite (In human or god form, even in Author form)

Range: Low Multiversal (With Ngaiwers, and in the end he rose to become a hero of heaven), Likely Low Complex Multiversal . (Rise to become an author) Eventually High Outerverse level

Standard Equipment: None Notable

Intelligence: Genius

Standard Tactics: None notable

Key: Kagaya lv 1 | Kagaya lv 2 | kagaya lv4 | kagaya lv5 | kagaya lv Ω
