Ganado (ガナード ganādo) is the term given to a human victim of the Subordinate Plaga Species used by Los Iluminados. The word is derived from the Spanish word "ganado", which means "livestock" in general, but can refer to bovines in particular.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 9-A, 8-C with RPG
Name: Ganado
Origin: Resident Evil 4 (2005)
Gender: Varies
Age: Varies
Classification: Villager, Cultists, Zealot, Soldier
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Varies), Immortality (Type 2) & Multiple Selves (Type 3. Ganados and other beings enhanced by Plagas, large parasites that live within them and control them, can withstand headshots and other sorts of deadly wounds as the Plaga is effectively maneuvering them)
Attack Potency: Small Building level (Can break down barricade doors and windows, should be more stronger than T-virus zombies, Can harm Leon), Building level+ with RPG (The RPG in Resident evil is capable of killing El Gigante)
Speed: Average Human
Lifting Strength: Class 10 (Able to push large boulder off the cliff. Should be comparable to Leon)
Striking Strength: Small Building Class
Durability: Small Building level, higher with body armor
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: Standard melee range, hundreds of meters with crossbow and RPG
Standard Equipment: Varies such as axe, sickle, knife, pitchfork, crossbow, dynamite, shield, scythe, RPG,...etc
Intelligence: At least Average, possibly Above Average (Ganados are capable of coming up with plans in groups and overall show human-like behavior, but act in relatively basic ways in combat)
Weaknesses: Plagas are killed by bright lights, and as such will not emerge during the day. If the Plaga within them is destroyed, they will also die.