Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
George Ikaruga


George Ikaruga (イカルガ・ジョージ, Ikaruga Jōji) is a former soccer (football) player who became a member of GUYS during Ultraman Mebius' time on Earth. He is a former all-star soccer player, though he broke his leg for a time and had to sit out of his games for a few years. He has a kicking skill named Shooting Star Shot. At the start of the series, a doctor tells him that his knee is finally well enough for him to play soccer again. Ikaruga feels a need to live up to the image that was created for him; that he is a celebrity. He was often looked down upon by his former soccer teammates who thought that he had "sold out". He joins GUYS in order to find some form of purpose in his life. As a former soccer player, he has fast eyes and reflexes, which translate into a natural affinity for METEOR-assisted flying, and this makes him the only person in the team capable of using the METEOR Shot's 'Amazing Triple Shot' function. He is known to mix Spanish into his Japanese sentences. Although he can swim, he admits he does not wish to be involved in any missions at sea because of bad experiences he had in the ocean (and with seafood), and does not wish to be involved in deep-space missions as well.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-B

Name: George Ikaruga

Origin: Ultraman Mebius

Gender: Male

Age: 20 years old

Classification: Human, GUYS (Guards for UtilitY Situation), All-star soccer player (former)

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Skilled in using Triger Shot and METEOR Shot), Enhanced Eyesight (George has exception eyesight being able to notice things faraway before others), Vehicular Mastery (George is a trained GUYS pilot), Martial Arts (As a member of GUYS, he should have trained hand to hand combats), Limited Summoning (Can summons any kaijus with METEOR Shot for 60 seconds)

Attack Potency: Wall level (Kicked the ball hard enough to caused it on fire and even made a hole on the wall)

Speed: Athletic Human (Geogre is a football/soccer player and thus he should be on this speed level)

Lifting Strength: Peak Human

Striking Strength: Wall Class

Durability: Wall level (Comparable to his AP)

Stamina: High (A trained member of GUYS should be on this level)

Range: Standard Melee Range physically, Hundreds of Meters with Triger Shot and MEOTER Shot)

Standard Equipment:

  • Memory Display (メモリーディスプレイ, Memorī Disupurei): Small mobile pad which is the member certificate of GUYS. It has the following uses: Communication, image analysis, Maquette Monster materialization, cooperation with Triger Shot, and startup certification of Gun Speeder.
  • Triger Shot (トライガーショット, Toraigā Shotto): It is a laser beam gun used by rotating three cylinders named Triple Chamber. It is most commonly used for short range fighting but will sometimes be used in long range battles. If the Red Chamber is chosen, a red beam named Acute Arrow can be used. If the Yellow Chamber is chosen, a yellow high energy fireball named Buster Bred can be used. If the Blue Chamber is chosen, a blue barrier field named Capture Cube is formed, and a blue beam named Neuron Neutralizer can be used as well.
  • METEOR Shot (メテオールショット, Meteōru Shotto): It first appears in episode 19. If it is loaded loads with Memory Display, the display and sound which are named "METEOR OVER DRIVE" appear on the display screen. Electric activity of the brain is detected by the scanner built in helmet. The ballistic trajectory of the discharged bullet can be controlled, obstacles can also be avoided this way. Although there is a function which can attack three enemies simultaneously which is named Amazing Triple, most humans cannot yet use this attack. However, George was able to use it thanks to his skills. Professor Asami Fujisawa manufactured a beam named Region Restrictor which extinguishes the gate of a different world. Teppei manufactured the cartridge named Spirit Separator into which a girl's soul is made to separate from Femigon.
  • GUYS Tough Book (GUYSタフブック, Gaizu Tafu Bukku): It first appears in episode 24. It is a notebook PC (Panasonic Tough Book) type METEOR strengthening tool of GUYS. Capsule type media are mainly used. Maquette Monster can be grown to their full size by inserting the Maquette Capsule and Element Capsule and transferring the data of an Element Capsule to Maquette Capsule. Outside Japan, many laptops companies under GUYS Tough Book.

Intelligence: High (Is a trained member of GUYS. As a former soccer player, he has fast eyes and reflexes, which translate into a natural affinity for METEOR-assisted flying, and this makes him the only person in the team capable of using the METEOR Shot's 'Amazing Triple Shot' function)

Weaknesses: None notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
