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Glamrock Freddy

GR Freddy's Stats
Glamrock Freddy is one of the playable characters from Security Breach: Fury's Rage. Glamrock Freddy wears a jean jacket with ripped out sleeves and jean pants. He wears black fist guards and a belt. Some of his hair is tied back into a ponytail.
Powers & Stats[]
Tier: High 8-C, possibly 2-C, to High 2-A+
Name: Glamrock Freddy
Origin: Five Nights At Freddy's Game World
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, 20's - 30's
Classification: Bear, Martial Artist
Powers and Abilities:
Regular Human Abilities, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Type 2 and 3), Inorganic Physiology (Type 2), Stealth Mastery, Immortality (Types 2), Illusion Creation and Technology Manipulation (Eyes produce minor light), Bodily Weaponry (Teeth), Martial Arts, Acrobatics, Chi Manipulation and Projection, Fire Manipulation, Air Manipulation and Restricted Flight (Via Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku), Status Effect Inducement (By hitting the opponent repeteadly, without them being able to recover, he can cause them to enter the "Stun" status, which leaves them unable to react), Rage Power (Rage allows him to get stronger)
Attack Potency: Large Building Level (Should be stronger than Springtrap, can fight the Dreamgeist who is taller than Freddy by 3 times [About 18 to 20 feet] witch is the size of a building.), possibly Universe Level (Can fight Amnidude witch may be comparable to his Fnaf World self), to High Multiverse Level+ (Scales to Mr. Chipper, who scale to his son, who transcended Space-Time and Infinity [It's implied they take place in the same game world])
Speed: Subsonic Travel/Reaction Speed (Faster than other animaronics who can disappear at the flick of a camera/eye), possibly Immeasurable Travel/Reaction Speed (Comparable to the Fnaf World Animatronics)
Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Can rip people apart), maybe Class K (Fury game is based on fighting games like MK and Street Fighter)
Striking Strength: Large Building Level, possibly Universe Level to High Multiverse Level+
Durability: Large Building Level, possibly Universe Level to High Multiverse Level+
Stamina: Superhuman (Can function throughout day and night for hours without tiring.), possibly Higher
Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters with attacks
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Above Average (Knows Martial Arts and knows many types of attacks)
Weaknesses: None Notable