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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
What drives you to such lengths? I cannot fathom you. Then, the mage answered. There's things I want to protect, things I must protect. Those thoughts cause infinite power to rise from my depths. They enable me to rise again... yup... I rise again.


Glenn Radars (グレン=レーダス, Guren Rēdasu) is the protagonist of the Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor series. He unwillingly became the substitute teacher at the age of 19 at the greatest academy in Fejito . Glenn at a young age became apart of the imperial mage court due to his phenomenal skill in magic, known as "The Fool". He was also known as an assassin due to his killing techniques. However, his time in the imperial army made him grow hatred for magic, as he believed it it only brought death and destruction, and his past in the army was erased from the record books, to the point not even the greatest staff at the academy knew. After seeing the passion the students have for magic, Glenn decided to actually try and no longer be lazy, teaching students the true form of magic rather than just teaching them a bunch of random spells and their passion made Glenn once again utilize his skill in magic. Glenn would go on to be one of the best professors at the university all the while dealing with evil organizations that plan to rule the world by acquiring The Akashic Records.

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Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 8-C, likely 8-B with normal spells and striking, far higher with C ranked military spells, at least 7-A to Low 6-B with B ranked military spells | High 1-A | High 1-A | High 1-A

Name: Real name is unknown, Glenn Radars (Name given to him by Celica Arfornia)

Origin: Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor

Gender: Male

Age: 19 | Over 2000 years old though the concept of numbers has become meaningless to him.

Classification: Human, Professor of magic, Formerly an assassin, Formerly Imperial Court Mage Number #0: "The Fool" | The Greatest Magician in History | The Mage of Justice, #21: The Fool Hero, "THE WORLD reached by THE FOOL"

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts Mastery (Being a military mage, Glenn is beyond regular mages who learn Fencing, Boxing, Magic dueling, all rounds of Physical Education, Rugby, Karate, etc. Beyond this he is a master of the military mage fighting style which visually looks like a mix of boxing, kickboxing, Judo and multiple other forms of combat sports. It should be noted anything, be it a spell or fighting technique that has the name "military" in it is far beyond anything students at even the highest of universities teach. Glenn is regarded as one of the best fighters in the military and in cases where he has sealed all magic he has always had an advantage in hand to hand combat. Glenn is especially good at boxing and has mixed it with magic, noting how Magic and Boxing has a similar flow in offense and defense. Glenn has been stated many times to be outstanding at martial arts even compared to other imperial level mages. Won a boxing tournament against undefeated world class boxers while restricting his capabilities. Despite being praised for his magical knowledge, Glenn is more confident in his hand-to-hand and believes his martial arts is better than any aspect of magic.), Enhanced Senses, Extrasensory Perception, Clairvoyance (Magicians have far sight magic and there are infinite ways for magicians to gather information. Glenn is stated to have an extremely sharp sense, described as his temples burning and warning him of danger even against those who use barriers that can mask their presence. Magicians can sense magical waves and can sense if the laws of the world have been tampered with. Can sense into far distances and the spell [Accurate Scope] allowed Glenn to see into a lab as if he was inside the lab himself.), Telepathy (Magicians can read minds), Non-Physical Interaction (Magic can harm ghost/spirits and it is used to interact with the consciousness realm, a realm devoid of all concepts.), Extreme Pain Tolerance (Glenn was heavily wounded and continued to further get stabbed, gushing out a large amount of blood and suffering from mana deficiency. Despite this he could continue to fight and defeat his enemy), Magic, Reality Warping, Subjective Reality, Physics Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Mathematics Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Creation (Magic is the pursuit of the reality of the world, magic rules and governs the structure of the world, allowing humanity to find their way into a higher dimension of existence. Magic studies mathematics and all natural sciences. Magic can manipulate the rules of the world as well as its laws with a fundamental law of the world being that all things exist in poles/duality. The true form of magic is the study of the cognition of man, allowing magicians to influence their deeper consciousness through autosuggestion. Magic reforms and manipulates the consciousness of magicians, a realm that is devoid of the concept of time, direction and likely all concepts to create and do amazing things and make even the simpliest of spells be extremely powerful. All magic is derived from The Primordial Soul, the root of all concepts), Gravity Manipulation (Magicians can fly by manipulating gravity and can increase the gravity of their own body to overpower their opponents by weight alone.), Transmutation (Glenn's school hosts tournaments where the transmuation spell is a common event.), Sleep Manipulation (The spell [Sleep Sound] puts the target into a deep sleep), Automatic Translation (The spell [Read Language] allows magicians to read new languages), Reactive Evolution (Magicians gain a resistance to abilities they've encountered before.), Memory Manipulation, Curse Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Madness Manipulation (Type 2) and Emotional Manipulation (Memory and Mind Manipulation are among the most basic abilities that students should master before graduating. They can manipulate their own minds to forget someone or something. Magicians can use spells that make their target behave inappropriately and the spell <<Marionette Dance>> can turn the target into their puppets. The arrangement of memories in particular is said to be a simple abilities and a student had erased their memories of their professor. Magicians can read the memories of objects. The spell Phantasmal Force causes illusions that makes the target lose their sanity and enter a state of disarray. The spell <<Mind Up>> increases ones resistance to mind-based abilities and can be greater if the magician naturally has a strong mind. The spell was used in a spiritual fortitude competition, where a professor used mind based abilities on students and they would use mind up to increase their resistance, and then the professor would amplify the mind based hax to overcome their resistance until the students couldn't use mind up anymore in an elimination style competition. There is a special mind control spell that only powerful magicians can use that puts a curse on the targets mind. The user can speak specific words to make the targets heart feel weak and question themselves whenever the user is near and says the specific words. The spell will infinitely erode the targets heart. Unlike regular mind control spells, this spell acts as if the target is mind controlling themselves, rendering spells like mind up or innate mental resistances useless. After multiple amplifications of the mind hax during the spiritual fortitude competition and overcoming the students mind hax resistance many times, the professor used Mind Break the most powerful mind and spiritual control spell which if left unrestrained would immediately turn the target into a vegetative state. The strongest students managed to overcome 31 amplifications to the mind based abilities), Afterimage Creation (Glenn can create afterimages.), Power Modification, Text Manipulation (Glenn and magicians in general can change the incantation and texts of spells to make them do different things. Such as changing the incantation of Shock Bolt can shorten its range or adding commas can make the attack curve.), BFR, Void Manipulation, Soul Manipulation (The white magic spell [Saint Fire] returns a soul to its proper cycle and the forbidden spell [Gehenna Gate] sends the targets soul into an eternity of nothingness.), Electricity Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement (The spell [Shock Bolt] is one of the first spells magicians learn, used to paralyze the enemy. Magicians can attack with lightning), Statistics Manipulation, Speed Manipulation (Can decipher his or an opponents speed, making himself faster and/or his opponent slower.), Fire Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation (The spell [Fire Torch] can cause an explosion of fire), Analytical Prediction (Glenn has the unique ability to subconsciously perceive the slightest of possibilities from the smallest of clues, allowing him to perceive danger in a way no other magicians, even Celica, the strongest of them cannot.), Biological Manipulation (The spell "Rhythm Cancel" returns ones biology to its lawful or original state.), Ice Manipulation (Mages can manipulate ice and freeze their opponents in ice forever.), Air Manipulation, Sound Manipulation (The spell [Condensed Voice] can manipulate sound from a distance. The spell [Air Conditioning] manipulates and changes the temperatures and humidity of the surrounding area.), Purification (The spell [Purify Light] creates a pure light source that keeps evil spirits away.), Psychometry, Weapon Mastery (The spell [Load Experience] allows a magician to tap into the memories of a object, usually a weapon, and gives the casters all the knowledge and skills ever user of the weapon ever had.), Power Nullification (The spell [Dispel Force] nullifies the power of a target and nullifies it.), Shapeshifting, Illusion Creation (The spell [Self Polymorph] allows the user to polymorph into someone else and the spell [Self Illusion] allows the user to cast illusions), Light Manipulation (The spell [Flash Light] creates an intense flash of light to blind the opponents eyes.), Regeneration (Low), Healing (Healing spells are considered basic for military mages. The spell [Life up] increases the users regeneration abilities), Elemental Manipulation/Summoning (Teachers have knowledge on summoning. Glenn taught his students to create elemental creatures.), Invisibility (Glenn taught his students to create invisible hands), Sealing ([Spell Seal] makes someone unable to use magic), Immersion and Plot Manipulation (Glenn entered a notebook with his spiritual body and originally was viewing the content within it in the third person perspective, however he realized that someone manipulated the notebook and shifted him into the first person perspective, effectively making him a character in the story to rewrite its contents and hide some important information, noting the ability to do so as lame. Ferrod manipulated the plot/narrative of the story, making it so attacks wont reach a distance they should have because he scripted events to make sure they don't and was going to end the narrative of the story, however, Glenn's existence alone changed the script he worked on for thousands of years, making it so the narrative went as it should have without Ferrods involvement.)

Conceptual Manipulation (Imperial mages are knowledgeable of many types of concepts such as the concept of [human dreams] and [demons]. They are aware of how there are concepts that are weak and concepts that are strong, which is a law of the world that magic can manipulate. Magicians can create conceptual weapons that embody powerful demon generals. Glenn can make his all his physical attacks conceptual in nature as it was referenced as being as simple as 1+1 to Celica who he learned all his magical abilities from, and even being able to explain such things easier than she can according to his students despite Celica being stronger. Glenn was taught how to control time which carries the concept of destruction.), Attack Reflection (Military magicians can intercept incantations to reflect the magic back at the user.), Summoning (Glenn likely scales to fellow imperial mage Albert Frazer, who can summon conceptual weapons that embody transdual demons), Sealing (Military mages each have a specific ability unique to them. Glenn's signature technique, [The Fool's World] completely nullifies and seals all magic activation in the space that he is occupying), Poison Manipulation, Soul Manipulation ([The Fools Stab] is an original magic Glenn developed that when shot from point blank range, ignores the physical body and directly attacks the spirit and soul, eroding it with poison and killing them.), Durability Negation, Regeneration Negation (At least High-Godly), Immortality Negation (Types 1, 3, 5), Existence Erasure (By using [Plasma Cannon], [Inferno Fire] and [Freezing Hell] together, Glenn in the same way as Celica can erase people from existence. Glenn's most powerful offensive ability which he learned from Celica, [Extinction Ray] returns the target to their original element, in the case of living creatues and even demons who are transdual, it erases them beyond a physical level, at a point of true annihiliation, erasing them existence and the world, which would include the consciousness which is a transdual realm. Glenn has killed a ghost that transcended the concepts of life and death)

Soul Manipulation (The A ranked spell, Sacrifice, takes the soul of a target to trigger a large scale explosion using pure concentrated magic), Danmaku (Most A ranked spells a large in scale, cover entire areas and attack in all directions.), Summoning (The A ranked spell [Meteor Shower Call] brings forth a meteor shower, that spreads across an enter area), Electricity Manipulation (The A ranked spell [Strike Judgement] creates a massive storm and strikes targets with lightning. The B ranked spell [Lightning Pierce] is the military version of Shock Bolt and unlike the former is fatal. The spell [Plasma Canon] is a B ranked military spell creates an electrical energy beam which explodes upon impact), Fire Manipulation (The A ranked spell [Red Crimson Purgatory] turns an entire area to a sea of flames. The B ranked spell [Blaze Burst], a military spell that can reduce the target to ash. The B ranked spell [Hellfire] can burn the skin of someone just by being near the caster.), Ice Manipulation (The A ranked spell [Eternal Cocytus] freezes an entire area. Military mages can use the spell [Ice Blizzard] to freeze someones blood in an instant and make their heart stop), Wind Manipulation, Flight (The C ranked military spell [Shred Tempest] creates a storm that unleashes countless numbers of air blades that impale the target, and blades closer to the center are even stronger. Due to the strength of the wind, spells that require vocal chanting are disturbed. By continuiously using [Rapid Stream] magicians can fly)

Resistance to Magic, Reality Warping, Subjective Reality, Physics Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Mathematics Manipulation, Text Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation and other Magic (Magicians by nature have resistance to magic itself, the stronger ones control, the better they can resist any and all techniques they or others possess.), Electricity Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation (The spell [Tri Varnish] gives magicians resistance to the elements and the spell [Tri Resist] amplifies resistances to tempretures.), Power Nullification (Offensive B ranked military spells cannot be nullified.), Precognition (Glenn is the only person resistant to Jastice's eye, which allows him to see the entire universe and all things in it, from physical quantities, non-physical things, matter and even thoughts as a string of numbers and complex formulas from a fourth dimensional perspective. In this state he can perceive all actions through numbers in a similar way to Precognition.), Mind Manipulation, Sleep Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Madness Manipulation and Emotional Manipulation (Magicians naturally resist mind based abilities. The spell [Mind Up] increases ones mental resistance multiple times. The greater a magicians will the greater they can resist mind based magic abilities. Glenn's mental resistance should be greater than Rumia's, who in a mind control competition resisted mind control even though it was amplified multiple times and where she amplified her own mental resistance and where the rest of the students fell. There was about 31 increases to mental resistances performed by Rumia who Glenn surpasses in mental fortitude. Resisted a mental attack that directly attacked the mind and even the soul, caused most to collapse, become paralyized and lose all sensory functions by willpower alone while others had to use abilities to increase their mental resistance. Could resist a sleep spell that transcended all physical barriers, distance and directly works on the soul.)

All the same to a far greater extent: Glenn gained all of Celicas powers when entering the contract with the Angel of Time giving him: Supernatural Luck (It was stated only those with greater fortunte than Al Khan could defeat him, which was cited as the Demon Lord, who Glenn killed alongside Celica.), Gravity Manipulation, Petrification, Death Manipulation, Curse Manipulation, BFR, Matter Manipulation (Celicas sent magicians to the edge of the dimension, cursed them to death with words of death, petrified and crushed them and crushed them with super-gravity. Can write the concept of death onto someones existence in order to kill them.), Damage Reduction and Power Nullification (Glenn's cloak reduces all physical damage by nearly 100% and nullifies military grade magic.), Time Stop, Space-Time Manipulation (Gained absolute authority over time itself. Glenn is stated to have full control over time even in higher dimensions. Can stop time, can make the effects of his spells last an infinite amount of time, control distance, can force the opponent to experience aging till they rot. It is stated that Glenn can control space and time. Can compress space into zero dimensions. Glenn created an alternate world where time did not flow, allowing his students to not experience age, and also making it so they didnt need to eat or sleep.), Causality Manipulation, Creation (Celica could create worlds where cause and effect do not apply and worlds that don't lead to any future and lacks direction. Stated that he can control cause and effect and change the past to affect his enemy in the present.), Precognition (It is stated that Glenn could have looked into the future.), Fate Manipulation (It is stated that Glenn can control fate itself.), Black Hole Generation (Can create many infinitesimal Black Holes), Regeneration (True-Godly; It was stated by the Demon King that he cannot kill Celica as she would simply bring her self back due to her caliber as a magician, meaning anyone at her level should be capable of doing the same, despite any military magician being capable of existence erasure at levels of absolute annihilation and conceptual level destruction.), Regeneration Negation (True-Godly; The Demon King implied anyone on Celicas level should be capable of reviving themselves in the same way Celica can, which would include himself. Glenn killed The Demon King alongside Celica, Rumia, Sistine and Nameless.), Immortality (Type 8; Is in a contract with the Angel of Time and so should exist as long as it does.), Beyond-Dimensional Existence and Acausality (Type 5; Those who entered contracts with beings like Nameless are stated to transcend human beings, beings who look human but are no longer human and such beings are native to a world where cause and effect does not exist. These beings are also beyond all human understanding and not bound to the laws of the world, of which duality itself is fundamental, which would include cause and effect.), Statistics Reduction (Glenn used a spell that made it so Sistine, Rumia, Re=L and all of his students lost all of their powers, the former of whom was at a similar level to him, back to when he first started teaching them, and at the same time reset their knowledge of magic to the first day.)

Enhanced Law Manipulation, Causality Manipulation ([The Fool Hero] is unaffected by Jastice's ability to impose his own laws which transcend all of duality, allowing him to reject any new laws which are created and impose his own.), Quantum Manipulation (Can overlay multiple quantum parallel worlds where the illusion is created that he has multiple hands to attack multiple enemies at once.), Greater BFR, Power Mimicry, Wind Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Concept Manipulation, Weapon Mastery, Space-Time Manipulation (Glenn copied multiple abilities such Sistine's divine winds which attacks and reaches across all dimensions and all spaces, releasing an onslaught of absolute zero to the target in the process. Glenn used Re=L's Dawns of Bonds which cuts down all fates and concepts. Summoned Rumia's Silver Key and Nameless' golden key, making him the ruler of space and time. With Rumia's Silver Key he can exile targets body, mind and soul to other dimensions, divide and cleave space itself, reverse space, make the target infinitely small. It also responds to the desires and wishes of the user. With the power of both keys he can separate space from the target, removing them from time and existence. ), Acausality (Type 5), Transduality (Type 3; Glenn exists in his own state of laws that opposes Jastice's laws which transcend all of duality.), Resistance to all abilities listed (It was stated all magic abilities, mysteries and abilities in general are useless in the face of Glenn's new state.)

Attack Potency: At least Building level (Comparable to Re=L who with a spell gathered enough kinetic energy with a snow ball to destroy a log house [0.0145 Tons of TNT]. Military magicians can one-shot buildings which on average are 4-5 stories in size. Comparable to Albert who defeated a giant golem who was strong enough to destroy buildings with its punches that made up the Alzano Magic Academy[1.16477 Tons Of TNT], likely City Block level (The spell [Heavenly Wheel] which is powerful but still far weaker than military magic destroyed all trees in the line of sight and hollowed out an entire forest which scales to these ranges), far higher with C ranked military spells (Military magic is far stronger than any normal spell, and the only way a magician could combat military magic is with military magic.), at least Mountain level to Small Country level with B ranked military spells (Even a basic fireball can blow away an entire mountain (B ranked spells are consistently stated to be fireballs) with mountains in Akashic Records being depicted as rather large and due to the nature (vaporization) of fireballs in the verse it should be in these ranges of power [3.345e22 Joules]. Lightning strikes (Lightning Strike is a B rank spell) can even split the Earth/ground in half if the magician desired it and if a magician were to have their way, they could destroy an entire country.) | High Outerverse level (Glenn's student, Rumia, has a supernatural ability to amplifies a magicians power to its upmost limit without the use of magic, and then push it to even greater heights. It gave Glenn a feeling of "omnipotence" and power greater than complicated magical rituals. When amplified by her, he could battle against a demon. Demons are ultimately products of the consciousness of a magician, a realm that transcends the concepts of space and time, being from its "other side" and are stated to be perfect concepts born in the world of ideas, different from the imperfect natural world, implying they are platonic. Later in the story, Glenn was amplified by Nameless' [Ars Magna], allowing Glenn to battle the demon king who defeated "true gods" in the past. "True gods" are transcendent entities that are considered real, unlike the platonic demons, angels and false gods, whom are ultimately illsuionary and in the perspective of true gods are fake concepts by comparison as if they don't even exist in the first place, seeing those beings as the same as they view humans.) | High Outerverse level (Glenn and Jastice were stated to be the greatest magicians in history and even stronger than The Demon King. Glenn, Sistine and Rumia's fight against Jastice was ripping apart the 8th dimension, a dimension beyond the Outer Universe, the home of the real gods that contains their true forms. Manifested and used Celica's destruction of all things sword, a power that destroys all laws of nature, rules and laws of magic which includes the concept of duality, a fundamental rule of the world.) | High Outerverse level (Glenn was weaker than his students and was seen as a burden initially but after being freed from Jastice's dream spell he surpassed Sistine, Rumia and Re=L who during their battle with Jastice were continuously adapting to him and reaching higher realms of power over and over again. Glenn reached "The Realm of Heaven", the highest realm for a magician and is now considered the strongest magician alongside Jastice, and is described as endlessly expanding in power, passively reaching higher realms of power as the battle goes on. Glenn is the only one on the same level as Pure Darkness who views even "true gods" like nameless, one of the strongest of them as a human similar to Rumia, Sistine and Re=L)

Speed: At least Infinite (Crossed the Corridor of Stars which is repeatedly stated to be an infinite space.), likely Irrelevant (Superior to Rumia who can move in a place with no concept of time, direction and likely all concepts. There are multiple speed blitzes in Akashic Records, a lot of which Glenn scales too) | Irrelevant (Could keep up with the fight between Celica and The Demon King, ultimately helping Celica defeat him.) | Irrelevant | Irrelevant

Lifting Strength: At least Class 5, likely far higher (Military Magicians are required to be able to work under at least 50x normal gravity, and if they can't they shouldn't even bother trying). | Irrelevant | Irrelevant | Irrelevant

Striking Strength: At least Building Class, likely City Block Class (His strikes have shown to do more damage than his regular spells and it has done damage to military level mages who have more durability than regular mages) | High Outerversal (Could easily harm high ranking demons when amped by Rumia. Had just enough strength to combat The Demon King.) | High Outerversal | High Outerversal

Durability: At least Building level, likely City Block level (Glenn fights many high ranked magicians that are physically stronger than him and tanks their attacks even when suffering from mana deficiency), up to Small Country level with barriers (Military mages can create barriers that can tank B ranked military magic) | High Outerverse level (Rumia's amplification amplifies all stats, and it was stated if it wasn't for Nameless' [Ars Magna], Glenn would have died in his battle against high ranking Demons and The Demon Lord) | High Outerverse level (Clashed and traded blows with Jastice so much that they didn't even know how long they had been fighting for.) | High Outerverse level

Stamina: Average | Average. See weaknesses | Inexhaustible | Inexhaustible | Inexhaustible (fought for so long the concept of numbers became meaningless.)

Range: Standard melee range, up to hundreds of kilometers with Magic | Standard melee range, up to hundreds of kilometers with Magic | Irrelevant | Irrelevant | Irrelevant | Irrelevant

Standard Equipment: "The Fool" Tarot card | "The Fool" Tarot card, His revolver and modified bullets, Silver and Golden Key in his last keys, Bonds of Dawn, etc.

Intelligence: Supergenius; Glenn is a master of magic despite how he portrays himself and is a professor at the most well recognized academy, quickly gaining respect from all the students and most of the teachers. In order to teach here and having been a military mage, Glenn has mastery at multiple forms of combat includng fencing, boxing, magic dueling, Rugby, Karate etc. Glenn is also well versed in orchestra, Art, Theater, Dance, Geographical studies, Rune research, Chess, Literature, Divination, all natural sciences, Numerology, Pharmacology, Tool Making, Zoology, Alchemy, Astrology, Physical Education, Medicine, etc. Glenn is especially good at boxing and can mix boxing with magic as they are similar to each other and has gave adept students trouble to the point that they can't even touch him. Glenn started learning all of this at this at the age of 11 and graduated when he was 15, when 15 is the age everyone else starts learning all of this. It should be noted mastering all this is supposed to be easy for a military mage as military magic, combat and research is far beyond everything else taught at the highest of magical universities. Despite this extensive knowledge and all the praise he has gotten for magic knowledge, Glenn's martial arts is better than any aspect of magic. Having been repeatedly acknowledged for magic knowledge, Glenn should be extremely adept at all forms of math, sciences and modern researches. Glenn was able to figure out that his perspective in a story had been changed from the third to the first person. Despite being completely outclassed in terms of power in the battle against Jastice, Glenn managed to stay in the fight purely because of his skill and is considered the greatest magician in history. Glenn's consciousness didn't break despite going into higher dimensions, seeing monsters beyond understanding and still understand him as he was also stated to be just as terrifying as the eldritch monsters. It only reached it limits when he was in the presence of the all powerful and all knowing/omniscient Akashic Records, but even then his mind was able to hold it for a few seconds

Weaknesses: Glenn is somewhat lazy in the first half of the series although he takes things seriously later on. Extinction Ray uses a lot of stamina, so much so if he doesn't have a full reserve when using it, he can fall unconscious. His revolver only destroys the soul and consciousness when shot at point blank range, otherwise it is just a regular bullet. Glenn has a bad affinity with magic, and worse stamina than most magicians, although it is only below average relative to the verse and its characters. A ranked military spells require multiple magicians to perform so they are non-combat applicable | None Notable | None notable | None Notable


Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Martial Arts:[]

  • Magic "Punch": Glenn jumps into the air preparing what looks like a punch, but he actually kicks the opponent, which is what makes it magical
  • Flip-Over: A basic flip over the shoulder that smashes the enemy down to the ground or into a wall, strong enough to cause a crater
  • Imperial Combat Style: The Imperial combat style visually seems to be a mixture of various forms of Martial Arts that Glenn can quickly switch between. Boxing, karate and other forms of martial arts are shown and considered as basics that even students learn, while military combat is far beyond it
  • Right Hook: A simple right hook dealt with enough power to bloody up those comparable or weaker than him. He has usually knocked out opponents comparable to him with his punches alone when his magic fails

Basic Abilities:[]

  • Shock Bolt: A basic ability that puts the opponent in a state of paralysis, it is one of the first spells taught to students
  • Gravity Pin: In order to catch Re=L off guard, Glenn used Gravity Manipulation offensively when it is primarily used for flying. In order to do this, he amplified the gravity of his own body to pin her down
  • Mind Control: Has an ability that passively makes the opponent question themselves. Stated he can easily put someone under mind control and read their mind
  • Spell Seal: A spell that seals magic abilities
  • Purify Light: A beam of light that Glenn can use to purify evil spirits
  • Pervy Control: An application of mind manipulation that turns the target into a pervert, making them strip down.
  • Mind Break: Mind Break is one of the strongest mind based abilities as it focuses on making the opponent lose all reason and causes them to go insane
  • Dispel Force: Dispel force is an ability that nullifies holy weapons, magic, spells and even non magical abilities and returns them into a state of nothingness
  • Sleep Sound: With this technique, Glenn can put the enemy into a deep sleep and they will only awaken if he wishes them to
  • Elemental Creation: Glenn can create monsters from any of the primary elements to hold his opponents. These monsters were shown to overpower student magicians
  • Invisible Hand: Glenn can create invisible hands to catch his opponents off guards
  • Load Experience: Load Experience is an ability that allows the user to tap into the memories of a weapon (or any object), and gain the abilities and skills of everyone that has ever used the object or weapon
  • Mind Up: Mind is a spell that amplifies the users resistance to mind based abilities. This was showcased by Rumia in the school festival where she amplified her mind hax resistance over 31 times
  • Tri Varnish: Tri Resist is one of the most basic defensive abilities that amplifies the users resistance to the three elements of storm, fire and ice

Military Grade Spells:[]

Military Grade Abilities are stated to be far more powerful than basic abilities. They are divided into three classifications: C Class, B Class and A Class. Even the weakest C ranked Military spell is more powerful than the strongest of a non military spell to the point that it's forbidden to teach students military grade magic. The strongest are stated strong enough to bring cataclysmic destruction. A ranked military spells are so powerful that it requires multiple magicians to perform

  • Air Slice: A C ranked military ability that creates a storm and forms countless amounts of sharpened air, that implaes the opponent.
  • Blaze Burst: Blaze Burst is a powerful fire attack that can burn even other military level fighters to ashes
  • Lightning Pierce: Lightning Pierce is the military version of Shock Bolt. Unlike Shock Bolt, which isn't made for killing, Lighting Pierce is a fatal ability, that can easily kill someone if made contact with. Lightning Pierce also ignores the resistance of those who could resist Shock Bolt
  • Conceptual Weapon Creation: Military mages are capable of creating powerful conceptual weapon. Albert, a fellow military mage that worked with Glenn, demonstrated this by creating a weapon that was the embodiment of a powerful Demon general. The weapon was used to conceptually erase another Demon from existence.
  • Gehenna Gate: Gehenna Gate is a dangerous ability that sends the targets soul into an eternity of nothingness
  • Soul Sacrifice: A forbidden ability used to trap the enemy in a forcefiled, that overtime destroys their soul and transfers their mana to the user

Original Magic:[]

The Imperial Court Mages possess spells unique to themselves which no one else in the verse can replicate even with Power Mimicry. Original Magics are based of the soul and individuality of the Imperial Mage. Anyone who possesses an Original Magic is considered an extremely high level mage with deep knowledge of the world.

  • The Fools World: Glenn's signature thought based ability, The Fools World seals the activation of magic and spells in whichever space he happens to be occupying. While the ability is a double-edged sword as it seals Glenn's abilities as well, he has shown to use this at the perfect time consistently. It is often used against opponents that do not show a hint of hand-to-hand combat abilities or in desperate situations where he is forced to seal abilities. Unlike Spell Seal, this bypasses countless layers of resistances to sealing, and cannot be negated by conventional means. The Fools World can work on entities like Nameless
  • The Fools Stab: Glenn has a special bullet that doesn't hit the physical body, but destroys the soul and the consciousness of magicians, realms devoid of all concepts. It is one of his trump cards alongside Extinction Ray and The Fools World. Note: This is not an original spell like The Fool's World, just a unique spell Glenn created on his own

Mastery of Time and Sky/Heavens:[]

Glenn after volume 19 entered a contract with the Angel of Time. Upon entering this contract he gained full control and authority over time itself, as well as access to all of Celica Arfornia's powers, the strongest magician in the world.

  • Over Chrono Accel: With Over Chrono Accel, Glenn can control distance and time. He has the ability to make his spells have an infinite effect time and reduce the time taken to cast spells to 0. It should be noted the time beings on Glenn's level post volume 19 experience is a higher-order of time.
  • My World: Glenn having all of Celica's powers, should be able to perform her original spell, My World, which stops the flow of time, effectively creating a world where only he can move.
  • The Fool Hero: During volume 23, chapter 6, Glenn reached "The Realm of Heaven" and is now known as "The Fool Hero". This state is the rejection of his opponent, Jastice, who follows "Absolute Justice", where he imposes his own rules on the world. Glenn's "The Fool Hero" is the rejection of such rules, allowing Glenn to function in his own set of unchanging rules.

Key: Volume 1-18 | Amped by Rumia or Nameless | End of volume 19 onwards | The Realm of Heaven/THE WORLD reached by THE FOOL

Note #1: Glenn being unable to use A ranked military spells only applies to his first key

Note #2: The Demon King isn't an actual demon, that's just a title. He is a human.
