Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Godzilla Battle Line - FW Goji Render 001 Godzilla... the most destructive weapon on Earth.
Douglas Gordon before awakening Godzilla.

Godzilla Battle Line - FW Goji Render 001 Listen Kid. There's two things you don't know about the earth; One is me, the other... Godzilla.
~ Douglas Gordon to the Xilien leader.

FW Godzilla background


Final Godzilla (ファイナルゴジラ) is a kaiju that appeared in the 2004 Godzilla film, Godzilla: Final Wars.

Wars and pollution, incessant fighting and environmental destruction have awakened relentless monsters. Humanity, then, joins forces to face these creatures, leaving aside conflicts between them. Thus the Earth Defense Force was born. In the meantime, a new race of humans with supernatural abilities, called mutants, has been discovered around the world. The Earth Defense Force brings them together in a league known as the M-Organization. Their greatest enemy is the King of the Monsters, who first appeared in 1954 and has since threatened the world repeatedly. His name is...Godzilla.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 5-A, Higher with the Spiral Heat Ray, even Higher with Accelerated Development. | High 4-C, Higher with the Burning G Spark Heat Ray

Name: Godzilla, King of the Monsters, Gojira.

Origin: Godzilla

Gender: Male

Age: At least 200 million years old, likely higher

Classification: Prehistoric Amphibious Reptile

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance to the following:

  • Heat & Fire (Has withstood various massive explosions, and being set on fire)
  • Radiation Manipulation (Godzilla is a prehistoric creature, mutated due to nuclear radiation, which is presented as an explanation for his great size and strange powers)

All previous abilities on an even greater degree plus:

Attack Potency: Large Planet Level+[Statistics Values 1] (Is Declared to be one of the most strongest Monsters in his verse. One shotted Gigan, who was stated to destroy the Planet. Should Scale above Humanity, who were confident that they were going to destroy the Fake Gorath[Statistics Values 2] when they thought that it was real, but stated that Godzilla would be more dangerous. Declared to be the most destructive weapon on Earth, so he'd upscale this.) Higher with the Spiral Heat Ray (Destroyed Gorath with His Spiral Heat Ray, which would require this much force, while he was holding back.[Statistics Values 3]), Even Higher With Accelerated Development (Monster X was significantly Stronger than Godzilla at first, untill he got stronger while fighting MX, he was easily able to match him in Power.) | Large Star Level (One-Shotted Keizer Ghidorah, and massively upscales him. Keizer was Stated to have Cosmic Power.[Statistics Values 4]) Higher with the Burning G Spark Heat Ray (is significantly stronger than his normal Atomic Breath as he used it to completely obliterate Keizer Ghidorah)

Speed: Subsonic+ to Supersonic+ travel speed (Jumped past rodan who flies at Mach 3) With Massively FTL+ Combat and Reactions speed [Statistics Values 5] (sees Gorath in Slow Motion) | At Least Massively FTL+ (Blitzed Keizer Ghidorah, who was able to blitz him, is at least 18-20 times faster than before.[Statistics Values 6])

Lifting Strength: Class Z (Lifted and Threw Kumomga over the Horizon, which would require him to be this strong. Can withstand the force of his atomic breath, which was able to move the Xilien Mothership, which would be this much[Statistics Values 7], and could Send 2 Large Monsters flying very fast, which would equate to this much. Could withstand and Intercept Gorath's Force.) | At Least Class Z (Far Stronger than Before)

Striking Strength: Large Planet Class, Higher with Accelerated Development | Large Star Class

Durability: Large Planet Level (Tanked Gorath unharmed and unfazed) | Large Star Level

Stamina: Nearly Limitless Stamina as he travels across the globe fighting other monsters without getting tired

Range: Tens of Meters via sheer size; Hundreds of Kilometers with ranged attacks

Standard Equipment: Teeth, Claws, Tail.

Intelligence: Average (Godzilla employed strategy in the battle against his opponents, quickly discovering their weaknesses and using them to his advantage. Knows Martial Arts. Godzilla also understood Minilla standing in front of the humans as meaning that they are not threats.)

Weaknesses: Cold Temperatures

Notable Attacks/Techniques:
  • Atomic Breath (放射熱線ほうしゃねっせん Hōsha Nessen?): Godzilla's most iconic and powerful ability is his trademark atomic breath. When Godzilla prepares his atomic breath, his dorsal fins give off an intense blue glow, after which Godzilla fires a blue beam of radiation from his mouth. This beam is depicted as being extremely powerful, as it is capable of dispatching or killing most of Godzilla's enemies in a single hit.
  • Hyper Spiral Heat Ray (ハイパースパイラル熱線ねっせん Haipā Supairu Nessen?): Godzilla possesses a variation named the Hyper Spiral Heat Ray. Godzilla uses this atomic breath to blast and destroy the Gorath asteroid as it approaches the Earth, with pinpoint accuracy.
  • Burning G Spark Heat Ray (バーニングジースパーク熱線ねっせん Bāningu Jī Supāku Nessen?): Godzilla also possesses the powerful red spiral variant of his atomic breath known as the Burning G Spark Heat Ray. This beam is used after Godzilla has been supercharged with Shinichi Ozaki's Keizer energy, in order to push Keizer Ghidorah into the edge of space and destroy him.



Base | Heavenly

Notable Matchups[]

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:

  • Serial Designation V (Murder Drones) V's Profile (Starting distance was 100 meters, speed was equalized, Godzilla started out at 5-A, and V had prior knowledge. Fight took place in Tokyo.)


  1. 15.3 Ronnatons
  2. 1.53 Ronnatons
  3. 4 Ronnatons
  4. If we say Keizer is 136 tenatons, which is baseline 4-C, heavenly is 21K times stronger, which is 25 Quettatons.
  5. 46,213 c
  6. 924,260 c
  7. 414,363,492,907,721,400,000 Metric tons
  1. It wont link the scan correctly
  3. Godzilla (1954)
  4. Godzilla: The Ultimate Monster Quiz (The Earth Books)
  5. Definitive Edition Godzilla Introduction (14th Edition)
  6. Godzilla: The Ultimate Monster Quiz (The Earth Books)
  7. Godzilla: The Ultimate Monster Quiz (The Earth Books)
  8. The inner workings of Godzilla