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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Articles About Goku[]

Shows/Movies | Dragon Ball • Dragon Ball Z • Dragon Ball Super

Kid Goku Toei

Kid/Teen Goku

Toei Goku End of DragonBall

Adult Goku


Son Goku is the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball metaseries.

Son Goku is the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball metaseries. A Saiyan, sent to Earth as a baby with the mission to destroy it, Goku became a kind-hearted boy after he bumped his head and was adopted by Grandpa Gohan. Left living alone after his grandfather's death, when Goku bumps into Bulma on her search for the Dragon Balls, he starts on a quest that would take him across the planet and make him perhaps the greatest martial artist his world had ever known.

Powers & Stats[]

Tier: 9-A, High 8-C as an Oozaru | 8-B, 8-A to Low 7-C as an Oozaru | 7-A+, 6-C with Kamehameha | 6-C | High 5-C to Low 5-B | Low 5-B to 5-B | 5-B

Key: Pilaf Arc | 21st Budōka | Red Ribbon Army Arc | Post-Korin Training | 22nd Budōkai | Post-Chōshinsui | 23rd Budōkai

Name: Son Goku

Origin: Dragon Ball

Gender: Male

Age: 3 years old when sent to Earth (Age 737, Stated in DBS Broly), 5 during the Galactic Patrolman saga (Age 739), 14 during the Pilaf Arc (Born in 734, takes place in September 749.), 15 during the 21st Budōka/Red Ribbon Arc (750, 8 months later), 18 to 19 during 22nd Budōkai/Post-Chōshinsui (3 years passed, Age 753), 21 to 22 during 23rd Budōka (3 Years later in 756)

Classification: Alien, Hero, Martial Artist

Powers and Abilities:

Regular Human Abilities, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Master Martial Artist, Ki Manipulation (Can be used defensively and offensively, to strengthen his skin or to fire ki blasts, which he can control telekinetically to home in on targets, and form defensive barriers that render absorption ineffective and keep out poison, can also suppress others' ki blasts, and he can alter the weather by powering up), Enhanced Senses (Saiyans have exceptional senses, allowing them to locate small, distant objects by tracking their smell and see clearly over long distances.), Acrobatics, Accelerated Development (Battle; Physical Stats, Abilities - As a Saiyan, Goku grows stronger every time he fights and can become stronger in the midst of combat, vastly increasing in strength whenever he is mortally injured), Power Mimicry (Can easily replicate other fighting techniques after seeing them once), Weapon Mastery (Power Pole), Transformation (Can transform into an Oozaru under the full Moon, giving him more abilities), Large Size (Type 1), Berserk Mode, Breath Attack, Resistance to: Cosmic Radiations (Should be capable of absorbing over 17 Million Blutz Waves to transform into a Great Ape without ill effects. Can fight in the upper atmosphere where radiation levels are exceedingly high), Due to his pure heart, Goku is Immune to the effects of the Devilmite Beam from Spike that kills the person who has evil in their heart.

Attack Potency: Small Building Level (Can crush a large boulder and defeat people on his level. Is showcased to be extremely strong compared to others), Large Building Level as an Oozaru (Is 10 times stronger and 25 - 50ft tall. Destroyed Pilaf's castle and killed Grandpa Gohan off guard, who fought with Ox-King and Trained under Master Roshi.)

Destructive Capacity: At Least Large Room Level+ (Can destroy any type of door or wall), At Least Small Building Level via Kamehameha (Fragmented bulmas car [48,446,846.69 J for Frag])

Speed: Superhuman (Was able to react to and tag a Pterodactyl, which can reach speeds of up to 67 mph/40.2km/h), Hypersonic+ Combat Speed as an Oozaru (Can land hits on Grandpa Gohan)

Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Picked up a large boulder and crushed it. Struggle to pick up Bulma's car [2 - 3 Tonnes] with her in it), Class 25 to Class 50 in Oozaru state (20 - 30 Tonnes)

Striking Strength: Small Building Level, Large Building Level as an Oozaru

Durability: Small Building Level, Large Building Level as an Oozaru

Same as Before, Enhanced Accelerated Development (Training, Battle; Physical Stats, Abilities), Afterimage Creation, Damage Boost (Can increase the power of his attacks by concentrating his ki into a single point to do more damage)

Attack Potency: City Block Level (Got stronger after Master Roshi's training for 8 months. Consistently scales above Krillin, it's even stated by Toriyama that if Goku and Krillin were to fight at this time, Goku would overwhelmingly win. Krillin was capable of pushing the giant boulder, which was calced at 138,000,000,000 J or 32.9827916 Tonnes), Multi-City Block Level to Small Town Level as an Oozaru (10 Times Stronger. 1,380,000,000,000 J or 329.827916 Tonnes, could be higher)

Destructive Capacity: At Least City Black Level (Can move a large boulder and should be able to destroy with the same force)

Speed: Subsonic (Can move much faster than what Tenkaichi Budokai competitors can keep up with, appearing as nothing more than a blur to them) with Supersonic+ Combat Speed (Can keep up with Nam and moved at such speeds in their fight), Hypersonic+ as an Oozaru

Lifting Strength: Class 5, Class 25 to Class 50 in Oozaru state

Striking Strength: City Block Level, Multi-City Block Level to Small Town Level as an Oozaru

Durability: City Block Level, Multi-City Block Level to Small Town Level as an Oozaru

Same as Before, Analytical Prediction (Can read opponents movements and when they are holding back), Resistance to: Electricity Manipulation (Survived Pirate Robot's electric attack underwater), Limited Resistance to: Heat Manipulation (Survived Pilaf gang's flamethrower attack, withstood a point-blank jet engine thrust from General Blue's jet and Red Ribbon Army's weapons)

Attack Potency: Mountain Level+ (Is 8 times weaker than his Post-Korin Training self. Defeated General Blue, who managed to not only survive his plane crashing into a mountain at high-speed, but also survived the explosion. Can fight Officer Black's Battle Bot who destroyed part of a Mountain with a rocket that was between v Frag to pulv [51.3001912 Megatonnes to 28.2791587 Gigatonnes]), Island Level+ with Kamehameha (He created a large hole in a rock formation with his Kamehameha [114.399426 Megatonnes to 63.0625239 Gigatonnes])

Destructive Capacity: Mountain Level+ up to Island Level+ with Kamehameha

Speed: Supersonic+ (Casually deflects and evades machine gun bullets), Hypersonic+ as an Oozaru

Lifting Strength: Class 5, Class 25 to Class 50 in Oozaru state

Striking Strength: Mountain Level+

Durability: Mountain Level+

Same as Before, Bodily Weaponry (Sometime between the three-year time-skip, Goku loses its weakness by training his tail. He can use it for combat or hover in the air), Minor Air Manipulation (Goku manages to slow his movement in the air by using his breath)

Attack Potency: Island Level (By struggling nearly non-stop for three days against Korin, he unknowingly increased his strength by double what was before. Korin Stated that after training he became 4 times stronger than he was after climbing the tower. Superior to Tao Pai Pai who is strong enough to throw pillars at Massively Hypersonic speeds)

Destructive Capacity: Island Level

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (Able to speed blitz Tao Pai Pai after his training with Korin), Relativistic+ (Could avoid a point blank laser beam)

Lifting Strength: Class T (Superior to Tao Pai Pai who can throw pillars)

Striking Strength: Island Level

Durability: Island Level

Same as Before, Ki Sensing (Can locate others by reading their ki), Supernatural Willpower (Able to endure poison that takes immense will and spirit to survive.), Resistance to: Poisons (Able to endure poison that takes immense will and spirit to survive.)

Attack Potency: Large Moon Level to Small Planet Level (Fought on par with to Tenshinhan, who Master Roshi admits that he would've lost to him if they had kept fighting. Roshi also states that the Kikoho is more powerful than the Kamehameha, which his Kamehameha was capable of destroying the moon)

Destructive Capacity: At Least Large Planet Level+ (Can fight Master Roshi who's Kamehameha pulv the moon at his max power [10.095 Yottatonnes])

Speed: At least Sub-Relativistic+ (Equal to Tenshinhan, who's faster than Master Roshi, who's Kamehameha reached the Moon in 13 seconds), FTL Reaction Speed (Block his eyes from Tien's Soler Flare, which is a beam of light)

Lifting Strength: Class T

Striking Strength: Large Moon Level to Small Planet Level

Durability: Large Moon Level to Small Planet Level

Same as Before, Greater Enhanced Senses (Can track the movements of others by feeling vibrations in the air), Pressure Point Strikes, Light Manipulation (Can create flashes of light to blind opponents), Shockwaves Generation (Can create gusts of wind with his punches to blow others back), Flight and Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Limited Resistance to: Harsh Temperatures (Survived and trained extensively for at least one month within the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, which has temperatures that range from -40°F to 248°F)

Attack Potency: Small Planet Level to Planet Level (Equal to and defeated King Piccolo, who Master Roshi thinks he could only be defeated by the Mafuba.)

Destructive Capacity: At Least Large Planet Level+

Speed: At least Relativistic Combat Speed (Faster than before, able to fight on par with King Piccolo), FTL Reaction Speed

Lifting Strength: Class T, may be Higher

Striking Strength: Small Planet Level to Planet Level

Durability: Small Planet Level to Planet Level

Same as Before

Attack Potency: Planet Level (Is much more powerful after training with Kami. Surpassed Kami, fought evenly against and ultimately defeated Piccolo Jr, superior to Annin and grew nearly twice as strong as before.)

Destructive Capacity: At Least Large Planet Level+

Speed: At least Relativistic Combat Speed (Faster than before), FTL Reaction Speed

Lifting Strength: Class T, may be Higher

Striking Strength: Planet Level

Durability: Planet Level

Stamina: Superhuman (Goku can train for days with minimal rest, and pulled out victories against both King Piccolo and Piccolo Jr., even after being beaten down and essentially tortured by both, losing the use of most of his limbs against King Piccolo and all of them against Piccolo Jr., on top of being mortally wounded. Sustained the pain of drinking the Water of the Gods for 6 hours)

Range: Standard Melee Range; Tens of Meters as an Oozaru and with Ki blasts and attacks; Planetary with the Power Pole | Standard Melee Range; Tens of Meters as an Oozaru and with Ki blasts and attacks; Planetary with the Power Pole | Standard Melee Range; Tens of Meters with Ki blasts and attacks; Planetary with the Power Pole | Standard Melee Range; Hundreds of Meters with Ki blasts and attacks; Planetary with the Power Pole | Standard Melee Range; Planetary with Ki blasts/attacks and with the Power Pole | Standard Melee Range; Planetary with Ki blasts/attacks and with the Power Pole | Standard Melee Range; Planetary with Ki blasts/attacks and with the Power Pole

Standard Equipment: Power Pole, Nimbus Cloud

Intelligence: Average, Genius Combatant (Although he lacks knowledge when it comes to things that aren't related to fighting, Goku is a master of prodigal skill when it comes to martial arts, with years of experience fighting against powerful opponents with a plethora of abilities. His skill when it comes to combat and the usage of ki allows him to replicate other ki-based techniques after seeing them once. He is capable of devising new applications of his techniques on the fly, such as using Kamehameha with his feet), Animalistic as an Oozaru

Weaknesses: Regular Human Weaknesses, Goku can be weakened and put into intense pain if his tail is grabbed or removed, though he gets over this after the Red Ribbon Saga. At first, he cannot fly without the Flying Nimbus, but he learns how to fly before the 23rd Budokai. He needs a moon in order to transform and as an Oozaru, he becomes an animalistic berserker with no control over himself.


Wins ():[]

Loses ():[]
