Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
It's a compact killing machine, and it's incredibly powerful; Stephen, if it is still out there, then you have to find it. Fast!
~ Connor informing Stephen about the Gorgonopsid


The first creature that threatens the present day in Primeval, the Gorgonopsid is a very large and extremely dangerous therapsid originating from the Permian Era. Emerging in the Forest of Dean, it fixates upon a young boy named Ben when it smells his blood and begins tracking him.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 9-B

Name: Gorgonopsid, "Gorgon Face", possibly Inostrancevia

Origin: Primeval

Gender: Unknown

Age: Unknown physically, hails from 299-251 million years ago

Classification: Therapsid, Past Organism

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Skilled Combatant, Stealth Mastery, Bodily Weaponry (Claws & Teeth), Enhanced Senses of Smell and Tracking Ability

Attack Potency: At least Wall level (Easily flings cars into the air and rams them out of the way, tore apart an iron fence and semi truck container. Fought evenly against a Future Predator and ultimately killed it)

Speed: Superhuman (Is a decently fast predatory animal, quickly outpaces humans over flat terrain)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 5 (Easily throws cars and drags large animals into trees. Overpowered a Future Predator)

Striking Strength: At least Wall level

Durability: At least Wall level (Rams cars out of its way effortlessly. Tanked a head-on collision from a speeding truck with minimal damage)

Stamina: Superhuman (Operates as a tracking predator, similar to a Komodo Dragon or wild dog. Was weakened but still aggressive after being hit by a truck)

Range: Several Meters

Standard Equipment: None

Intelligence: At least High Animalistic in general (Easily tracks unfamiliar prey across a completely foreign environment while avoiding detection, holding a grudge against one specific kid for zapping it with a broken toy and hunting him down for the remainder of the episode while also recognizing a drawing of itself), Above Average in combat (Fought and killed a bloodlusted Future Predator after being caught off-guard initially, an opponent that is repeatedly described as possessing human levels of intelligence with far greater specialization in the realms of stealth, hunting, and survival. Adapted to and countered the Future Predator's attempts to blindside and target its vital points despite the latter's sonar enabling it to pinpoint its prey's weakpoints, such as the heart and the jugular, and even predict their movements and actions in order to stay out of their line of sight and set up ambushes. Defeated the Future Predator while it was knocked down by restraining and crushing the latter under its own weight)

Weaknesses: Typical animal weaknesses.
