“ | My brain is amazing; when I find something boring, it actually prevents me from hearing it. |
„ |
~ Gumball |
Gumball Watterson is the titular protagonist of the Cartoon Network series, The Amazing World of Gumball. He is a twelve-year-old blue cat who attends Elmore Junior High with his adopted brother, Darwin, and their younger sister, Anais. He is the eldest child of Nicole and Richard. He is also the boyfriend of Penny Fitzgerald as of the Season 3 episode, The Shell. Gumball is an imaginative, sarcastic, and eternally optimistic (albeit rather cynical) cat who often finds Darwin and himself in mishaps, usually originating from his antics, although he usually tries his best to fix his mistakes.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: At least 6-C to High 6-A, higher with Explosion Manipulation, up to Low 4-C with Size Manipulation. 2-C limited Environmental Destruction and Reality Warping | High 6-A with The Console. Varies from 6-C to High 6-A, up to 5-C, likely 5-A with summons. At least 4-A, likely 3-A with The Console's Reality Warping. 4-C with the Universal Remote. Unknown with the Magic Notebook
Key: Base | With Optional Equipment
Name: Gumball (formerly Zach) Tristopher Watterson
Origin: The Amazing World of Gumball
Gender: Male
Age: 12 years old
Classification: Anthropomorphic cat
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Toon Force
- Martial Arts (During The Bus, he fought Rob with a briefcase inside of a speeding school bus during a police chase, and continued even after an airplane wing sliced off the roof, which brought them up. During The Words, he won against Darwin in a Street Fighter -esque battle. He defeated boyscouts armed with melee weapons by bare hands during The Faith. Can easily disarm weapons of the opponent. During The Remote and The Parents, he showed competent basic fighting skills against Nicole while trying to snatch a TV remote from her or while trying to put sweets in her shopping cart, although Gumball is nowhere near as proficient as her)
- Instinctive Action (Blocked all Rob's attacks while not figure out they're not same moves as during The Disaster)
- Preparation (Evolution - Trained Richard to go from being obese to muscular in a timeframe stated and shown to only be under one minute)
- Breaking the Fourth Wall (Shattered the screen with a kick during The Painting, almost always has his head slightly turned towards the screen because he thinks a sideview of his head looks weird as revealed during The Ollie, knows he and Darwin are the main characters as revealed during The Sweaters. Realized that the signal issues on TV applying to him and Darwin meant that they were on TV too, during The Signal. Noticed the subtitles beneath him and rearranged them during The Rerun. Attacked Leslie with a dialogue box during The Console. Stopped a screen transition during The Box)
- Stealth Mastery (Is good at stealing objects unnoticed, as shown multiple times)
- Vibration Manipulation (Created a shockwave strong enough to slam Carmen into a wall)
- Weapon Creation (Created a sword of his own self-righteousness during The Best)
- Acid Manipulation (Gumball can build up toxicity within himself and release it)
- Broadway Force
- Power Bestowal (Darwin through the link with him could promote his body to adapt by developing lungs and legs. Dodj or Daar, a game made by him can grant who plays it supernatural abilities, such as Darwin capable of stopping time to finish reading a card)
- Limited Plot Manipulation (Passive; As established during The Finale, the Watterson family canonically returns to the status quo in between almost every episode, preventing them from facing long-term consequences[1])
- Perception Manipulation and Subjective Reality (During The Others, Gumball was revealed to have been inadvertently entirely filtering out many students from his perception if they weren't in his class, which he can intentionally activate.[2] During The Vegging, he was able to ignore an alien apocalypse by waiting until his brain tunes it out, and simply waited for the problem to fix itself.[3] In the latter case, Gumball was able to even prevent himself from getting affected by the immediate threats of the alien apocalypse. After that, they accidentally summoned a Japanese character and a humanoid creature from horror movie later walked out of the TV, which Darwin stated to be a consequence of them tuning things out)
- Reality Warping and Imagination Manifestation (Gumball is the creator of Dodj or Daar, a board game which can bend space and time, changing the environment, distorting laws of physics and causing various effects on who plays it. During The Vegging, he briefly made world collapse into The Void by trying to reach the remote. Can create an invisible sofa and soda for him out of imagination. Created and drove an invisible car. Fought Tobias with imaginary weapons)
- Heat Manipulation
- Body Control
- Sound Manipulation
- Biological Manipulation
- Time Manipulation
- Time Stop and Time Travel (In The Countdown, he accidentally broke the screen, causing time to stop, and by interacting with a countdown above the screen, he and Darwin could travel through time as far back as the creation of the universe. Robbed his past self so he could get his money back, which caused an "infinite loop" after he continued doing it back and forth. Freezed Anais in temporal)
- Age Manipulation (Aged Darwin and himself into elders through incoherent chattering)
- Gravity Manipulation, Law Manipulation and Physics Manipulation (Paused gravity while falling. Performed a true moon walk that broke the laws of physics and disrupted the audio transmission as well as casually choked himself to recreate the environment on the moon)
- Flight (Is able to adjust gravity at will to make himself and to make others become anti-gravitional and hover above the ground)
- Probability Manipulation (Heavily implied to be the creator of the Lucky Helmet, supported by his knowledge of its powers and his massive obession of him toward it, which drived him insane. Lucky Helmet bends probability in favor of its wearer. Gumball stated he "succeeded in everything", Richard was immediately accepted into a game show that had rejected him for months [and won in first place], and Nicole was randomly promoted at her job. An unlikely sequence of events happened when Gumball catapulted his food, and it somehow landed in his mouth. When Darwin wore the helmet for a brief amount of time, he instantly found a golden ring, a pearl necklace, and a diamond-encrusted chain with his name on it. All of Darwin and Anais' attacks aimed at Gumball missed from a distance, and even when Anais went for a close-range attack, a bird interferred with Anais' attack. Further than that, Gumball is shown to have control over its power, as he could make a tennis ball machine and a power generator randomly appear next to him for offensive purposes, which is other than passive luck. Anais, who is a genius, stated Lucky Helmet's effects were indeed luck, and not just coincidences)
- Size Manipulation (Up to Large Size Type 5; Can make himself and others grow to continental or planetary size)
- Transmutation
- BFR and Animal Manipulation
- Spatial Manipulation (Literally took away Darwin's face and pasted it on a balloon)
- Air Manipulation
- Hammerspace
- Enhanced Senses (Knows how to use an invisible car)
- Energy Manipulation and Lightning Manipulation (His energy attacks are based on the lightning and he can manifest it into the shape of a monster head when ultilizing the ultimate strike)
- Water Manipulation (Can discharge his tear as high-pressure water blasts)
- Shapeshifting, Body Control and Self-Matter Manipulation (Turned himself into an airplane, a pony, a hundred-dollar bill, a miniature mansion, an adult woman, a butler, and Queen Elizabeth. Enhances his body by growing muscles. Briefly looked like Richard and became temporarily older in "The Finale". Morphed into his family members and copied their mannerisms. Disguised himself as a recycling bin and water in The Stories. Can turn into a monster and a snake. Can peel himself back into his own emotional states. Perfectly imitated Anais' voice and can change his voice spontaneously. Made different parts of his body appear in separate places. Can fully control his organs and limbs. His body can "reject" spoiled foods. Attacked Darwin with his eyeballs and used his eyelids as suction cups. Can separate his body parts and act independently without them)
- Additional Limbs and Elasticity (Can stretch his limbs into space. Duplicated his arms. Can produce extra legs to run faster and separate himself from his bottom to escape from dangerous predicaments. Able to squeeze through small areas)
- Camouflage (Blended in with the floor of the school)
- Biological Manipulation (Can modify his DNA. Made himself grow roots)
- Multiple Selves (Type 3 – Gumball's brain was shown to be a separate character during The Genius, and he can survive without his brain in his body)
- Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3 The universe will reset itself to prevent Gumball from aging, can function without a heart or brain, repeatedly regenerates from fatal damage)
- Regeneration (Low-Godly; In The Secret, he and Darwin instantly reformed after being in a machine that reduced them to droplets. Spontaneously reshaped himself after being shattered to pieces in The Crew. Came back from blowing himself into dust particles. Eventually recreated his body after self-reducing into nonexistent by eating in The Procrastinators)
- Acrobatics and Surface Scaling (Demonstrated several impressive movements in mid-air and landed on the ground perfectly. Managed to dodge all spills from overheat pipes by briefly running on the wall. Implied to have moved along the ceiling when in the age of 4)
- Non-Physical Interaction (Can interact with Carrie Krueger, an intangible ghost)
- Weapon Mastery (Can utilize a paintball gun, as seen in The Fridge)
- Teleportation (Repeatedly seen here)
- Emotional Manipulation and limited Weather Manipulation (Can manifest his emotions from patterns of weather)
- Fire Manipulation (Made breakfast out of literal flames. Engulfed his interior with fire)
- Immersion (Went inside a picture frame and a movie)
- Power Mimicry (Copied Darwin's power of guilt and hypnotized him via his own abilities)
- Absorption and Information Analysis (Absorps knowledge of all kinds by chewing books)
- Empathic Manipulation (Utilized love-inducing arrows in The Matchmaker)
- Limited Technology Manipulation (made a cash register say "Please do it, Larry")
- Fusionism (By merging with Darwin)
- Death Manipulation (With his glare)
- Nigh-Omnipresence and Dream Manipulation (Can present anywhere once one got "haunted" by him, including anything, any place and any corner of the subconsciousness. Appeared in Principal Brown's dreams in The Pact and made him stuck in a loop whenever seeing his face)
- Explosion Manipulation (Can cause people to spontaneously explode)
- Acausality (Type 1; during The Job, Gumball realized that time was rewinded by employed Richard; during The Rerun, Gumball could remember that he was in a loop even after time rewound, and he could remember Darwin even though he never met him in the first place; Tobias as the protagonist was able to make it so that the previous events of the episode The Test were all just a dream, still through his status as the protagonist that he achieved during those events, which Gumball was able to know about even while lacking his protagonist status[4])
- Limited Reality Warping (The universe had reset itself so that Gumball and Darwin would not age)
- Telepathy (Heard Clare's inner narrations and intruded on it, to the point of having a long conversation with her boyfriend before she had even started internally narrating about him. Saw Clayton's thought bubble and popped it. Used a cardboard box that allowed him and Hot Dog Guy to go through their bad memories and destroy them)
- Sound Manipulation (Shattered a few car windows by screeching in excitement. Could mimic the sound of an electric alarm clock)
- Transformation (Can transform into a noticeably more buff form with blond hair and blue eyes)
- Possibly Pressure Points (Supposedly has knowledge of nerve clusters)
- Social Influencing (Convinced all of Elmore to help him "fix" Claire's life and an entire mall full of people to reenact a video from him)
- Bodily Weaponry (Has sharp claws, capable of cutting through glass and harming others. Turned his fingers into a sharp pair of scissors)
As a result of Gumball being the protagonist of The Amazing World of Gumball, which is a TV show in-setting in which being a protagonist is a canonical in-setting detail, Gumball has the following abilities:
- Data Manipulation (The stability of reality in The Amazing World of Gumball depends on the budget of the Wattersons, the family that the show is centered around; the Wattersons becoming bankrupt meant Gumball's whole world deteriorating and falling apart, glitching and decreasing in production quality until it was becoming worse than a storyboard[5])
- Breaking the Fourth Wall
- Plot Manipulation and Enhanced Reality Warping (During The Test, when Gumball changed his personality so his classmates could like him more, Tobias changed the style of the show into a comically clichéd sitcom in accordance to the theory of nature abhors a vacuum, replacing Gumball as the star loser in the grand sitcom of their lives, and making the show centered around Tobias,[4] therefore implying that these effects normally apply to Gumball when he's normally the protagonist)
- Empathic Manipulation (Tobias being the protagonist led to Masami and Penny accepting Tobias for dating,[4] despite Tobias' personality not changing as the protagonist and Tobias having been rejected by those characters during other episodes[6][7])
- Causality Manipulation (As a result of the lazier writing of the show with Tobias as the main character, there were multiple continuity mistakes so the show could center around Tobias' antics[4])
- Time Manipulation (Despite a school day not being finished, Tobias as the protagonist was able to skip to nighttime, and then to Christmas[4])
- Acausality (Type 1; Tobias as the protagonist was able to make it so that the previous events of the episode The Test were all just a dream, still through his status as the protagonist that he achieved during those events[4])
- Sound Manipulation (Survived Darwin’s ear-shattering yell, although he did complain about his ears hurting afterward)
- Time Manipulation (Is unaffected by time loops, changes in time and temporal paradoxes he caused)
- Empathic Manipulation (Stopped crying after a while of being in Alan's field of depression)
- Possession (Fought against Carrie possessing his body and eventually found a way to get her out)
- Age Manipulation (The universe will not let Gumball and Darwin age)
- Disease Manipulation (Wasn't affected by a virus that mutated people)
- Unconventional to Soul Manipulation (Was fine after stating that his soul exited his body and was implied to be moving downwards, with "downwards" here being a metaphor of his moral alignment comparing to Darwin's)
- Limited to Radiation Manipulation (Didn't die after Bobert released toxic radiation to kill him, although he was still grievously affected)
- Transmutation (Quickly recovered after being affected by Masami's wind, which morphs attributes of various characters together)
- Electricity Manipulation (Superior to Nicole; Nearly unfazed by tasering)
- Fire Manipulation and Extreme Temperature (Was fine after Darwin setting the couch he's sitting on fire. Unfazed by a point-blank fire blast from Penny, leaves nothing but his tail on fire. Can hold flames without getting combusted or burnt, though he still has to suffer extreme levels of pain. Unfazed by the immense amounts of heat generated in the Big Bang)
- Mind Manipulation and Memory Manipulation (Shrugged off Darwin's attempt to brainwash and creating false memories)
Mind Manipulation with Pocket watch (Hypnotized Larry), Size Manipulation (Via shrinking potion), Reality Warping, Immersion, Transformation (The Console can transform others into monsters for Gumball to fight), Weather Manipulation (The Console created a large storm) Mind Manipulation (The Console turns Gumball's friends against him until they're defeated), Technology Manipulation (The Console turned Penny's phone into a device that took control of her), Accelerated Development (Gumball can level up and grow stronger simply by attacking animals and random pedestrians), Summoning (Gumball can summon his friends and family to assist him in battle), Plot Manipulation, Time Manipulation (The Universal Remote can stop, accelerate, slow down and rewind the flow of time, or age people back down to the earliest points in their life), Age Manipulation (The universe has reset itself to prevent Gumball and Darwin from aging), Teleportation, Portal Creation (The Universal Remote can create a portal to The Void), BFR, Telekinesis, Death Manipulation, Resurrection (The Universal Remote can instantly kill and resurrect people with the "On/Off" buttons), Darkness Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Energy Manipulation (Its destruction causes it to swallow itself in the form of a wave of energy), Mind Manipulation (Can make people say things they would normally keep for themselves with the Parental Filter button), Sound Manipulation, Perception Manipulation, Technology Manipulation, Information Analysis, Dimensional Travel, Flight (With Witch Broom), Ghost Transformation (With Potion, which grants Non-Physical Interaction, Levitation, Telepathy, Intangibility, Invisibility, and Possession), Air Manipulation (Intoxicated the air with the Notebook), Empathic Manipulation (Caused different people to fall in love with each other, despite their actual chemistry with the Notebook), Biological Manipulation (changed facial features, transform characters into different people, and merged two different bodies together with the Notebook), Water Manipulation, Creation, Life Manipulation (The Notebook can create original characters that appear in real life who can change exponentially if the pages they were created from were crumbled, ripped, or set on fire), Death Manipulation (The Notebook can kill people), Spatial Manipulation (Changed a set of stairs into moving escalator with the Notebook), BFR (Sent two people into space with the Notebook), Existence Erasure with Universal Remote, Social Influencing with the Rate Everything website (Can rate a person out of 5 stars, negatively or positively affecting their reputation)
Attack Potency: At least Island level (Can easily harm Darwin and characters with comparable durability, has accidentally cracked Penny's shell, which can tank lightning strikes from Masami) to Multi-Continent level (Can harm Ocho and kill him along with other characters on the way like Tina by a throwing attack), higher with Explosion Manipulation (Can cause a bursting explosion that immediately terminates characters on his way), up to Small Star level with Size Manipulation. Low Multiverse level limited Environmental Destruction (Gumball has the potential to get his show canceled like Tobias as the protagonist could have,[4] which would mean Gumball's whole world deteriorating and falling apart on a metafictional scale,[5] which would be contextually more consequential than Richard accidentally tearing apart the fabric of the universe[8]) and Reality Warping (Briefly makes the world fall into the void) | Multi-Continent level with The Console (The Console nearly killed Gumball, Darwin and Anais. Varies from Island level (Summons the likes of Sarah, Banana Joe, and Carrie), to Multi-Continent level (Can summon Nicole and Hector), up to Moon level+, likely Large Planet level+ (Can summon Richard, who grows to the size of a planet in his Ring of Fire summoning attack) with summons. At least Multi-Solar System level, likely Universe level with The Console's Reality Warping (The Console was capable of warping the entire universe into its game. This was backed up by Anais' own statement, and the starry background in Richard's attack. However, this is not pure destructive power). Star level with the Universal Remote (With the remote, Rob turned daytime into nighttime, and vice versa). Unknown with Magic Notebook (It does not focus on raw power or destruction)
Speed: Massively FTL+ (Runs so fast to the point leaving trails of flames behind. Constantly keeps up with Penny Fitzgerald, who can leave the atmosphere and travel to foreign planets outside solar system in less than a second), higher reaction speed (Has outrun and dodged many lasers of Bobert on multiple occasions. Should be far superior to Alan, who dodged Masami's lightning), even higher combat and attack speed (Blitzed Darwin in combat, who has consistently dodged Bobert's lasers. At least comparable to Margeret Robinson, who sent him flying to Saturn by popping the car hood and Patrick Fitzgerald, who once hit the moon with a sandal), Immeasurable at peak (Travelled back to present after being knocked to one year before by Bobert. Stated to live in a different timescale and has made time slowed down with his sheer movements multiple times)
Lifting Strength: Class G (Easily overpowered Nicole when not holding back, who crushed a car with her elbow and mangled another to the point fitting it in a trash can with enormous amounts of force. Chucked a warehouse to a height over his house roof. Knocked down Rob with a slight push. Effortlessly lifted a treadmill and tossed it through the house of Banana Joe. Can hold a car with Nicole, Richard and Anais inside by his feet even in suppressed state. Briefly restrained Penny in dragon form by pulling her leg, in which she described him to be "too heavy". Threw Richard, along with multiple car wheels down the staircase with ease), Multi-Stellar with Size Manipulation (Can handle his own relativistic mass in enlarged size)
Striking Strength: At least Island level to Multi-Continent level (Physically stronger than Darwin, who could constantly harm Penny Fitzgerald, and could easily beat him in a combat. A casual attack of him can critically damage comparable or stronger characters), up to Small Star level with Size Manipulation
Durability: At least Island level (Has survived the destruction of Elmore Junior High. At least comparable to Darwin and Anais, who survived a massive paint explosion. Superior to Mrs. Robinson, who survived a massive oil explosion which blew her to great heights. Has tanked Darwin's longest, most powerful sneeze, with weaker sneezes casually generating energy to destroy many houses and blow off people to the other side of the globe. Survived a fire blast from Penny that scorched part of a forest at point-blank range. Wasn't bothered by a meteor impact. He regularly takes hits from characters of comparable power and only actually harmed by weapons or his own attacks. Can take hits from Ocho without visible damage. Should be more durable than Molly, who is unfazed by Jamie's ball throwing that knocked off Tobias and disabled Bobert) to Multi-Continent level (Tanked the impact of his own explosion. Can take a slap from Hector, which is far more powerful than the attack critically damaged The Console and withstood his kinetic energy with only minor injuries), up to Small Star level with Size Manipulation
Stamina: Superhuman (Despite being portrayed as lazy, Gumball was fine after traveling for over 7000 miles, falling from great heights, and traveling underground within a single afternoon in The Upgrade. In the same episode, he wasn't tired after staying up without moving or blinking for 17 hours. Walked all the way to a desert within the span of an afternoon in order to get as far away from civilization as possible in The Allergy. Survived being stranded on the school roof for at least three days without access to food or water in The Slap. Completely broke his ankle after landing from great heights then later stands up and endures it like nothing happened)
Range: Standard Melee Range, higher using a paintball gun, Hundreds of Kilometers by stretching his arms, Multi-Universal using his protagonist abilities and Reality Warping (Can affect the entire reality of the show, including all realms and dimensions inside it) | Planetary with the Magic Notebook. Interstellar, likely Universal with the Console. Interdimensional with the Universal Remote
Standard Equipment: None notable
- Optional Equipment: Lucky Helmet, The Magic Notebook, the Universal Remote, Pocket Watch, Paintball Gun, Ghost Potion, The Phone, The Console, Love Arrows, Witch Broom
Intelligence: Varies. Below Average common sense, at least Gifted overall intelligence
Gumball continuously acts naive and egotistical, he has admitted to failing middle school twice, he ignored his family's clear warnings that they were being watched by cameras in The Safety, he usually makes bad grades in school, and when he was asked what "procrastinator" meant, he pretended to know instead of admitting he didn't. He and Darwin were easily tricked by Sal Left Thumb, a dangerous criminal, into serving as his accomplices. In both The Procrastinators and The Stars, it was shown Gumball possesses poor grammar for someone his age, which he acknowledged in The Rival after Anais wrote a message in bad grammar. Gumball's laziness has hindered his progress during a few life-threatening situations, such as in The Vegging, where he was only willing to save his family from a near-death experience through the comfort of a swiveling chair, and even then, he didn't want to leave his chair. During The Goons, Gumball and Darwin treated themselves as experts at being dumb and were teaching Anais how to be dumb. During The Genius, Gumball struggled to figure out how the library helped people improve their intelligence, he fainted upon using the Internet for the first time, and he struggled to read a single sentence in a book. During The Brain, Gumball thought that there are nine days in a week. During The Finale, when the consequences of previous episodes started affecting the Wattersons, Gumball and Darwin were put back in kindergarten because they didn't focus on their work. Similarly, Gumball was temporarily put back to kindergarten during The Grades; later when attempting to get back into Elmore Junior High by taking a test, it was revealed that he had to resort to cheating, which he also struggled with, but fortunately he ended up getting an A+ because he actually remembered what was on the test. Overall, Gumball regularly makes poor decisions that consistently land himself, and sometimes even his entire family or school, into trouble.
Although he isn't remarkable in terms of academics, he is imaginative and very creative. He is great at thinking strategically and laying out plans. Certain episodes such as The Petals and The Silence show that Gumball can be highly analytical and posssesses incredible deduction. In The Brain, he is confirmed to be smarter than Darwin, who once became the ruler of the world in The Safety, and his intelligence is only after Nicole's. He is shown to be more calm in dealing with situations and Darwin's decisions are relied on him for most of the time. When he and Darwin got jobs at Joyful Burger during The Menu, they worked their way up to become the CEOs of the entire company, sold their shares and retired as multi-billionaires with a luxurious mansion - all in just a bit over one year. During The List, Gumball and Darwin were able to become millionaires and learn to speak Spanish in less than a day. During The Traitor he performed a successful organ transplant between Alan and his mother despite their organs being invisible. In order to achieve the skill of destroying people in arguments, Gumball rapidly downloaded information from Ranblur (off-brand Tumblr) to his brain and processed the enormous amount of data from the website within no longer than hours. Created many elaborate trails for Penny throughout the town in The Romantic, with one of them involving some knowledge in chemistry, and previously in the same episode, he convinced a entire mall full of people to reenact his video message when Penny gets there. He possesses high marksmanship and is good in related arts such as archery. Gave Clare a happy ending, which prevented a depressed Clare from moving back to her hometown and leaving her friends at Elmore behind, as well as giving her father a new job at the Rainbow Factory, her house being free from repossession, and Clare and her boyfriend being declared prom king and queen. He can play the ukulele talentedly as seen during The Knights. Is a skilled illustrator and revealed to be a member of art class during The Catfish, alongside with being good at cooking and origami. He is proficient in pickpocketing and sleight-of-hand, as he can successfully manipulate people in the heat of the moment to get out of trouble and into better positions, although they usually don't last long. It was shown during The Misunderstandings that Gumball understands and somewhat knows how to speak in the language of polygon creatures.
Standard Tactics: Gumball has occasionally used some of his hax in a fight and when sufficiently enraged, such as using his Imagination Manifestation to fight Tobias with imaginary weapons, causing people to decay and rot with a glare after having a bad day, spewing out toxic acid at Tobias, causing people to combust by running into them, and escaping from Superintendent Evil's (who was Rob in a disguise) brainwashed cronies with his cartoon physics. More often than not, however, Gumball's main tactic in any fight is to initially run away from his opponent at all costs and try to think of a solution, but if he is left with no choice but to directly confront his opponent, he will usually wrestle them to the ground and resort to fisticuffs. He is also capable of making use of his environment and taking quick mental notes, such as escaping a beating from Tobias' baseball bat by blocking his attacks with a trash can, and saving Penny before she could get run over. However, with any of his Optional Equipment, Gumball is very open to using them in combat and will thus try whatever it takes to save his own life. The tactics with his items usually vary given how versatile they are (e.g. Lucky Helmet granting Gumball immense luck that can give him weapons, or him using the Universal Remote to trap Rob).
Weaknesses: Gumball is egotistical, lazy, cowardly and cocky, being very prone to making ignorant decisions. He doesn't have a lot of combat experience and will often run from his opponent instead of directly confronting them in a fight. Rarely takes things seriously at first and is vulnerable to underestimating his opponents. As a cat, Gumball is highly afraid of water and his aquaphobia makes him think he cannot swim. Building up his toxicity takes a lot of time and drastically weakens him. Gumball is usually unaware of his protagonist status, so he's unlikely to utilize it to its full potential. | Same as before. The Universal Remote is as fragile as an actual TV remote, rendering it capable of easily being destroyed, and it can also run out of batteries. The Magic Notebook has a limited amount of pages and erasing a passage reverses any changes; it can also easily be ripped from his possession and destroyed. If The Console is defeated, the game will end. Usage of The Console will also backfire on Gumball, as he will be sucked into the game with his opponent, and The Console itself came to life and turned against him, being more than willing to nearly kill him.
Note 1: While Gumball is constantly potrayed as a loser or a coward, it doesn't necessary mean he is a weak character, especially when he has showed feats contradict to how he is supposed to be. Typically, in The Faith, Gumball fought and defeated a hoard of boyscout armed with basic weapons, which are later implied to be sharp enough to decapitate/amputate someone in The Pact, using his fisticuffs whilst Darwin still needed a bat to be able to deal with them. He further demolished stronger characters like Tina and Ocho in The Gift, with them could only survive because of the off-screen regeneration, since Sarah had got melted by Darwin shinning the sunlight into but then she later looked completely fine when getting to the store with other students. Interestingly, Gumball secretly seems to be a formidable invidual in his school as in The Bus, other students showed an obvious fear of him when he popped Alan for not agreeing with his suggestions hence no one dared to go against him afterwards and not even his girlfriend can be safe from him. During The Knights, Gumball shows how much fear he can put into everyone in his family, especially his mother Nicole, and easily took Richard sign down his position once overwent some changes in personality as seen during The Name. Logically, when not holding back, he should be drastically stronger than his younger sister Anais, who force Tina to shed her tail and ran away out of scariness, alongside with Hector to pretend to be dead as a method to protect himself.
Note 2: While being shown as a fool, in which he's admitted to failing middle school several times or easily to get tricked due to his naive demeanor, Gumball isn't exactly underdeveloped, since there are plenty of hints that he is actually pretending and this is partly stem from his cynicism towards society. In The Saint, Gumball showed his poor common sense when he could barely use fire extinguisher and just slamming it repeatedly into the burning computer. But earlier in The Phone, he's showm to use one properly to put out the fire, proving for his pseudo-idioticity. It is also quite clear that Gumball is limiting his own capabilities for some reason when he could perform a back flip in The Robot and furthermore complex aerobatics movements in The Romantic while dodging Bobert's laser, but future episodes potray him to be a terrible athlete that is not even able to climb through a swivelling chair. Gumball gets F to F- grades for music though he can sing well and play some instruments such as ukulele and clarinet.
Notable Matchups[]
- ↑ The Amazing World of Gumball, Season 2, Episode 76, The Finale
- ↑ The Amazing World of Gumball, Season 4, Episode 120, The Others
- ↑ The Amazing World of Gumball, Season 6, Episode 200, The Vegging
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 The Amazing World of Gumball, Season 5, Episode 164, The Test
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 The Amazing World of Gumball, Season 3, Episode 116, The Money
- ↑ The Amazing World of Gumball, Season 3, Episode 90, The Move
- ↑ The Amazing World of Gumball, Season 2, Episode 39, The Knights
- ↑ The Amazing World of Gumball, Season 2, Episode 44, The Job