Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


HAOS (ハオス Haosu) was a massive, human-based B.O.W. created with the C-Virus. It was encountered by B.S.A.A. operators Chris Redfield and Piers Nivans in an underwater facility off the Chinese coast. Its name comes from the Serbian word for "chaos".

The HAOS project was Carla Radames' and Neo Umbrella's ultimate bio-weapon and was so important to Carla's plans that it required an entire underwater facility to support the creature once its creation was complete. Carla's plan was to unleash HAOS to spread the C-Virus across the entire world, where it would agamogenesis and disperse the virus in a gaseous form in a method comparable to the Lepotica, only with a higher concentration of the virus. Neo-Umbrella planned to release Haos once it had fully developed but a contingency plan – Plan D – was devised in case Carla was killed before the B.O.W. was complete. The creature would be released regardless of whether it was fully developed, with the intention that it could spread the virus across the globe before its imperfections took effect.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 8-C

Name: HAOS

Origin: Resident Evil 6

Gender: None

Age: Unknown

Classification: B.O.W, C-Virus creature, Human-cephalopod hybrid, the ultimate weapon

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance to:

Attack Potency: Building level+ (Via sheer size and is far superior to Chris and Piers)

Speed: Superhuman Speed (Via sheer size) with Supersonic Combat and Reactions Speed (Kept up with Chris and Piers)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 50 (Far superior to Chris and Piers)

Striking Strength: Building Class+

Durability: Building level+

Stamina: Superhuman (Can keep on fighting despite severe multiple injures and lost a lot of blood)

Range: Extended Melee Range physically, Planetary with gas producing organs (To infect the entire world with the C-Virus)

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Animalistic

Weaknesses: In the final fight, as C-Virus Piers, Haos can be stunned and damaged with a fully charged electrical blast. When all three of Haos's vital organs have been destroyed, it will temporarily killed it but still later on come back.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
