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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Hajime Kashimo (Base)
Turn up the volume!! Because this is a funeral for the living!!
~ Hajime Kashimo


Improved agility due to increased activity of electric signals in the brain...

Sound waves that optimize and attune to the natural frequencies of substances...

Electromagnetic waves that vaporize irradiated objects...

Kashimo's body manifests these phenomena and has passed beyond the human realm.

~ The narrator describing Kashimo's technique


Improved agility due to increased activity of electric signals in the brain...

Sound waves that optimize and attune to the natural frequencies of substances...

Electromagnetic waves that vaporize irradiated objects...

Kashimo's body manifests these phenomena and has passed beyond the human realm.

~ The narrator describing Kashimo's technique

Hajime Transformed (Close up)

Improved agility due to increased activity of electric signals in the brain...

Sound waves that optimize and attune to the natural frequencies of substances...

Electromagnetic waves that vaporize irradiated objects...

Kashimo's body manifests these phenomena and has passed beyond the human realm.

~ The narrator describing Kashimo's technique


Hajime Kashimo, also known as "The God of Lighting", is a sorcerer from 400 years ago and was considered the strongest of his era. But, due to such strength, Kashimo became bored and unsatisfied by the power of his opponents, which is what ultimately led to him agreeing to Kenajku's terms and reincarnate in order to fight Sukuna. After reincarnating into a new body prepared for him by Kenjaku (The backshotted one), Kashimo quickly becomes the player with the most points (200) before becoming the first player to make a new rule. Hajime effortlessly eliminated at least forty other players in only twelve days and gained notoriety throughout the Tokyo colonies. He considered all of his opponents far too weak, weaker than even his eras "weaklings".

Powers and Abilities[]

Tier: At least 7-B+, At least 7-A, likely higher with Mythical Beast Amber, possibly 6-C

Name: Hajime Kashimo

Origin: Jujutsu Kaisen

Gender: Male

Age: 400+

Classification: Human, Reincarnated Sorcerer, Culling Game Player, Reincarnated Sorcerer, God of Lightning

Powers and Abilities:

Power Nullification (Can use Hollow Wicker Basket which neutralizes a domain's barrier imbued with a cursed technique to nullify its guaranteed hit.) Fragrance Manipulation & Poison Manipulation (He used his electrified cursed energy to perform electrolysis on seawater in order to create chlorine gas.) Explosion Manipulation & Smoke Manipulation (Can use his cursed energy to create a steam explosion while fighting underwater.) Homing Attack, Electricity Manipulation & Paralysis Inducement (His Cursed Energy Trait gives it the properties of an electric current. Kashimo can transfer a positive charge to a target by striking it and then discharge the negative charge in him without losing any electricity to the ground. This results in a powerful lightning strike that rends the air and can't miss. Direct hits with electricity cause paralysis in those hit regardless of physical toughness) Stealth Mastery (Can turn off his curse energy at will to make sensing harder, something Mei Mei has also shown) Healing & Transformation (Like Sukuna, Reincarnated Sorcerers can resume reincarnation into their original form which heals all wounds inflicted on his body without the need of Reversed Cursed Technique, though this can only be used once) Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant & Acrobatics (Hypermobility & Self-Momentum; Can contend against Panda and Hakari and can efficiently fight in mid air combat.) Weapon Mastery (Hajime is proficient in wielding a staff in battle.) Multiple Souls (His body houses two souls, his own soul and the soul of his vessel) Resistance to: Vibration Manipulation (Was not affected by Panda's Unblockable Drumming Beat which targets the internal organs with Shockwaves) Explosion Manipulation (Was not effected by the steam explosion despite his Cursed Energy being the main component used to create the explosion.) Fragrance Manipulation & Poison Manipulation (Not affected by chlorine gas.) Electricity Manipulation & Paralysis Inducement (The characteristics of Kashimo's cursed energy makes him immune to all kinds of electrical attacks)

Everything else greatly enhanced, aswell as:

Light Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation , Energy Manipulation & Plasma Manipulation (Mythical Beast Amber reconstructs Hajime's flesh to manifest phenomena converted from his Cursed Energy. Can fire electromagnetic waves and energy blasts from his hands) Improved Acrobatics (Through Mythical Beast Amber, Hajime's agility gets improved due to increased electric signals activity in his brain.) Information Analysis, Retrocognition, Enhanced Senses (Hajime's innate technique Mythical Beast Amber grants him X-Ray vision and the ability to perceive the aura that sorcerers omit. Additionally, the technique also grants him the ability to perceive his targets information even which that is transpired in the past.) Statistics Amplification & Transformation (Mythical Beast Amber reconstructs flesh in order to manifest phenomena that he converts from his cursed energy. Kashimo's body far surpasses the human realm when using his technique) Breath Attack, Sound Manipulation & Vibration Manipulation (Can fire sound waves through his mouth.) Pain Suppression (Seemingly unaffected by Mythical Beast Amber which reconstructs Hajime's flesh.)

Attack Potency: At least City Level+, likely Far higher, higher with Lightning Strike (Straight up decimates Panda in their fight[1] who defeated Mechumaru[2] who's capable of doing this. While losing power, Kashimo causes a massive steam explosion in an attempt to kill Hakari. Straight up physically superior to Hakari who Yuta states is stronger than him when he's worked up (A.K.A. Jackpot Hakari), which automatically scales him to feats such as Ryu's street crater as Yuta fights with him and ultimately defeats him[3] as well as these feats as Yuta upscales them and Rika possibly being able to destroy a town (though likely not in one move), and beats the shit outta Yuji[4]. Hakari stays in a fight with Uraume for literally 31 chapters[5] (Gege deadass didn't know wtf to do with them lmao) which should make him comparable to Uraume who makes a giant ice sculpture. Hakari is also able to take a lapse blue punch from Gojo which only causes him to throw up (Yuta also had the exact same reaction further cementing their scaling to one-another.), I say only because a base Kashimo was capable of completely breaking down Hakaris body on numerous occasions. A lapse blue punch from Gojo was capable of harming a 19 finger Meguna.) At least Mountain Level with Mythical Beast Amber, higher with Lightning Strike (Far superior to his base form. Easily overwhelms and overpowers Sukuna to the point he has to use a technique he didn't want to have to in order to heal himself[6]: Sukuna with 16 fingers one shot Ryu and right before his fight with Hajime melts Uraumes ice sculpture with the snap of his fingers, this version of Sukuna should also be far superior to his 2 finger self who defeated the finger bearer[7] with no difficulty, Sukuna should also be at least comparable to his later weakened reincarnated form who fires an arrow in Shinjuku, he should also be superior to his 15 finger form who fires a flame arrow obliterating Shibuya. Both are far superior to Jogo who makes a gigantic meteor. It is heavily implied that his lightning strike would have had killed Sukuna had he not transformed before it hit.) Possibly Island Level (Having easily overpowered Meguna who had just gone toe to toe with Gojo, he can possibly, most likely, be scaled to Gojos earthquake that he created when unsealed which was scaled to possibly be Island Level, Gojo is also stated to be capable of powering the entirety of the U.S. alone. Further scaling to Gojo is Hakari tanking a Lapse Blue punch from him.)

Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic+, likely higher, at least Sub-Relativistic with Mythical Beast Amber (Can shoot out a strike of lightning. Can produce sonic blasts from his mouth. Superior to lesser sorcerers who can consistently move at Subsonic+ to Transonic speeds. Should be faster than, Hakari who dodged his lightning strike (kinda) and should be relative if not superior to Yuta who blitzes Choso, and Maki. Faster than Ryu. Completely speed Blitzes Sukuna who should be superior to his previous forms and comparable to Gojo. His entire body is converted into pure electricty from his cursed energy.) SOL attack speed (He weaponizes electromagnetic waves and uses them to attack his opponents.)

Lifting Strength: Class M (Comparable to Hakari who should be superior in strength to Yuta)

Striking Strength: At least City Level+, likely Far higher, higher with Lightning Strike At least Mountain Level with Mythical Beast Amber, higher with Lightning Strike, Possibly Island Level

Durability: At least City Level+, likely far higher (Comparable to AP. Tanks several hits from Hakari. Superior to curses such as Jogo.) At least Mountain level with Mythical Beast Amber, likely higher (Tanks several hits from reincarnated Sukuna with only minimal damage[6], reincarnated Sukuna is likely superior to all of his previous forms and allowed him to go against the strongest of the verse and defeat several of them. Withstands world slash which killed Gojo and nearly killed Yuta (Fraudta).) Possibly Island Level (Somewhat relative to Gojo who has possible Island Level scaling.)

Stamina: Superhuman (Can fight for hours on end without becoming tired. Even as an old man was capable of defeating numerous sorcerers at once without getting tired.)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with Nyoi Staff, Tens of Meters with Lightining Discharge, Electromagnetic Waves, and Energy Blasts

Standard Equipment: Nyoi Staff: Hajime wields a staff in a battle that can function as a lightning rod for accumulating his charges. Hajime wields a staff in a battle that can function as a lightning rod for accumulating his charges. It's capable of conducting the electrical properties of Hajime's cursed energy, making it a suitable weapon for the sorcerer to use in close combat.

Intelligence: Gifted in Combat (Hajime's exceptional intelligence becomes evident in combat, where he swiftly comprehends the intricacies of his opponents' abilities. Whether deciphering internal damage from a single strike or strategically outmaneuvering adversaries like Panda, Hajime demonstrates a keen ability to analyze and exploit weaknesses. Against Hakari. Rather than opting for a straightforward victory, he learns about Hakari's abilities and plans to outlast the bonus round. Despite having a definitive plan to win, Hajime challenges himself by attempting clever tactics during Hakari's unkillable mode. Using advanced jujutsu knowledge, he aims for Hakari's head and employs deceptive techniques like pre-accumulating electrical charge. When faced with Hakari's luck, Hajime adapts, trying poison and orchestrating an underwater steam explosion, showcasing his resourcefulness and tactical brilliance)

Weakness: WATER (Though it appears he needs to be completely submerged in it) In water, Kashimo's cursed energy loses its electrical property, but Kashimo can either release all of his energy at once in a last attempt explosion of electricity as shown in his fight with Hakari[8] or shut it off completely until he returns to land.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:
  • Esoteric Technique: Hollow Wicker Basket (「」 Ōgi・Iyako Tsuzura?): An anti-domain technique and predecessor to Simple Domain. It neutralizes a domain's barrier imbued with a cursed technique to nullify its guaranteed hit.
  • Electrified Cursed Energy: Hajime's cursed energy has the properties of an electric current, putting his body in a constant state of electrification. This makes his cursed energy-reinforced physical attacks impossible to defend against, as his hits shock the opponent upon impact.
  • Lightning Discharge: Manipulating the characteristics of his cursed energy allows Hajime to freely separate its electric charges. By applying the positive charge to his target immediately, Hajime can discharge the negative charge without losing any electricity to the ground. This results in a powerful lightning strike that rends the air and is guaranteed to hit without the need for domain expansion. After discharging this attack, Kashimo needs time to recharge before he can fire it again.
  • Mythical Beast Amber ( Genjū Kohaku?): Hajime's innate technique reconstructs flesh in order to manifest phenomena that he converts from cursed energy. Kashimo's body far surpasses the human realm when using his technique, so it can only be used once before his flesh collapses.
    • Agility: The enhanced agility derived from increased brain signal activity granted him swift and precise movements, allowing him to evade attacks and position himself effectively.
    • Sound Waves: The emission of sound waves optimized to match natural frequencies of materials served as a potent offensive tool, causing damage to his opponent by exploiting vulnerabilities in their structure.
    • Electro Magnetic Waves: The generation of electromagnetic waves capable of vaporizing irradiated objects.
    • Energy blasts: The generation of energy blasts from the palms of his hands capable of decimating his opponent.
    • X-Ray Vision: Hajime's third eye, with X-ray vision, gave him a clear view of Sukuna's strengths and weaknesses. It also offered a glimpse into Sukuna's past achievements.