Heavy is the main character in Heavy is Dead. In that video, he is shot by the Engineer and goes through wild antics with the crew.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: Unknown
Name: Heavy
Origin: Heavy is Dead
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown at time of "death"
Classification: Heavy
Powers and Abilities: Reality Warping, Immortality (Type 12) and instant Resurrection upon death (Once shot in the head, he then announces he's dead as if he didn't die), Cloth Manipulation (Can get rid of his clothing seemingly out of nowhere despite having died), Regeneration (Low-Mid, likely High-Mid; healed from being shot in the head. Healed from being burst into bits), Flight (Can lightly hover), Duplication (Can duplicate himself to poke his dead corpse), Size Manipulation, One Hit Kill and Durability Negation (Can kill people in one hit using his finger gun)
Attack Potency: Unknown
Speed: Unknown
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Unknown
Durability: Unknown
Stamina: Unknown
Range: Standard melee range
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: Average
Weaknesses: Can die quite easily, although his powers negate this
Note: Do not actually use this in a thread, unless it's for a joke. I did not make this with the actual intent of battle and his stats can't be deduced as of yet.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: