Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
The angrier I get the stronger I get! I’m the strongest one there is! Hulk Smash!
~ Hulk


Dr. Bruce Banner, Ph.D aka the Hulk is an American theoretical physicist, famed for his work into the studies of nuclear physics and gamma radiation. He was recruited by General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross and the US Army to develop the first Gamma Bomb. During its first live test he was bombarded with a massive dose of gamma rays while saving Rick Jones, a kid who was out on the test site. He was mutated into a green behemoth, the living personification of rage, fueled by pure physical strength and would come to be known as nearly mindless "Incredible Hulk". Fearful of the damage that Hulk could inflict, as well as fleeing from the military, he went on the run. He later found a home among the Avengers, the Earth's Mightiest Heroes, for a short time.

Powers and Statistics[]

Tier: Low 2-C up to 2-C | 2-C | 2-C. 1-A

Name: Robert Bruce Banner; The Incredible Hulk; Joe Fixit; The Green Scar; The Sakaarson; The World Breaker

Origin: Marvel Comics

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human Mutate, Scientist, Fugitive on the run, Avenger, Defender

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Immortality (Types 1, 3 & 4. Will end up in the Below-Place after dying from which he can quickly revive himself through the Green Door should he choose to do so), Regeneration (High-Mid for practical combat purposes, Mid-High over time. Very quickly reassembled himself at will after being cut into many pieces. His future self, the Maestro, took several years to recover after being reduced to powder), Resurrection via Green Door, Multiple Selves (Type 1; became able to switch between his personas and they can work together to be "the strongest and smartest one there is"), Enhanced Senses & Extrasensory Perception via Mystic senses (He can perceive spirits and can know if he's being watched as well as feel, hear, and see them.), Berserk Mode and Rage Power (His strength and general power levels are directly proportional to his anger, or, as the old saying goes, "The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets"), Can create massive shock waves with thunderclaps, Absorption (Can absorb gamma radiation. Can absorb dark magic and dimensional nexus energies to grow stronger), Adaptation (His body has adapted to breathing underwater), Non-Physical Interaction (Can touch energy as if it were solid and tangible), Information Analysis (Can discern how magical objects work), Reactive Evolution and Self-Power Modification (Gained the ability to see ghosts because he was afraid of his father coming back to haunt him. His powers are directly affected by his psyche. All of his powers are manifestations of his psyche with the Gray, Green, and Normal forms being representative of his ID, Superego, and Ego respectively. Gamma Rays bring out subconscious desires as powers which dictate their capabilities), Telekinesis (Once developed telekinesis), Power Nullification and Resistance Negation (His radiation negates invulnerability, including invulnerability to Mind Manipulation), Limited Radiation Manipulation (Can release massive bursts of gamma radiation capable of leveling cities, involuntarily, when enraged.)

Attack Potency: Universe level+, up to Low Multiverse level (Comparable to The Thing and the Blob. Destroyed the entire Universe during his battle with the Nameless One. Shattered a Dark Dimension and destroyed a dimension by a thunderclap. Comparable to Silver Surfer who contained two Universes. He's a channel for the power of two Universes) | Low Multiverse level (More powerful than he has ever been as Savage Hulk. Shown to have stalemated a serious Sentry) | Low Multiverse level (Devil Hulk has more control over Banner and thus is more brutal and stronger than Savage Hulk. Overpowered Thor who defeated and nearly killed Savage Hulk, along with Hulkbuster Iron Man . Overpowered the Thing immensely. Fought Jane Foster who scales to Odin). Outerverse level (Amped by Geburah who wields the strength of Above All Others. Became the archetypal agent of judgement and gained enough power to defeat Brian Banner, the countless hulk army, The One Below All and grew too powerful to be in hell. After becoming he one with Bruce Banner, Hulk's very existence got questioned where the narrator questioned if he was The Accuser, Adversary, Khameal, Satan, Geburah or Golachab. Was the embodiment of The One Above All's rage)

Speed: High Hypersonic Jumping speed (Nearly reached escape velocity), with Immeasurable Combat and Reaction speed (He has consistently kept up with Thor who can travel across the Universe between the Nine Realms without the help of the Bifrost in a short amount of time and the Nine Realms are shown to be separate Universes and also does this. Scaled to Silver Surfer who crossed the entire Universe in minutes and exceeded the Speed of Light) | Immeasurable Combat and Reaction speed (Matched The Sentry who scales from Thor) | Immeasurable Combat and Reaction speed. Irrelevant

Lifting Strength: Infinite, likely Immeasurable (Capable of supporting the weight of a star, scales to Thor and Hercules who lifted the Heaven, holding Tectonic Plates together, lifting and throwing mountains, pushed a 10x stronger than normal warrior's madness Thor towards the ground with one arm, and separated spheres of matter and anti-matter) | Infinite, likely Immeasurable | Infinite, likely Immeasurable. Irrelevant

Striking Strength: Universal+, up to Low Multiversal | Low Multiversal | Low Multiversal. Outerversal

Durability: Universe level+, up to Low Multiverse level (Withstood magical energy measured as 100 times stronger than Hercules' most powerful blows). Regeneration makes him extremely difficult to kill, as his healing factor was once depicted as powerful enough to bring his future "Maestro" self back to life from being reduced to powder. | Low Multiverse level (Endured numerous blows from The Sentry) | Low Multiverse level (Tanked multiple blows from Hulkbuster Iron Man and Thor with a little to no effect). Outerverse level

Stamina: Extremely High (As long as he remains angry)

Range: Extended melee range due to his size, thunderclaps can reach up to Kilometers in every direction, by attacking the ground he can reach potential Planetary range

Standard Equipment: Fists

Intelligence: Below Average as the Savage Hulk. Not very bright but capable of surprisingly clever battle tactics. At least Average as World War Hulk. He learned how to control his rage with the help of Hiroim, and had some experience as a leader. At least Above Average as Immortal Hulk. He holds the ability to analyze situations and reach conclusions and solutions successfully using "unreason and magical thinking". Extraordinary Genius as Banner. He is one of the most brilliant scientists on the Marvel Earth, rivaling Tony Stark in intelligence. Banner is also recognized as the premier expert on radiation. Claimed to be one of the eight smartest people on Earth. When in an intelligent state of mind, he is proficient in martial arts, due to training from Iron Fist. Doctor Doom has stated that Banner is superior to him in some fields.

Weaknesses: If he is not sufficiently enraged, he transforms back to Bruce Banner, with only base human stats (although he has shown the ability to maintain the transformation in varying emotional states), and can be knocked out depending on the circumstances. As Immortal Hulk, he reverts to human form when exposed to bright day sunlight. He prevents himself fron getting too enraged to not lose control, His powers are heavily tied to his psyche, and as such are subject to change. For example, a fear of harming others as the intelligent Hulk made it so that he decreased in power with anger for some time. His powers also at one point became only usable at night due to his subconscious fear of exposure and the judgment of others. Becoming the Savage Hulk if he gets too angry as a safety mechanism, which decreases his strength. He's repelled by things related to the The One Above All Others

Key: Savage Hulk | World War Hulk | Immortal Hulk
