The Indoraptor is an artificial prototype hybrid dinosaur created by Dr. Henry Wu in secret within the laboratory of Lockwood Manor. Though missing desired material from the last living Velociraptor, Blue, it was sold at an auction anyway before it could be completed, but later manipulated a mercenary to escape its cage and wreak havoc on the mansion and the people within.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-A, likely 8-B
Name: Indoraptor, I. Raptor, "Indomitable Thief"
Origin: Jurassic Saga
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Genetically-engineered dinosaur, Hybrid
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Enhanced Senses
- Stealth Mastery
- Echolocation
- Large Size (Type 0)
- Natural Weaponry (Claws & Teeth)
- Regeneration (Low; can heal from minor damage such as scratches decently fast, higher with Intensive Repair)
Attack Potency: Small Building level+, likely City Block level+ (Ripped through staircases, including a metal spiral one, its railings & bars, with ease, dented a wall by crashing/running into it, while charging at full speed would yield around this level of energy due to his sheer weight and accidentally broke a metal beam in half during his fight with Blue, who likely scratched Indominus Rex. Stronger than every Velociraptors and should not be too much weaker than the Stygimoloch. Can fought dinosaurs who can bust through a concrete fence)
Speed: Subsonic, likely Supersonic (Capable of keeping pace with Blue)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman, possibly Class 10 (Overpowered and tossed Blue around like a ragdoll to send her flying across a room, moved a truss beam & a log upwards while crashing into a museum display, can carry two humans with his jaws &/or arms high into the air without any difficulties while running sprinting, and leap this high from a further distance despite his own weight by virtue of his sheer size. Lifted himself up when he nearly fell through a glass roof)
Striking Strength: Small Building level+, likely City Block level+
Durability: Small Building level+, likely City Block level+ (Tanked hits from Blue, took shots from an assault rifle designed to subdue other dinosaurs without much injury)
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: Extended Melee Range
Standard Equipment: Claws, teeth, tail
Intelligence: At least Below Average, possibly Average (Highly intelligent and manipulative predator every bit as smart as both the Velociraptors and I. Rex it was designed after)
Weaknesses: Will always follow orders given by a laser, and the Indoraptor will always fixate himself on killing the marked target when the audio cue is given.
Notable Matchups[]