Information Analysis, also known as "Scanning" is the ability to observe an enemy or character to obtain information about them that would otherwise remain unnoticed by the untrained or naked eye. In a combat setting, this is often used to analyze a character's strengths and weaknesses, allowing the user or users to plan around them and act accordingly. This ability is commonly associated with robotic entities or RPG characters. The exact nature of the information gathered and the method of which it is gathered both vary based on context, but it is often associated with analyzing the target's physicality (that is to say, their form or body). Alternatively, this ability may be used to gain insight on the psychology of the character, or even to identify unique abilities that the target possesses. This ability is often associated with Enhanced Senses, but it's possible to have one without the other in both cases.
- Depending on the context, the information provided may prove to be vague, inaccurate, unreliable or misleading.
- Users of this ability may rely heavily on its strategic use, leading them to make poor decisions in its absence or failing.
Notable Users
- Several characters from the Final Fantasy franchise, particularly White Mages.
- Several characters from the Epic Battle Fantasy series.
- The Pokédex from Pokémon.
- Gatchmon and his evolutions (Digimon Universe: Appli monsters)