“ | My ink swells and boils. It consumes. I am the Ink Demon. This realm is mine. You were born from it. You belong to it. | „ |
~ Ink Demon |
Ink Demon, also known as Bendy is the main antagonist and titular character throughout the timeline of Bendy verse.
He is the dark parody of the same name Joey Drew Studios's mascot, and was the failed attempt to bring cartoon characters to real life using the Ink Machine. Due to many unconcerned flaws in his creation, Bendy was born abnormal, twisted into a hellish monster, who went on take over and terrorize a limbo dimension called The Cycle as its monarch for eternity.
Later, Bendy is trapped within shrinked, more cartoony form, but still manages to remain his consciousness and keeps on the conspiracy to spread his dread once again.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 1-C | At least 1-A, High 1-A at full potential
Key: Cartoon Bendy | Ink Demon | Beast Bendy
Name: Bendy, The Ink Demon, Lord of the Dark Puddles
Origin: Bendy and the Ink Machine
Gender: Referred to as male
Age: Unknown (Created in 1929 and is heavily implied to be still alive onwards)
Classification: Living Cartoon, Hellspawn Abomination, Satanic Tyrant, Metaphysical Eldritch, Imagination Deity
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Inorganic Physiology (Types 1 and 2) and Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2 and 3; Doesn't need to breath, eat or sleep)
- Immortality (Type 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7; Ink Creatures exist in The Cycle, a limbo realm that one can only access upon their death)
- Invulnerability (As an animated entity, Bendy is unfazed by any physical harms, such as crushing, regardless how much damage is dealt on him)
- Nonexistent Physiology (Nature Type 3, Aspect Types 1 and 3; Is shown to have emotional responses albeit lacking a soul[1])
- Small Size (Type 0)
- Body Control (Can spin his head around)
- Non-Physical Interaction
- Spiritual and Mental (Soul exists retaining one mind, and Ink from the Ink Machine can interact with them)
- Abstract (Type 1), Energy and Nonexistent (Nature Type 3; All Aspects; Can interact with Memory Joey, with the memory is made of both mind and soul. Memory Joey is the emphiphany of the man himself, which really presents as energy but also not and only appears to be a delusional perception)
- Transformation and Multiple Selves (Has two opposite personalities and will transform when one of them takes control; One side is Cartoon Bendy, who is mischiveous and friendly, with the other side being the manipulative and sinister Ink Demon)
- Acausality (Types 1, 2 and 4; His existence is composed by the very essence of his own realm, The Cycle, a place unbounded by changes in time, such as temporal freezing, meaning neither the past and future exist but only the present. Implied to be aware of himself being in a time loop)
- Immunity to Soul, Mind, Empathic and Memory Manipulation (Doesn't possess a soul. Soul is the source all emotions, personality and memories in one being stem from, thus directly connects to the non-physical mind)
- Power Nullification and Absorption (Still able to access his powers despite them being nullified by signal pyloons, as seen how he could walk through the wall even when severely weakened. Shrugged off from the attempt to drain energy of Audrey's Banish)
- BFR, Resurrection and Regeneration Negation (True-Godly; Banish returns one being back their pre-existence and transfering what remains into an undefined state called "Phantoms of the Machine"[2])
- Existence Erasure (Unfazed by Audrey's Banish ability, which erases things from existence in contact)
- Physics Manipulation and Law Manipulation (Same as The Dark Puddles; Doesn't abide by laws such as physics, even to an extent in which he can break through mechanics of the game)
- Immunity to Extreme Temperature and Electricity (The ink which comprises his body has no reaction to effects of temperature or electricity, as shown when Lost Ones being unfazed by high-voltage electricity from Audrey's Shock Pipe and their bodies still remained intact despite the enormous electrocution that shut the whole power source down, evaporating afterwards)
Same as before minus Small size plus;
- Immortality (Type 3 and 9) and Beyond-Dimensional Physiology (Can regenerate after his body being completely destroyed and will be alive as long as his consciousness still exists[3]. As Betty implied[4], Ink Demon's consciousness exists in a state among realities, outside the fabric of the Multiverse like Phantoms of the Machine, where nothing can die or come back[2])
- Large Size (Type 0; Talls about 23 ft when not crouching)
- Bodily Weaponry (Has sharp claws and teeth)
- Regeneration (True-Godly, Has came back from being narratively obliterated by The End reel numerous times)
- Abstract Existence (Type 1, Is the perfect manifestation of The Illusion of Living, a pseudo philophical belief. In which life is an illusion and dreams being simulating part of reality. Everything is considered real because nothing is)
- Nonduality (Type 1; The nature of The Illusion of Living is fantasy and life co-exist and are not far apart from each other)
- Reactive Evolution and Empowerment (Pain and Vulnerability; Passively developes adaptation capability to any kind of methods that are meant to harm or against him, as well as strengthening his powers through exposing to them. Adapted to the prison "Bendy" that Wilson put on him)
- Enhanced Invulnerability (The Keepers emphasized that terminating Ink Demon by physical means is ultimately impossible[5]. Cannot be scratched even by multiple consecutive attacks at once)
- Nigh-Omnipresence
- Supernatural Willpower (Endured hourly sessions of physical totures and surgical invasions, without any pain reactions[1][5])
- Genius Intelligence
- Clairvoyance, Enhanced Senses, Extrasensory Perception, Retrocognition, Precognition and Cosmic Awareness (Is aware of soul existence which no one else could do. Can see[6] and hear everything that has been said or happening across space and time. Foreshadows the fate of Audrey at the end of the journey and seemingly sees through her true past despite him existing in a parallel to the Real World, on an entirely seperated temporal dimension. Can seal souls even though they are normally unperceivable)
- Flight (Shown the ability to fly in the beginning of his confrontation with Shipahoy Dudley)
- Teleportation and Portal Creation (Can attack Audrey by teleporting her location from anywhere. Creates portals throughout The Cycle when patrolling)
- Immersion and Dimensional Travel (Shown to travel between dimensions, specifically the Real World and The Cycle, with The Cycle being a world of fiction and considered "utter nonsense")
- Surface Scaling and Acrobatics (Climbed on the walls of Gent Building from the back and landed down perfectly. Can easily charge leaps of great heights and is incredibly maneuverable in combat)
- Magic and Quantum Manipulation (Ink Demon's powers are derived from The Dark Puddles, which Thomas Connor, who has directly operated researches on it, reported to be magical. The Dark Puddles warp the reality, fracturing the quantum flux linking worlds to displacing or merging elements of them together[7])
- Soul/Mind Manipulation, Absorption and Sealing (Can destroy and devour souls, as well as trapping them in hanging cages that they can't escape, implied by the noises emitted even though there is no wind, or random objects)
- Resurrection and Regeneration Negation (True-Godly; Averts The Dark Puddles's regenerating abilities on Audrey. The Dark Puddles can revive creatures upon death, even when their souls were destroyed[2] and Ink Demon's regeneration, which makes him return each time from narrative erasure of The End reel, is based on this)
- Madness Manipulation (Type 3, His speech can drive the mind of who hears it completely insane, described as "dark, unspeakable trash"[6])
- Fear Manipulation (Passive, The presence of the Ink Demon makes Audrey's heartbeat increase, even when she isn't aware of his presence)
- Telepathy and Information Analysis (Can read the others mind and telepathically communicate to them. Able to know "secrets" inside beings, as he could know Audrey's name and later her whole existence which even herself has never known)
- Invisibility and Perception Manipulation (Makes his physical presence imperceptible to Audrey's senses)
- Technology Manipulation and Telekinesis (Caused black-out in a hallway. Locked elevator doors to prevent Audrey from going in though they always open when not used. Moves cutouts whenever Henry reaches their position)
- Matter Manipulation
- Duplication (Duplicates a cutout into multiple copies each time the projector is turned on)
- Restoration, Existence Erasure and Status Effect Inducement (Can make certain objects, typically cutouts, self-restore into original state after being damaged or make things in contact with them vanish)
- Biological Manipulation, Transmutation and Subjective Reality (Warped Alice Angel's half face into a slush substance of ooze. Has transformed Buddy and many other people into cartoon characters or humanoid undeads through soul sacrifice. Can make pictures on paper come to life)
- Automatic Translation (Can understand Japanese and write messages of them)
- Dark Puddles Manipulation
- Corruption (Types 2 and 3), Madness Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Memory Manipulation and Deconstruction (The Dark Puddles will cause insanity in those who come into contact with it consistently over the course of a few days, as seen with Sammy Lawrence. In a further, it can transmodify the properties of matter and infecting the biology, including souls, while fading away the memory and causing unstable and exaggerated emotions, such as becoming hyperbolicly cowardice and afraid or constantly ashamed and feeling guilty over even the most minor offensives. The ink has the potential to dissolve people to the degree that nothing remains intact or recognizable, which is said by Allison to be "a drop of water in the ocean")
- Power Bestowal and Statistics Amplification (The Dark Puddles can grant beings superpowers and amplify their stats)
- Resurrection (The Dark Puddles can revive creatures upon dead, making them practically unable to be killed)
- Creation, Matter Manipulation, Elemental Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Higher-Dimensional Existence, Weapon Creation, Life Manipulation and Biological Manipulation (Virtually everything in The Cycle is constructured from The Dark Puddles, from physical matter such as constructions, elements, celestial bodies, objects, entities, chemicals, energy to even abstractions like the hollow void or the space-time continuum[8]. Created Audrey, an organism that is nearly identical to human in term of biology)
- Sound Manipulation (Makes Alice Angel's quote emit from nowhere after the first four cutouts were destroyed)
- Breaking the Fourth Wall (Can kill player through the menu if they pause the game for several minutes)
- Invulnerability Negation (Can kill other creatures in a single blow, no matter their durability)
- Aura (Overwhelming) and Death Manipulation (Passive; The shadowy patterns created from his mere presence cause the members of Butcher Gang and Searchers to decease when getting nearby)
- Great Manipulation Skills and Charisma (Is described to be extremely charismatic and cunning[3], to the point that he can make people worship him just by talking to them. Throughout his living time, Ink Demon terrorized and reigned over The Cycle, converting the any inhabintants of it to his cult and heavily implied to have put civilizations or other communities under his own influence[4]. Easily tricked Audrey and persuaded her become his pawn, with him also previously succeed in making Henry believe himself is still alive and indirectly dragged his soul into The Cycle through faking Joey Drew in a telegram[9])
- Enhanced Body Control, Power Mimicry, Self-Power Modification, Elasticity, Dimensional Manipulation, Shapeshifting (Should have all metamorphosis abilities of The Dark Puddles. The Dark Puddles's primarial properties is morphing, changing itself into anything between regardless its nature, appearance, form, attributes, information, existence state[8] and even mimic fictional characters's powers, such as Buddy gaining heightened sense of hearing and smell after being reincarnated into Boris the Wolf. Stretched his limbs and enhanced the body for combat, eventually reformed as hand. Seemingly assumed the "beast" transformation by altering his form. Mimics Joey Drew's mannerisms and signature[9]. Can perfectly imitate shadows and reflection of light. Manifested himself from the very fabric of space)
- Size Manipulation and Density Manipulation (Can change his own size, partially or entirely during transformation. Freely shifts between matter states and mass, liquidificating, dispersing to even becoming totally intangible)
- Reality Warping, Physics Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Probability Manipulation and Causality Manipulation (Causes the Horror Vision, a Déjà vu like reality-altering phenomenon which can deform physics to surreal degrees and distort the fabric of space-time through gravitional bending. Capable of interfering the laws at metafictional level and killing player through the game's UI. Can twist ordinary causality, such as making physical motion of objects go wild by pushing a random book or making the Ink Machine suddenly appear after a flash of light. Its powers influence the principles of the reality, allowing impossibilities to happen in our world[7])
- Information Manipulation (Type 3), Plot Manipulation, Subjective Reality, Creation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1 - Platonic) and Existence Erasure (These are most fundamental abilities of The Illusion of Living. All existing aspects of reality, matter, world, life, laws, concepts are all make-believe and built from our grand illusions. Illusions are formed from imagination, drawn itself by itself independently of the universe. An author can push the boundary between the imagination and reality, controling over, changing or obliterating the essence of them)
- Void and Time Manipulation (Passive; The Horror Vision caused during his death reduces The Cycle into nothingness while resetting its timeline)
- Light and Darkness Manipulation (Warps the scenery of spatial and causes it to get darker upon appearing)
- Fusionism and Fissionism (Fused with Audrey and later seperated her out of his body)
All prior resistances and immunities, adding with:
- Madness Manipulation (Unaffected by his own insanity-inducing speech)
- Plot Manipulation, Information Manipulation (Type 3), Quantum Manipulation, Reality Warping, Subjective Reality, Space-Time Manipulation and Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; Wilson claimed that Bendy was too powerful to be destroyed despite possessing The Master's godly capabilities)
- Sealing (Can effortlessly break free from seals if his consciousness is still active)
- Invulnerability Negation (Unfazed by attacks from The Projectionist, which can bypass Buddy Boris's durability)
- Sleep Manipulation and Paralysis Inducement (The Keepers sedated him for operating experiment, but turned to be in vain as he keeps fighting back afterwards)
- Magic, Corruption (Types 2 and 3), Biological Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Death Manipulation, Decontruction and Transmutation (Not affected by his own powers)
Same as before plus;
Attack Potency: Complex Multiverse level (Should be physically comparable to weaker ink monsters such as the Searchers and Lost Ones, who can damage Henry and Audrey) | At least Outerverse level+ (Stated to have unfathomably vast power that no other creature can match[6]. Allison remarked that challenging the Ink Demon would be straight up a death wish. As the perfect manifestation of The Illusion of Living, he should be far more powerful than the phisolophy itself, which contains the cosmology, encompassing what is real and not of the Multiverse, and views it all as mere fiction. The Multiverse itself is a Hilbert space with wires working as omnidirectional vectors. Each wire is a timeline/universe on the existential plance, in which comprises of higher realms such as The Cycle or space-time cotinuums typically The Real World and other worlds among[7]. Is the most powerful source of power, in which all powers are stated to belong to him. Drastically superior to the Keepers and Shipahoy Dudley, who are comparable to him in power), can ignore conventional durability with raw power, High Outerverse level at full potential (Hinted to be limited by laws of The Cycle and has yet not able to reach the true potential of his powers. Will supposedly reign beyond the very essence of Cromley Vacuum, which is the hyperdimensional structure surrounding the Multiverse)
Speed: Immeasurable (Can keep up with Post-Cycle Audrey, who outran a timeline before its resetting) | Irrelevant (Should be superior to the Keepers, who phase through matter just by moving in short burst. Can easily outpace and blitz other ink creatures in combat. Alice warned that speed can't be used to cope with Ink Demon and hiding is a more possible choice. Moves faster than the Miracle Station's doors can close. Kills Audrey before she has time to react)
Lifting Strength: Unknown | At least Immeasurable (Causes the whole plane of The Cycle and the void surrounding to tremble by his sheer movements. Easily wrestled and overpowered Shipahoy Dudley, who was able to fight on par with him)
Striking Strength: Complex Multiverse level | At least Outerverse level+, High Outerverse level at full potential
Durability: Complex Multiverse level | At least Outerverse level+ (Completely unable to be harmed by lesser beings. Could no-sold The Master's reality-warping attacks and rendered them useless against him, even when being restricted in The Cycle), High Outerverse level at full potential, Immortality, Regeneration, Abstract Existence, Invulnerability and Nonexistent Physiology make him overwhelmingly difficult to harm or kill
Stamina: Superhuman (Doesn't require to rest, and never seems to tire) | Inexhaustible (Far superior to members of Butcher Gang, who cannot conventionally tire out compared to other Ink Creatures. The Butcher Gang have endured multiple form of toture, physical mutilation, decapitation, dismantle, body swapping, dissection and functions even without organs such as brain. Constantly hunts down those trapped in The Cycle, a perpetual loop[2] without tiring or needing to rest. Has no reactions[1] to enormous amounts of pain and physical torture for seemingly limitless periods of time[5])
Range: Below Standard Melee Range | Extended Melee Range, Complex Multiversal with powers, up to Outerversal+ to High Outerversal at full potential, Extradimensional with Dimensional Travel, Cosmic Awareness and Clairvoyance
Standard Equipment: Toy train | None notable | None notable
Intelligence: Below Average (Cannot talk and has a very childish demeanor but still possess some degree of self awareness) | Animalistic common sense, Supergenius general intelligence (Able to foreshadow exactly what will happen in the future and perceive the past of Audrey regardless she having no actual memories about it. Can process infinite amounts of information, such as tracking The Cycle from every corner at once, despite it being an endless space. Being a master manipulator, during his reign, Ink Demon through his sheer charisma, observation and psychological manipulation skills, has manipulated virtually all inhabitants of The Cycle into his loyal cultists. Showed unpredictable level strategy, which caught Wilson off guard and unexpectedly successful in luring Audrey to unleash him from The Cycle. Is an extremely tactical fighter in combat, could subdue gigantic monsters like Shipahoy Dudley in no time and being considered by Allison and Tom, who are elite warriors once battled a whole army, as the dread)
Weaknesses: Despite his transcendent intellect, he is somewhat feral and gluttonous, making it relatively easy to have him distracted or captured. Exposing to The End reel can pararalyze him for a time, though not kill him by anyway. Prefers to toy with his food or mentally torture them, which thus led to multiple plans of him eventually failed.
Note: Certain abilities and resistances that Ink Demon demonstrated can be applied for Cartoon Bendy since Ink Demon canonically has been transformed into Cartoon Bendy by Wilson, not vice versa.
Notable Matchups[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Keeper Log 44
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Phantoms of the Machine
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Voice in All of Us
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 The Dark Monarch
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Keeper Log 26
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 The Dread beyond Mortal Fears
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Special Displacements of Unknown Elements
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 The Cycle
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Where It all Began