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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

CartoonBendy (TRW)
Bendy... You're real?
~ Audrey discovering Bendy

Bendy... You're real?
~ Audrey discovering Bendy

My ink swells and boils. It consumes. I am the Ink Demon. This realm is mine. You were born from it. You belong to it.
~ Ink Demon

You're just a pawn. What makes you think you can defy me? Arise, my domain! Destroy this traitor!
~ Beast Bendy


Ink Demon, also known as Bendy is the main antagonist and titular character throughout the timeline of Bendy verse.

He is the dark parody of the same name Joey Drew Studios's mascot, and was the failed attempt to bring cartoon characters to real life using the Ink Machine. Due to many unconcerned flaws in his creation, Bendy was born abnormal, twisted into a hellish monster, who went on take over and terrorize a limbo dimension called The Cycle as its monarch for eternity.

Later, Bendy is trapped within shrinked, more cartoony form, but still manages to remain his consciousness and keeps on the conspiracy to spread his dread once again.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 1-C | At least 1-A, High 1-A at full potential

Key: Cartoon Bendy | Ink Demon | Beast Bendy

Name: Bendy, The Ink Demon, Lord of the Dark Puddles

Origin: Bendy and the Ink Machine

Gender: Referred to as male

Age: Unknown (Created in 1929 and is heavily implied to be still alive onwards)

Classification: Living Cartoon, Hellspawn Abomination, Satanic Tyrant, Metaphysical Eldritch, Imagination Deity

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance and Immunity to:

Same as before minus Small size plus;




Attack Potency: Complex Multiverse level (Should be physically comparable to weaker ink monsters such as the Searchers and Lost Ones, who can damage Henry and Audrey) | At least Outerverse level+ (Stated to have unfathomably vast power that no other creature can match[6]. Allison remarked that challenging the Ink Demon would be straight up a death wish. As the perfect manifestation of The Illusion of Living, he should be far more powerful than the phisolophy itself, which contains the cosmology, encompassing what is real and not of the Multiverse, and views it all as mere fiction. The Multiverse itself is a Hilbert space with wires working as omnidirectional vectors. Each wire is a timeline/universe on the existential plance, in which comprises of higher realms such as The Cycle or space-time cotinuums typically The Real World and other worlds among[7]. Is the most powerful source of power, in which all powers are stated to belong to him. Drastically superior to the Keepers and Shipahoy Dudley, who are comparable to him in power), can ignore conventional durability with raw power, High Outerverse level at full potential (Hinted to be limited by laws of The Cycle and has yet not able to reach the true potential of his powers. Will supposedly reign beyond the very essence of Cromley Vacuum, which is the hyperdimensional structure surrounding the Multiverse)

Speed: Immeasurable (Can keep up with Post-Cycle Audrey, who outran a timeline before its resetting) | Irrelevant (Should be superior to the Keepers, who phase through matter just by moving in short burst. Can easily outpace and blitz other ink creatures in combat. Alice warned that speed can't be used to cope with Ink Demon and hiding is a more possible choice. Moves faster than the Miracle Station's doors can close. Kills Audrey before she has time to react)

Lifting Strength: Unknown | At least Immeasurable (Causes the whole plane of The Cycle and the void surrounding to tremble by his sheer movements. Easily wrestled and overpowered Shipahoy Dudley, who was able to fight on par with him)

Striking Strength: Complex Multiverse level | At least Outerverse level+, High Outerverse level at full potential

Durability: Complex Multiverse level | At least Outerverse level+ (Completely unable to be harmed by lesser beings. Could no-sold The Master's reality-warping attacks and rendered them useless against him, even when being restricted in The Cycle), High Outerverse level at full potential, Immortality, Regeneration, Abstract Existence, Invulnerability and Nonexistent Physiology make him overwhelmingly difficult to harm or kill

Stamina: Superhuman (Doesn't require to rest, and never seems to tire) | Inexhaustible (Far superior to members of Butcher Gang, who cannot conventionally tire out compared to other Ink Creatures. The Butcher Gang have endured multiple form of toture, physical mutilation, decapitation, dismantle, body swapping, dissection and functions even without organs such as brain. Constantly hunts down those trapped in The Cycle, a perpetual loop[2] without tiring or needing to rest. Has no reactions[1] to enormous amounts of pain and physical torture for seemingly limitless periods of time[5])

Range: Below Standard Melee Range | Extended Melee Range, Complex Multiversal with powers, up to Outerversal+ to High Outerversal at full potential, Extradimensional with Dimensional Travel, Cosmic Awareness and Clairvoyance

Standard Equipment: Toy train | None notable | None notable

Intelligence: Below Average (Cannot talk and has a very childish demeanor but still possess some degree of self awareness) | Animalistic common sense, Supergenius general intelligence (Able to foreshadow exactly what will happen in the future and perceive the past of Audrey regardless she having no actual memories about it. Can process infinite amounts of information, such as tracking The Cycle from every corner at once, despite it being an endless space. Being a master manipulator, during his reign, Ink Demon through his sheer charisma, observation and psychological manipulation skills, has manipulated virtually all inhabitants of The Cycle into his loyal cultists. Showed unpredictable level strategy, which caught Wilson off guard and unexpectedly successful in luring Audrey to unleash him from The Cycle. Is an extremely tactical fighter in combat, could subdue gigantic monsters like Shipahoy Dudley in no time and being considered by Allison and Tom, who are elite warriors once battled a whole army, as the dread)

Weaknesses: Despite his transcendent intellect, he is somewhat feral and gluttonous, making it relatively easy to have him distracted or captured. Exposing to The End reel can pararalyze him for a time, though not kill him by anyway. Prefers to toy with his food or mentally torture them, which thus led to multiple plans of him eventually failed.

Note: Certain abilities and resistances that Ink Demon demonstrated can be applied for Cartoon Bendy since Ink Demon canonically has been transformed into Cartoon Bendy by Wilson, not vice versa.


Notable Matchups[]




