“ | Booyah! | „ |
~ Inkling |
Inklings are a sentient race of squid-like humanoids who are the main protagonists in Splatoon. Inklings are evolved species of squid that came to be after rising sea levels sunk human civilization. Circa 2000 years before the events of Splatoon, the Inklings crawled up to what little habitable land there was left on the planet. The lack of space forced the Inklings to fight for whatever territory they could find, and the Turf War as a concept was established. The original Turf Wars were overseen by Judd, who was cryogenically frozen by his human owner before the Earth was flooded. 100 years before the events of Splatoon, the Inklings and the Octarians engaged in a Great Turf War. A young Cap'n Cuttlefish and the Inklings won, forcing the Octarians to retreat into Octo Valley.
Tier: 9-A, likely 8-C to 7-C, Low 5-B, higher with abilities, far higher with Special Weapons, Sub Weapons, and the Rainmaker, at least High 6-A with Pearl's Princess Cannon
Name: Depends on the players
Origin: Splatoon
Gender: Depends on the players
Age: 14
Classification: Inkling
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Skilled with a variety of weapons), Shapeshifting (Can change between humanoid, squid, and ink forms at will), Regeneration (Low-Godly, When an Inkling's body is destroyed they are able to regenerate from just their soul), Elemental Intangibility (Can turn completely into ink and can turn any weapon they're carrying into ink), Bioluminescence, Enhanced Senses (Can accurately target prey unassisted from 100 meters away), Biological Manipulation (Able to change their color at will when out of battle), Stealth Mastery, Damage Boost (Via Object Shredder), Statistics Amplification (Speed Amplification Via Opening Gambit), Statistics Reduction (Speed Reduction Via Disruptor and Toxic Mist), Information Analysis (Via Recon), Forcefield Creation (Via Baller, Bubbler, and Ink Armor), Explosion Manipulation (Via Burst Bomb, Ink Mine, Splat Bomb, Suction Bomb, Autobomb, Curling Bomb, Fizzy Bomb, Torpedo, Bomb Launcher, Booyah Bomb, Bomb Rush, Bubble Blower, Inkstrike, Splashdown, and Tenta Missiles), Sound Manipulation (Via Echolocator and Killer Wail), Extrasensory Perception (Via Bomb Sniffer, Haunt, Thermal Ink, Ink Mine, Point Sensor, Echolocator, and Sting Ray), Flight (Via Inkjet), Weather Manipulation (Via Ink Storm), Transformation (Via Kraken), Invulnerability (Via Kraken and Bubbler), Energy Projection (Via Sting Ray), Intangibility (Via Sting Ray), Homing Attack (Via Seeker and Tenta Missiles), Resistance to Bone Manipulation (Due to lacking bones)
Room level (Can Super Jump fast enough to be set on fire and create 0.015 Tons of TNT. Can knock back DJ Octavio's mech punches that are this strong. Can defeat DJ Octavio who tanked explosion at point-blank twice. Can effortlessly destroy large crates and completely destroy large pieces of gold and metal), likely Building level to Town Level (Agent 3 can physically destroy the cieling and Commander Tartar's giant blender. Inkling and Octoling weaponry can harm DJ Octavio, who was able to tank explosions), Small Planet level (Was able to defeat Mr Grizz, who could cover the earth in fur), higher with abilities (Main Power Up and Damage Up can increase the power of Inkling's weapons), far higher with Special Weapons Sub Weapons and the Rainmaker (Most Special Weapons and Sub Weapons are able to 1 shot other inklings along with the rainmaker's direct blast and can destroy powerful shields their main weapon struggles against. They also can destroy an entire truck casually and make the large ship of Manta Maria sink), at least Multi Continent level with Pearl's Princess Cannon (A Killer Wail, when boosted by Pearl's voice, was capable of overpowering a beam from Tartar's cannon. The Princess Cannon was able to overpower Commander Tartar's NILS statue by 888.8% and the NILS statue had enough power to destroy the city of Inkopolis and even the entire world)
Supersonic+ (Inklings can react to Super Jumps and Super Jump Splashdowns which are far faster than normal Super Jumps. Can dodge sniper shots), Massively Hypersonic+ (Can keep up with other Inklings and Octolings in combat, Can react to Super Jumps in combat. The New Agent 3 was able to Super Jump to space from Alterna which is very deep underground area in mere seconds. Scales to DJ Octavio, whose mech is able to fly out of the atmosphere really fast)
Superhuman (Stated in-game to be much stronger than humans. Capable of carrying and running around with weapons like a chain gun and a solid gold ink rocket launcher. Can easily jump hundreds of feet in the air)
Room Class, likely Building Class to Town Class, Small Planet Class, higher with abilities
Room level, likely Building level to Town Level, Small Planet level (Can take attacks from other Inklings, Octolings, and DJ Octavio. Survived the same explosion as DJ Octavio), higher with Special Weapons, Armor, and Abilities (Inkling's have a variety of Special Weapons such as Ink Armor and Bubbler that can protect them from attacks that would normally one-shot them. Agent's in the New Squidbeak Splatoon can equip multiple sets of armor that can let them take multiple attacks that would normally one-shot them. The Defense Up ability can increase Inkling's Durability), at least Multi Continent level, likely far higher with forcefields (Inkling's Spawn Point's forcefield isn't damaged at all by Pearl's Princess Cannon)
Very High (Goggles and Rider fought the Octarian army who stole the Zapfish and Great Zapfish and rescued the Great Zapfish in the span of a whole day and were not tired in the end)
Varies from Extended Melee to up to Hundreds of Meters
Assorted melee weapons, ranged weapons, and explosives.
Gifted (Inklings are very skilled in combat being able to use a large variety of weapons and taking part in turf wars just for fun. Inklings also see humans have very little intelligence despite human's being able to create capsules to seal Judd for thousands of years along with Commander Tartar who stores all of humanity's knowledge and was able to build a weapon with the power to destroy the world. New Agents in the New Squidbeak Splatoon are also able to adapt very quickly being complimented on how good they are multiple times)
Unable to swim in the water, Ink inhibits the movement of Inklings that do not have a matching color, They are extremely vulnerable in their squid form outside of ink, Ink cannot be used on glass
- Ability Doubler: Doubles the effect of other abilities.
- Bomb Sniffer: Allows Inklings to easily spot opponents' bombs as skull icons that can be seen even through walls.
- Cold Blooded: Shortens the duration of any position-tracking effects inflicted on the Inkling.
- Comeback: Improves ink efficiency, ink recovery rate, mobility, and Special Gauge fill rate for the first twenty seconds after regenerating.
- Drop Roller: Allows the Inkling to roll after performing a Super Jump or when jumping back to the Ink Jet's starting point.
- Haunt: Tracks the opponent that splatted the Inkling.
- Ink Resistance Up: Mitigates the negative effects of touching the opponent's ink on the ground, including reduced jump height, reduced movement speed, and accumulation of damage.
- Last-Ditch Effort: Boosts ink recovery rate and weapon ink efficiency for the last 30 seconds of battle.
- Ninja Squid: The Inkling does not leave ripples while swimming in ink on horizontal surfaces and ramps. However, swim speed is slowed slightly. This ability does not affect swimming on a vertical surface.
- Object Shredder: Increases the damage its user deals to objects, weapons, and barriers.
- Opening Gambit: Boosts run speed and swim speed for the first 30 seconds of a fight.
- Recon: The Inkling can see where their opponent is and what weapons they have.
- Respawn Punisher: Increases the amount of time it takes for an enemy Inkling to regenerate and the amount of Special Gauge that is lost.
- Stealth Jump: the Inkling can make Super Jumps without telegraphing their landing position.
- Super Jump: An ability that Inklings have that allows them to jump very high in the air in order to land somewhere else.
- Tenacity: Causes the Special Weapons gauge to fill faster the less allies the Inkling has.
- Thermal Ink: Shows the location of opponents to the Inkling for 12 seconds after directly damaging them with their primary weapon, but only while the opponent and the Inkling are a few meters apart. Enemies are located with a white silhouette, and the further away the enemy is, the brighter the silhouette will be.
- Sploosh-o-matic: A mid-damage, close-range shooter with a high rate of fire. It features the highest damage output per second in its class, at the cost of having the shortest range.
- Splash-o-matic: A low-damage, close-range shooter with a high rate of fire. It features near-perfect accuracy, the best among all automatic shooters.
- Splattershot Jr.: The first weapon given to the Inkling. It is a low-damage, close-range shooter with a high rate of fire. Its fire rate and ink efficiency ensure that new Inkling will be able to accomplish something.
- Aerospray: A low-damage, close-range shooter with a high rate of fire. It has the widest shot spread and the fastest firing rate in its class, allowing it to excel at covering turf.
- Splattershot: A mid-damage, mid-range shooter with a middling rate of fire. Has no real weaknesses and can adapt to any situation.
- .52 Gal: A high-damage, mid-range shooter with a slow rate of fire. This weapon suffers from low accuracy.
- N-ZAP: A low-damage, mid-range shooter with a fast rate of fire.
- Dual Squelcher: A low-damage, long-range shooter with a middling rate of fire.
- Splattershot Pro: A mid-damage, long-range shooter with a slow rate of fire. Notably, this weapon has very high ink consumption.
- .96 Gal: A high-damage, long-range shooter with a slow rate of fire. As a trade-off for its power and range, this weapon suffers from low accuracy, and it consumes more ink per shot than any other weapon in its class.
- Jet Squelcher: A low-damage, long-range shooter with a slow rate of fire. It has the longest range in its class.
- Luna Blaster: A high-damage, close-range blaster with a middling rate of fire.
- Blaster: A high-damage, close-range blaster with a slow rate of fire.
- Range Blaster: A high-damage, mid-range blaster with a slow rate of fire.
- Rapid Blaster: A mid-damage, long-range blaster with a fast rate of fire.
- Rapid Blaster Pro: A mid-damage, long-range blaster with a middling rate of fire.
- Clash Blaster: A low-damage, close-range blaster with a fast rate of fire.
- L-3 Nozzlenose: A low-damage, mid-range shooter. It is burst-fire, firing three bullets after a pull of the trigger. Well-timed button presses are required to maintain an optimal rate of fire.
- H-3 Nozzlenose: A mid-damage, long-range shooter. It is burst-fire, firing three bullets after a pull of the trigger.
- Squeezer: A shooter with two firing modes, semi-automatic and fully automatic. Pulling the trigger once will squirt out a single long range, low spread, high-power ink shot. Holding the button leads to successive low range, high spread, lower-powered shots. The trigger can be tapped repeatedly to maintain the high-power mode.
- Dapple Dualies: These dualies have a quick dodge roll, a fast firing rate, and high-damage shots that splat opponents in three hits. However, they are quite lacking in range.
- Splat Dualies: The first pair of dualies in the Splatoon series. They feature balanced performance, having no particular strength or weakness.
- Glooga Dualies: A long-range, high-damage pair of dualies with a low fire rate. Shot damage and range increase after a dodge roll, splatting opponents with two hits.
- Dualie Squelchers: This pair of dualies has the longest range in its class, as well as the most mobile dodge roll. The dodge roll is quick, and allows the user to continue to slide instead of being locked in place.
- Tetra Dualies: These dualies put a significant emphasis on mobility. They allow up to four consecutive dodge rolls instead of the normal two, and also allow shooting while rolling.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: