“ | Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back, it's in celebration. I hope families are reunited. I hope we get it back, in somewhat like a normal version of the planet has been restored, if there ever was such a thing. | „ |
~ Tony Stark |

“ | J.A.R.V.I.S.: Sir, there are still terabytes of calculations required before an actual flight is... |
„ |
~ Iron Man preparing for his first test flight |

“ | Let's face it-- This isn't the worst thing you've caught me doing. I saw young Americans killed by the very weapons I created to defend them and protect them, and I saw that I had become part of a system that is comfortable with zero accountability. | „ |
~ Iron Man expressing regret to Pepper Potts about his time as an arms dealer |

“ | Tony: It's a high-tech prosthesis. That is, that is... That's actually the most apt description I can make of it. |
„ |
~ Tony Stark and Sen. Howard Stern |

“ | And so, as Christmas morning began, my journey had reached its end. You start with something pure, something exciting. Then, come the mistakes. The compromises. We create our own demons. |
„ |
~ Tony Stark |

“ | Wait a second. No one else is gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said "Language"? | „ |
~ Iron Man's infamous quip to Captain America about profanity control |
“ | You listening? That little witch is messing with your mind. You're stronger than her. You're smarter than her. You're Bruce Banner. | „ |
~ Iron Man to a possessed, enraged Hulk |

“ | He wanted to make a difference I suppose, but we won't know because we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass. There is no decision making process here. We need to be put in check! In whatever form that takes I'm game. If we can't accept limitations, if we are boundary less, we are no better than the bad guys. | „ |
~ Iron Man to Captain America about the Sokovia Accords and his own guilt trip |
Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark is an eccentric self-described genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist, and the former head of Stark Industries. Using his own great wealth and exceptional technical knowledge, Stark enjoyed the playboy lifestyle for many years until he was kidnapped by the Ten Rings. With his life on the line, Stark created an armored suit which he used to escape his captors, returning home and becoming the armored superhero known as Iron Man, battling against terrorists as well as his own former business partner Obadiah Stane. Stark enjoyed the fame that came with his new secret identity and decided to share it with the world, publicly announcing himself as Iron Man.
With the world yet again being threatened, Stark joined the Avengers and helped defeat the Chitauri and Loki, and had indebted the rest of his life defending Earth against threats, both internal and external.
Both he and Captain America were responsible for tearing up the Avengers during the Civil War.
As a final bid to stop Thanos, Stark sacrificed himself and died as a hero.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-B | 9-B | 8-C, High 8-C with Unibeam | 8-C | 7-C, High 7-C with absorption, 7-B with laser, higher with Unibeam, 7-A with Unibeam at 475% capacity | 7-B, 7-A with absorption, 6-C with Unibeam, High 6-C with Unibeam at 475% capacity | High 6-C | 8-B, 8-A with Unibeam, 7-B with laser | 5-B, higher with Unibeam and Charged Repulsors, 5-A with Absorption
Key: Tony Stark | Mark 1 | Mark 2-4 | Mark 5 | Mark 6-7 | Mark 8-45 | Mark 44/Hulkbuster | Mark 46-47 | Mark 50-85
Name: Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark, Iron Man
Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Age: 53
Gender: Male
Classification: Human
Powers and Abilities:
Peak Human Physical Characteristics, Superhuman Durability, Genius Intelligence, Stealth Mastery (Sneaked into Trevor Slattery's mansion. Stole all Infinity Stones from Thanos without the latter noticing), Martial Arts (Regularly practiced martial arts up until Endgame)
All previous abilities, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Fire Manipulation via Flamethrowers, Explosion Manipulation (Is equipped with a missile), Limited Flight (Can fly, however its arc reactor wasn't designed for sustained flight in addition to the armor being created before Tony made several tests to improve on the flight of his future armors), Resistance to Extreme Heat (Unaffected by the sheer heat of explosions around him)
Weapon Mastery, Sound Manipulation (Utilised sonic blasts[1]), Non-Standard Breathing (Type 2; Saved the crew of an experimental "miracle submarine"[1]), Technology Manipulation (Can remotely access his armours, control satellites, analyze an opponent's fighting style and hack into things remotely via J.A.R.V.I.S/F.R.I.D.A.Y), Information Analysis (Able to analyze and counter Captain America's fighting style) and Hacking via J.A.R.V.I.S, Flight, Energy Projection, Explosion Manipulation and Homing Attack via Missiles, Resistance to Extreme Heat (Should have significantly better resistance to heat and explosions than the Mark 1. Survived being knocked into a fireplace), Cold (Can resist the cold of space) and Electricity (Was unfazed by Whiplash's electrical whips)
All previous abilities, plus: Statistics Amplification, Electricity Manipulation and Absorption (Absorbed Thor's lightning, amplifying his power capacity. Armor can electrify the body of a person to paralyze them), Sound Manipulation, Light Manipulation (Has sonic and flash weaponry to stun and blind opponents), Summoning (Can send sentries or Iron Man suits to aid him in battle. Can also summon the pieces of the Hulkbuster Armor), Self-Destruction, Underwater Breathing (Type 3)
All previous abilities, plus: Limited Armor Regeneration (Low-Mid, as long as there are enough nanomachines), Weapon Creation and Transformation via Nanotechnology (Can create any melee weapon or energy weapon from his armor, as long as there are enough nanomachines), Magnetism Manipulation via Magnetic Clamps, Ice Manipulation via Coolant Blasters, Healing (Mid-Low) via Suture Spray, Non-Standard Breathing (Type 2: Could survive the vacuum of space), Resistance to Fire (Tanked concussive fire redirected by Thanos), Matter Manipulation and Deconstruction (Unaffected by an energy beam from the Power Stone, which can atomize its target)
All previous abilities, plus: Forcefield Creation. Resurrection and Deconstruction with the Nano Gauntlet
Attack Potency: Wall level (Can easily flip fully-grown adults with minimal problems, trained with Happy Hogan and could slightly stagger him with his strikes) | Building level+ (Generate over 8 gigajoules per seconds, blew up a tank, blows up pirates), Large Building level with Unibeam (Stated to be his most powerful weapon[2]) | Building level (Can damage characters that damage him) | Town level (Overpowered two times Loki, Can harm himself with his own repulsor blasts), higher with Charged Repulsors, up to Large Town level with Absorption (After absorbing Thor's lightning, his power increased by 475% capacity[Values 1]), City level with laser (Stated that his lasers equate to 200 Petawatts[3][Values 2]), City level+ with Unibeam ([Values 3]), Mountain level with Unibeam at 475% capacity ([Values 4]) | City level (His updated arc reactor has an energy output 1000 times greater than the triangle arc reactor of Mark 6-7[4][Values 5], the Mark 8 was more powerful than its predecessors[5][1]), City level with Lasers, Mountain level with Absorption (Comparable if not superior to the Mark 6, which has a maximum overcharge limit of 475%[Values 6]) , Island level+ with Unibeam (Its energy is increased by a thousand[Values 7]), Large Island level with Unibeam at 475% capacity ([Values 8]) | Large Island level (Fought on par with Hulk, though only defeated him when he calmed down), higher with Charged Repulsors | City Block level (Noted as a non combat armour[6], overpowered Captain America and the Winter Soldier, being able to make both of them bleed with his attacks), Multi-City Block level with Unibeam (He has ten times the power of repulsor blast[7][Values 9]), City level with Lasers | Planet level (fought and made blood Thanos[Values 10]), higher with Unibeam and Charged Repulsors, Large Planet level with Absorption ([Values 11])
Speed: Peak Human with Massively Hypersonic combat and reaction speed (Even without his armor, he could keep up with Bucky in combat) | Subsonic flight speed (Flew away from an explosion at this speed) | Massively Hypersonic attack, combat and reaction speed (Flew from Malibu to Gulmira in mere hours. Casually outflew F-22 Raptor fighter jets at full speed. Reached freezing temperatures in seconds, and did the same feat against Iron Monger) | Massively ypersonic attack, combat and reaction speed| Massively Hypersonic combat, reaction, flight and attack speed (His armor can travel at Mach 46.2 just on singular pieces alone, can react to attacks and attack others mid-flight, his reactions should be comparable to his flight speed, can cross-continental distances in minutes), Speed of Light attack speed with Laser | Massively Hypersonic combat, reaction, flight and attack speed (Comparable to other Avengers and previous armours), Speed of Light attack speed with Lasers | Massively Hypersonic combat and reaction speed (Kept up with an enraged Hulk) | Massively Hypersonic attack, combat and reaction speed (Can keep up with Captain America and Winter Soldier), Massively Hypersonic flight speed, Speed of Light attack speed with Laser | Massively FTL combat and reaction speed (Keep up with Thanos, who reacted to Captain Marvel's photon blast, that reached a hilltop within a nanosecond[8], which was 100 metres or more away[8], making them so fast)
Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (Dragged Mark XLII in the snow) | Peak Human (Can lift 900 lbs or 408 kg[2]) | Class 100 (Comparable to War Machine, who lifted and threw a large hammer tank, lifted a tank resembling a Soviet T-54/T-55 tank, helped to land an airliner) | At least Class 5 (Effortlessly kicked a Rolls Royce Phantom, which weighs two and a half tons, dozens of meters away) | Class 100, Class M with full-power thrust Flight (Able to push a Helicarrier rotor of this mass) | Class 100 (Comparable to previous armours), Class M with Flight | At least Class G (Matched Hulk) | Class M (Comparable to Captain America, pushed a ferry that resembles a Statin Island Ferry, which weighs between 2500 - 3500 tons) | Class T (Stray pieces of his suit can prevent Thanos from clenching his fist in Infinity War and he could physically pull the latter's arm away later in Endgame)
Striking Strength: Wall level | Wall level | Building level+ | Building level | Town level (Easily tore apart Hammer Drones, which are made out of Chobham tank armor, with Marine drones having super-reinforced double Chobham plating[6]) | City level | Large Island level | City Block level | Planet level
Durability: Wall level (Survived his own missiles exploding in his face. Survived being hurled through protective glass by Loki. Has routinely survived being punched by several enhanced characters without problems. Survived being punched by the Hulk in Endgame) | Wall level (Is essentially bullet-proof, pistol rounds ricochet off of him, even heavy-caliber .50 BMG rounds from M2 Browning machine guns can only slightly stagger him, but are overall unable to damage the armor in any meaningful way) | Building level+ (Was mostly unharmed from being hit by a tank shell and then cratering the ground. Withstood this explosion, all his armors can tank their own repulsor blasts) | Building level | Town level (Withstood part of a shockwave that levelled everything in a mile. While badly damaged and being siphoned off of his powers by Whiplash, he took an explosion of this magnitude his armors can tank their own repulsor blasts) | City level (His armours can tank their own repulsor blasts, endured part of Sokovia's explosion) | Large Island level (Endured hits from Hulk) | City Block level | Planet Level (Tanked several hits from Thanos, endured a hits from Mjolnir, tanked a meteor), far higher with Shields (resist to the power of the power stone)
Stamina: Varies depending of the suit
Range: Standard melee range, Tens of meters with his armor and weapons (Can shoot repulsor blasts, missiles, lasers, and his trademark Uni-Beam), Planetary with Satellite
Standard Equipment: His legion of powered armors, Veronica, E.D.I.T.H., Gauntlet
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (Despite his less humble beginnings as a billionaire, Tony has always possessed a highly respectable intellect in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Built a circuit board at age 4, an engine at 6, and graduated MIT summa cum laude at 17. Hacked the Pentagon’s firewall in high school on a dare. With a batch of Stark weapons and rudimentary tools to put them together, Tony built a miniature Arc Reactor in fairly short timespan, while the previous giant sized reactor that was the last "breakthrough" in 30 years. A group of scientists, including William Ginter Riva, in a fully stocked lab with access to said reactor could not figure out how to replicate a miniature Arc Reactor. Created the A.I. systems J.A.R.V.I.S., F.R.I.D.A.Y., J.O.C.A.S.T.A., T.A.D.A.S.H.I., and Karen. Cured Pepper Potts after she was infected by Extremis. Before J.A.R.V.I.S. could even tell him it was illegal, Tony hacked into several email accounts of suspected organized crime figures, as well as security cameras across New York while armoured. Built the War Machine suits used by James Rhodes as well as the Tech Suit and Iron Spider for Peter Parker. Constructed numerous weapons such as a taser, tranquilizer, and grenades made with what he could gather from a hardware store. Created a new element, which would later be used as an energy source for his armors. Built 35 armors superior to the one used in Infinity War in a time span of 5 years. Alongside Bruce Banner and Rocket Racoon, created the Iron Gauntlet, which is capable of utilizing the power of the Infinity Stones just as the Infinity Gauntlet can. Was able to stabilize time travel in a night after only learning of the Quantum Realm earlier. Earned Thanos’ respect in their one-on-one battle on Titan)
Weaknesses: Without his armor, he is just a normal human. The Mark 1, due to being a crude first attempt at an exoskeletal combat suit by Stark, was heavy, slow and sluggish to move around, with many of its hinges exposed to the elements and outside forces to exploit and temporarily disable the suit's movement systems with only flamethrowers and a missile to use for long-range combat, and the original 3 gigawatt arc reactor it was powered by wasn't designed for sustained flight. The Mark 2 originally suffered from a fatal ice buildup if it approached altitudes exceeding 40,000 feet, resulting in the main transducer feeling sluggish at said altitudes and the hull pressurization becoming problematic, which Tony remedied by using a gold-titanium alloy from his Seraphim tactical satellite in order to maintain fuselage integrity and maintain power-to-weight ratio. While suffering from palladium poisoning, he suffered from an episode of recklessness. Suffered from a period of insomnia and several episodes of PTSD during the events of Iron Man 3. Weaker armors can't handle extreme conduction | The more damage the Mark 50 armor takes, the fewer nanomachines that can be used to regenerate it or make weapons.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Repulsors: Powered by the Arc Reactor, the suits can project a blast of magnetic repulsion from its palms, used for the armor's flight stabilization, as well being Iron Man's main range weapon.
- Unibeam: When siphoning energy directly to the Arc Reactor, the armor can fire a massive repulsor from its chest that can send flying giant enemies like Iron Monger.
- Missiles: The armors contain several sets of miniaturized missiles mounted on the arms, shoulders, and legs of the suit, such as anti-tank missiles and guided missiles.
- Laser System: The armors are equipped with a palladium-powered laser system located in the back of the gauntlets, these can easily cut through any object, from slice armored androids to cut a hole in a space ship.
- Artificial Intelligent Systems: Natural-language user interface computer systems that provide suit feedback, tactical analysis, and tactical countermeasures. They are even able to analyze Captain America's fight pattern and provide a programmed countermeasure tactic.
- House Party Protocol: A special command given by Tony to his I.A to active, summon, and control Iron Man armors to his aid.
- Remote Propulsion: After injecting himself with computer chips on his arm, Stark can now mentally control the individual pieces of the armor, allowing him to summon it at any point of the battle, and even trap other people inside.
- Nanite Manipulation: Stark is able to manipulate the nanites of the Bleeding Edge, allowing it to materialize the suit and form a wide variety of weapons and tools, including repulsor cannons, proton cannons, energy hammers, jackhammers, blades, shields, snares, magnetic clamps, coolant blasters, suture spray, wings, and rocket thrusters.
Note: This profile is still work in progress
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches:
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Iron Man Manual
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Marvel Studios Visual Dictionary
- ↑ The Avengers: Iron Man Mark VII
- ↑ The Art of Iron Man 3
- ↑ JARVIS: A Second Screen Experience
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 The Wakanda Files: A Technological Exploration of the Avengers and Beyond
- ↑ Phase Three: Marvel's Captain America: Civil War (junior novel)
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Captain Marvel: Starforce on the Rise