“ | Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back, it's in celebration. I hope families are reunited. I hope we get it back, in somewhat like a normal version of the planet has been restored, if there ever was such a thing. | „ |
~ Tony Stark |
Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark is an eccentric self-described genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist, and the former head of Stark Industries. Using his own great wealth and exceptional technical knowledge, Stark enjoyed the playboy lifestyle for many years until he was kidnapped by the Ten Rings. With his life on the line, Stark created an armored suit which he used to escape his captors, returning home and becoming the armored superhero known as Iron Man, battling against terrorists as well as his own former business partner Obadiah Stane. Stark enjoyed the fame that came with his new secret identity and decided to share it with the world, publicly announcing himself as Iron Man.
With the world yet again being threatened, Stark joined the Avengers and helped defeat the Chitauri and Loki, and had indebted the rest of his life defending Earth against threats, both internal and external.
Both he and Captain America were responsible for tearing up the Avengers during the Civil War.
As a final bid to stop Thanos, Stark sacrificed himself and died as a hero.
Tier: 9-B | 8-C | 8-C | 8-A, 7-A | At least 8-A to 7-A, higher with Unibeam | 5-A, at least Low 4-C | 4-B, 2-A to possibly High 1-C with the Infinity Stones
Name: Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark, Iron Man
Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Gender: Male
Age: 53 years old at the time of his death
Classification: Human. Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist
Genius Intelligence, Stealth Mastery (Sneaked into Trevor Slattery's mansion. Stole all Infinity Stones from Thanos without the latter noticing), Peak Human Physical Characteristics, Superhuman Physical Characteristics
All previous abilities, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Fire Manipulation via Flamethrowers, Explosion Manipulation (Is equipped with a missile), Limited Flight (Can fly, however its arc reactor wasn't designed for sustained flight in addition to the armor being created before Tony made several tests to improve on the flight of his future armors)
Weapon Mastery, Technology Manipulation (Can remotely access his armours, control satellites, analyse an opponents fighting style and hack into things remotely via J.A.R.V.I.S/F.R.I.D.A.Y), Information Analysis (Was able to analyze and counter Captain America's fighting style) and Hacking via J.A.R.V.I.S, Flight, Energy Projection, Explosion Manipulation and Homing Attack via Missiles, Resistance to Cold and Electricity (Can resist the cold of space, and was unfazed by Whiplash's electrical whips)
Martial Arts, Statistics Amplification, Electricity Manipulation and Absorption (Armor can electrify the body of a person to paralyze them. Absorbed Thor's lightning), Sound Manipulation, Light Manipulation (Has sonic and flash weaponary to stun and blind opponents), Summoning (Can send sentries or Iron Man suits to aid him in battle. Can also summon the pieces of the Hulkbuster Armor), Self-Destruction, Underwater Breathing (Type 1)
All previous powers
All previous abilities, Limited Armor Regeneration (Low-Mid, as long as there are enough nanomachines), Weapon Creation and Transformation via Nanotechnology (Can create any melee weapon or energy weapon from his armor, as long as there are enough nanomachines), Magnetism Manipulation via Magnetic Clamps, Ice Manipulation via Coolant Blasters, Healing (Mid-Low) via Suture Spray, Self-Sustenance (Type 1, could survive the vacuum of space) Resistance to Fire (Tanked concussive fire redirected by Thanos)
All previous powers, Forcefield Creation, Resurrection and Deconstruction with Infinity Gauntlet
Wall level (Trained with Happy Hogan and could slightly stagger him with his strikes. Comparable to his durability) | 'Building level (Generates 3 gigajoules per second) | Building level+ (Generates 8 gigajoules per second. Bullrushed Iron Monger through several buildings. Destroyed a tank) | Multi-City Block level (Overpowered Loki twice. Can harm those who can harm him. Destroyed a tank. Welded a ferry. Punched holes through Hammer Drones. Broke Aldrich Killian's hand), Mountain Level (Comparable to his durability. Stated to be equipped with 200 petawatt lasers, equivalent to 47.8 megatons of TNT per second) | At least Multi-City Block level to Mountain Level (Noted as a noncombat armour. Fought both Captain America and Bucky Barnes), higher with Unibeam (Destroyed Bucky Barnes' bionic arm) | Large Planet level, at least Small Star level (Fought against Hulk, but only defeated him after he calmed down) | Solar System level (Able to hang with and even draw blood from Thanos), Multiverse Level+ to possibly High Complexe Multiverse level with the Infinity Stones (Snapped Thanos and his army away. When the Infinity Gauntlet was completed, it had all the powers of the Infinity Stones combined. Threatened to tear down the universe to its last atom and recreate it. The Reality Stone in Aether form was able to cover the entire universe in darkness. The Time stones make up the flow of time, The stones have also been stated to have “limitless power”. The Time Stone is capable of breaking the Space-Time Continuum)
Peak Human movement speed. Relativistic combat and reaction speed (Kept up with Winter Soldier) | Subsonic flight speed (Flew away from an explosion). Relativistic combat and reaction speed | Supersonic flight speed (Casually outflew fighter jets at full speed. Reached freezing temperatures in seconds, and did the same feat against Iron Monger). Relativistic combat and reaction speed. Speed of Light attack speed (His Unibeam is stated to be light, and his repulsors are identical to it, as well as have shown properties of light) | Relativistic combat and reaction speed. At least High Hypersonic flight speed (Armour can travel at Mach 46.8 on singular pieces. Comparable to the other Avengers. Can react to attacks mid-flight and attack others mid-flight. Reaction speed should be comparable to flight speed. Can cross-continental distances in minutes). Speed of Light attack speed | Relativistic combat and reaction speed (Kept up with Captain America and Bucky Barnes). At least High Hypersonic+ flight speed (Flew from the Atlantic to Siberia in minutes). Speed of Light attack speed | At most Relativistic+ combat and reaction speed (Kept up with Hulk) | Massively FTL+ (Can keep up with Thanos)
Athletic Human (Can easily flip fully-grown adults. Dragged Mark XLII in the snow) | Unknown | Class 100 (Comparable to War Machine. Lifted a tank. Effortlessly pushed a Rolls Royce Phantom dozens of meters away) | Class 100 normally (Comparable to Ultron and Captain America), Class M with Flight (Pushed a Helicarrier rotor of 5,976.29 tons. Pushed a ferry resembling a Statin Island Ferry) | Class 100 (Comparable to Captain America and Bucky Barnes) | At least Class M, likely higher (Matched Hulk) | Class P (Stray pieces of suit can prevent Thanos from clenching his fist. Physically pulled Thanos' arm away)
Wall Class | 'Building Class | Building Class+ | Multi-City Block Class, Mountain Class | At least Multi-City Block Class to Mountain Class | Large Planet Class, at least Small Star Class | Solar System Class, Multiversal+ to possibly High Complexe Multiversal with the Infinity Stones
Wall level (Survived his own missiles exploding in his face. Survived being hurled through protective glass by Loki. Survived a hit from Hulk. Survived getting punched by Winter Soldier, though was knocked out) | 'Building level | Building level+ (Withstood a tank shell. Withstood this explosion. Withstood being bombarded by Jericho missiles) | Multi-City Block level (Survived a portion of Sokovia's explosion), Mountain Level (Could withstand Multiple Missiles from the Sanctuary II, which could tear through Leviathans, these same Leviathans Iron Man thought he had no hope of getting past, even with his 200 Petawatt laser. It was even stated by Jarvis they would run out of power before they broke through Its Armor) | At least Multi-City Block level to Mountain Level | Large Planet level, at least Small Star level | Solar System level, Multiverse Level+ to possibly High Complexe Multiverse level with the Infinity Stones
Varies depending on version of suit
Standard melee range. Several dozen meters with armour. Planetary with satellite
His legion of powered armors, Veronica, E.D.I.T.H., Gauntlet
Extraordinary Genius (Created an armor using scrap metal and leftover machinery inside a cave with extremely limited resources, which became the first of several other creations, something Hammer Industries was unable to do, even with a huge budget and many resources. Created several artificial intelligences that can control his technology and an entire network developed by Stark Industries. Developed nanotechnology, which can be used to mold many different types of weapons and shapes, even serving as a Gauntlet for the Infinity Stones. Created a new element, which would later be used as an energy source for armours. Created 35 armors superior to the one used in Infinity War in a time span of 5 years. Hacked the Pentagon's firewall in high school on a dare. Cured Pepper Potts after she was infected by Extremis. Before JARVIS could even tell him it was illegal, Tony hacked into several email accounts of suspected organized crime figures, as well as security cameras across New York while armoured. Built a circuit board at age 4, an engine at 6, and graduated MIT summa cum laude at 17. Built War Machine suits used by James Rhodes, as well as the Tech Suit and Iron Spider for Peter Parker. Stabilized time travel in a night after only learning of the Quantum Realm earlier. Constructed numerous weapons such as a taser, tranquilizer, and grenades made with what he could gather from a hardware store. Alongside Bruce Banner and Rocket Racoon, created the Nano Gauntlet, which is capable of utilizing the power of the Infinity Stones just as the Infinity Gauntlet can. Earned Thanos’ respect in their one-on-one battle Titan)
Normal human weaknesses (without armour). Suffered from an episode of recklessness while suffering from palladium poisoning. Suffered from a period of insomnia and several episodes of PTSD during the events of Iron Man 3. Weaker armours can't handle extreme conduction | The more damage the Mark 50 armour takes, the fewer nanomachines can be used to regenerate it or make weapons. Fell into a state of depression after returning to Earth
- Repulsors: Powered by the Arc Reactor, the suits can project a blast of magnetic repulsion from its palms, used for the armor's flight stabilization, as well being Iron Man's main range weapon.
- Unibeam: When siphoning energy directly to the Arc Reactor, the armor can fire a massive repulsor from its chest that can send flying giant enemies like Iron Monger.
- Missiles: The armors contain several sets of miniaturized missiles mounted on the arms, shoulders, and legs of the suit, such as anti-tank missiles and guided missiles.
- Laser System: The armors are equipped with a palladium-powered laser system located in the back of the gauntlets, these can easily cut through any object, from slice armored androids to cut a hole in a space ship.
- Artificial Intelligent Systems: Natural-language user interface computer systems that provide suit feedback, tactical analysis, and tactical countermeasures. They are even able to analyze Captain America's fight pattern and provide a programmed countermeasure tactic.
- House Party Protocol: A special command given by Tony to his I.A to active, summon, and control Iron Man armors to his aid.
- Remote Propulsion: After injecting himself with computer chips on his arm, Stark can now mentally control the individual pieces of the armor, allowing him to summon it at any point of the battle, and even trap other people inside.
- Nanite Manipulation: Stark is able to manipulate the nanites of the Bleeding Edge, allowing it to materialize the suit and form a wide variety of weapons and tools, including repulsor cannons, proton cannons, energy hammers, jackhammers, blades, shields, snares, magnetic clamps, coolant blasters, suture spray, wings, and rocket thrusters.
Tony Stark | Mark 1 | Mark 2-5 | Mark 6-47 | Mark 46 | Mark 44 (Hulkbuster) | Mark 50-85
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: