Izuku in his school clothes

Izuku in his costume + mask
Izuku Midoriya (緑谷出久 Midoriya Izuku), also known as Deku (デク Deku), is the main protagonist of the My Hero Academia manga and anime series. Even though Izuku was born Quirkless, he manages to catch the attention of the legendary Hero All Might, due to his innate heroism and a strong sense of justice, and has since become his close pupil, as well as a student in Class 1-A at U.A. High School. All Might passed on his transferable Quirk to Izuku, making him the ninth wielder of One For All.
Following the Paranormal Liberation War, with Tomura Shigaraki and All For One actively targeting Izuku for his Quirk, he decided to leave U.A. before finishing his first year to keep his classmates out of harm's way. After encouragement and support from his friends, he later returns to the school and leads the heroes against the villains in one final battle to save the world.
Powers & Stats[]
Tier: 9-B+, At least High 8-C+, to around 8-B with 5% and 8%, 7-A+ to At most Low 5-C with 100% | 9-A (Room), At least High 8-C+, to around 8-B with 5% and 8%, 8-A to Low 7-C with 20%, High 7-A+ to At most Low 5-C with 100% | 9-A (Room), High 7-C with 10%, High 7-C+ with 15%, Low 7-B with 20%, Around 7-B with 30%, At Least High 6-B with 45%, Low 5-C+ with 100% | 9-A+ (Room), Low 7-B with 30%, High 6-C+ with 45%, Low 5-C with 100%, Higher with Fa Jin | 9-A (Room), 5-C with One For All, up to High 5-C with Fa Jin and Gearshift
Key: U.A. Beginnings Saga | Joint Training Arc | Endeavor Agency Arc | Dark Hero Arc | Final War Arc
Name: Izuku Midoriya, Deku (Superhero Name)
Origin: MHA
Gender: Male
Age: 4 (First Appearance), 14 (Chapters 1 to 2), 15 (Chapters 3 to Final Exams Arc), 16 (Forest Training Camp Arc to Current)
Classification: Human, Hero-in-Training
Powers and Abilities:
Regular Human Abilities, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant (Created his own fighting technique called Shoot Style, which consists of maneuvering the body with fast and precise movements to deliver powerful kicks), Statistics Amplification (Can amplify his strength, durability, agility, and speed with One For All), Acrobatics (Can perform complex acrobatics without losing balance. Can run over a vertical wall), Air Manipulation (Can generate air pressure with his strikes. Can create tornadoes), Non-Physical Interaction (Comparable to All Might, who can physically interact with beings made out of pure energy), Power Bestowal (Can give One For All to other people), Supernatural Willpower (Can endure large amounts of pain while staying conscious and fighting), Empowerment (According to All Might, one of the main aspects of One For All is built upon psychological components, with the cries of innocent empowering its users to instill hope), Awakened Power (By answering calls for help, the bearers of One For All are invigorated by powerful emotions—with willpower carrying tangible, supernatural energy—drawing out power far beyond their 100%, even after pushing their bodies to the utmost limits—akin to hysterical strength—allowing for impossible feats like the 1,000,000% Delaware Detroit Smash and United States of Smash), Rage Power (Users of One For All can generate intense emotions in times of crisis, like anger, and convert their emotions into raw power), Limited Instinctive Action (As expected of true heroes, when responding to cries for helps, Deku's body spring into action instinctively, even before he could think), Social Influencing (Deku has repeatedly shown the ability to influence and persuade the people around him and change them for the better, such as when he encouraged Shoto to use his fire side. Deku's presence raises the bar for the whole class) | Same as Before, Analytical Prediction (Can predict the movements of opponents much faster than him. Has actively trained to improve his predictions), Pseudo-Flight (Can travel through the air using wind pressure), Energy Manipulation (Able to create and manipulate energy tendrils from his body using Blackwhip), Multiple Selves (Types 1 and 2; In his mind reside the vestiges of former One For All users), Retrocognition (With the vestiges, Deku can see into the past and find memories he didn't truly possess, such as the origins of One For All)
Attack Potency: Wall Level+ (Sliced a victory bot in half, which are this strong), At least Large Building Level+, to around City Block Level with 5% and 8% (Shattered Wolfram's steel beams with a kick. Capable of fighting against Bakugou and briefly overpowered him. Stated that 5% only gives him a small boost in power), Mountain Level+ to At most Small Moon Level with 100% (One For All is a crystalline network of power, carrying forth the strength of the former users and growing stronger with each new generation, making Deku just as powerful as All Might in his prime, which is supported by both himself and Endeavor. Overpowered and destroyed a massive metal cube thrown by Wolfram)
Destructive Capacity: Wall Level (Can shove half his arm and make a hole in metal), At Least Multi-City Block Level+ (Can destroy multiple buildings), up to Above Continent Level
Speed: Athletic Human Travel Speed (Can run 50 meters in 7 seconds) with Transonic Reactions/Combat Speed (Likely still comparable to Mineta, who can dodge a whip attack from Midnight [Mach 0.97]), Supersonic with 5% (Capable of dodging bullets. As quick if not quicker than Ingenium's Recipro Extend), Higher with 8% (Much faster than before), Hypersonic+, to at least High Hypersonic (Could throw a softball at these speeds [Mach 16.48]), likely Massively Hypersonic with 100% (Seemingly comparable to a Wounded All Might, who is this fast)
Lifting Strength: Class 100 (Managed to lift up a truck to the top of a trash mountain. Can lift and swing a steel plate with this amount of force), Class K with 5% (Slightly weaker than the strength of his 8%), Class T with 100% (As powerful as All Might, who can hold back this much force [102,521,978,319.43 Tons/93,006,374,245,997.7344kg/205,043,956,638,860lbs])
Striking Strength: Wall Level+, At least Large Building Level+, to around City Block Level with 5% and 8%, Mountain Level+ to At most Small Moon Level with 100%
Durability: Wall Level+, At least Large Building Level+, to around City Block Level with 5% and 8% (More durable and trained than Phantom Thief's body, as it was stated that his limbs would've exploded if he had managed to copy the full power of One For All, while Deku is able to use it without blowing his limbs off.), Mountain Level+ to At most Small Moon Level with 100% (His arm managed to survive a big clash against Muscular)
Same as Before, Enhanced Energy Manipulation (Gained a greater control over his Blackwhip, being able to control multiple whips at once and use them in combat for increased mobility and capturing opponents), Afterimage Creation (Created several afterimages during his fight with Flect Turn)
Attack Potency: Small Room Level (Has been training for nearly an entire year, making him significantly stronger than before), At least Large Building Level+, to around City Block Level with 5% and 8%, Multi-City Block Level to Small Town Level with 20% (His St. Louis Smash could create a shockwave this strong), Large Mountain Level+ to At most Small Moon Level with 100% (Stronger than before. Dispersed a storm with this much power)
Destructive Capacity: Small Room Level, At Least Multi-City Block Level+, up to Above Continent Level
Speed: Supersonic Travel Speed (Saved Uravity before Shinso's attack could reach her), with Hypersonic+ Reaction/Combat Speed (Can react to attacks from Nine even in his base state), Hypersonic+ with 8% (Deku in this state is far superior to his 5%. Has been said to be as fast as Dynamight, if not faster), High Hypersonic with 20% (Overhaul could barely avoid his Manchester Smash and his speed was complimented for it. Far superior to his 10% and 15%), Sub-Relativistic with 100% (Can launch shock waves at great speeds, and keep up with those capable of avoiding his air attacks. Launched himself out of a building before his resulting shockwave could reach Overhaul's spikes)
Lifting Strength: Class K (Considerably stronger than before. Comparable to Shinso, who could pull two metal pipes out of their joints), Higher with 8% (Is strong enough to prevent the fall of a steel beam), Class G with 20% (As strong as his later 20%), Class T with 100% (Can hold back the force of nearly a hundred billion tons)
Striking Strength: Small Room Level, At least Large Building Level+, to around City Block Level with 5% and 8%, Multi-City Block Level to Small Town Level with 20%, Large Mountain Level+ to At most Small Moon Level with 100%
Durability: Small Room Level, At least Large Building Level+, to around City Block Level with 5% and 8% (Survived being struck by a bolt of lightning from Nine, which is powerful enough to create a big crater even when most of it was absorbed by Chargebolt), Multi-City Block Level to Small Town Level with 20%, Large Mountain Level+ to At most Small Moon Level with 100% (Survived attacks from Full Power Nine)
Same as Before, Levitation (Can suspend his body in mid-air with Float), Flight (Can freely travel in the air by combining Float with Air Force), Precognition and Extrasensory Perception (Able to foresee imminent threats with Danger Sense. Capable of perceiving hostility and bloodlust), Smoke Manipulation (Can generate smoke using Smokescreen), Enhanced Senses (Managed to sight Lady Nagant from more than a hundred meters away on a rainy night. Comparable to All Might's superhuman senses), Kinetic Energy Manipulation (Able to build kinetic energy for temporary storage and release with Fa Jin), Enhanced Statistics Amplification and Statistics Reduction (With Gearshift, he is capable of altering the speed of anything he touches), Physics Manipulation (Gearshift allows him to alter speed while ignoring the laws of inertia. The sheer might of One For All combined with Gearshift has the power to warp the very laws governing reality), Self-Body Puppetry (Able to use Blackwhip to pull up at his tendons and muscles to force his body to move even when heavily wounded and immobilized, in a form that is called "Overlay"), Resistance to: Mind Manipulation (His strong will allowed him to overpower Shinso's Brainwash and move his fingertip on his own. The vestiges of One For All were able to fight against All For One and Shigaraki's attempt to steal One For All in the vestige world, with Deku forcing them out after steeling his resolve. After this event, the vestiges became even more present and are further capable of interfering with mental attacks), Fear Inducement (The vestiges were unaffected by the combined willpower of All For One and Shigaraki, which can cause visions of death and make other people submit to their will), Power Absorption (One For All cannot be forcibly stolen), Heat (Can take the severe heat of Dynamight's nitroglycerin-like explosions, which could incinerate clothes and reach temperatures of about 5,000 °C. Comparable to All Might, who is able to directly punch beings composed of superheated plasma. Took Dabi's Flashfire Fist without any severe burns), Electricity (Survived getting hit by lightning for a long period of time and while in the air), Cold (Endured being completely covered in ice without showing any afflictions), Limited Resistance to Poison (His mouthguard can be utilized a gas mask to protect him from inhaling toxic gases)
Attack Potency: Room Level (Much stronger than before), Large Town Level with 10% (As powerful as Dynamight during the Endeavor Agency, who stated he has to grit his teeth to keep from falling behind Deku), Large Town Level+ with 15% (Broke through Flect Turn's Reflect, a feat that his 10% wasn't able to do), Small City Level with 20% (As strong as his later 20%), Around City Level with 30% (Capable of using Full Cowling at 30%, which should be naturally stronger than his 20%), At Least Large Country Level with 45% (Physically stronger than AFO Shigaraki, who is as strong and sturdy as both All Might and USJ Nomu, the latter being able to produce a min of 100 Teratonnes), Small Moon Level+ with 100% (Much stronger than his 45%; Capable of completely overwhelming and damaging Shigaraki beyond even his capability to heal)
Destructive Capacity: Small Room Level, At Least Multi-City Block Level+, up to Above Continent Level+
Speed: Supersonic Travel Speed with Hypersonic+ Reaction/Combat Speed, Hypersonic+ with 8%, Hypersonic+ with 10% (Vastly superior to his 8% speed. As quick as Dynamight at the Endeavor Agency), High Hypersonic with 15% (Able to somewhat keep up against Flect Turn, when his 10% was being outpaced with ease), Higher with 20% & 30%, Massively Hypersonic with 45% (Outpaced AFO Shigaraki, who is as fast as All Might.), Sub-Relativistic with 45%, At least Sub-Relativistic with 100% (Should be much faster than in his previous state)
Lifting Strength: Class K (Much stronger than before), Class M with 10% (Pulled in several Villain Bots with just one arm), Higher with 15%, Class G with 20% (Able to grapple with Flect Turn, who took the immense pressure of several millions of tons with his arms), At least Class T with 100%
Striking Strength: Room Level, Large Town Level with 10%, Large Town Level+ with 15%, Small City Level with 20%, Around City Level with 30%, Large Island Level with 45%, Small Moon Level+ with 100%
Durability: Room Level, Large Town Level with 10% (Comparable to Dynamight, who survived the impact of his own tornado), Large Town Level+ with 15%, Small City Level with 20%, Around City Level with 30%, Large Island Level with 45%, Small Moon Level+ with 100%
Attack Potency: Room Level+ (Has vastly increased in power since his fight with Class 1-B, allowing him to use higher percentages of One For All), Small City Level with 30% (Far exceeds the strength of his 20%), Large Island Level+ with 45% (While inferior, he was strong enough to damage Incomplete Shigaraki's stomach with a kick, who withstood this attack. Able to stagger a Full Power Muscular and send him flying with a single hit), Moon Level with 100% (Is much stronger than when he blew away a supercell storm. His 100% attacks are powerful enough to rip off Shigaraki's jaw), Higher with Fa Jin (Can build up kinetic energy and release it all for bursts of power and speed. Fa Jin is capable of stockpiling the energy of five hits and releasing all of that power in one strike)
Destructive Capacity: Room Level+, At Least Multi-City Block Level+, up to Above Multi-Continent Level+
Speed: Supersonic Travel Speed (Faster than in the Joint Training Arc) with Hypersonic+ Reactions/Combat Speed (Superior to when he reacted to Nine's attacks and dodged a laser that could hit his 10%), High Hypersonic with 30% (Far above his 10% and 20% speed, which Overhaul can barely keep up with), Sub-Relativistic with 45% (Capable of outspeeding Lady Nagant's bullet before it could reach Chisaki), Far Higher with 100% (His Faux 100% was fast enough to travel many times faster than Nagant's fastest bullet), Even Higher with Fa Jin
Lifting Strength: Class K (Superior to Shinso, who can rip two steel pipes off their hinges), Class G with 30% (Significantly stronger than his 20%, which was capable of grappling with Flect Turn, who can repel millions of tons of force), Class T with 45% (Was strong enough to fully restrain and bind Shigaraki, whose lifting strength is on par with All Might's, who could overpower the force of nearly a hundred billion tons), Higher with 100% (Able to break apart Rivet Stab, a Quirk that could overpower All Might)
Striking Strength: Room Level+, Small City Level with 30%, Large Island Level+ with 45%, Moon Level with 100%, Higher with Fa Jin
Durability: Room Level+, Small City Level with 30%, Large Island Level+ with 45%, Moon Level with 100%, Higher with Fa Jin
Attack Potency: Large Room Level, Moon Level with One For All (Can effortlessly block a punch from Complete Shigaraki, whose strength is on par with All Might at his prime), up to Large Moon Level with Fa Jin and Gearshift (Fa Jin is able to accumulate the combined energy of the Detroit Smash Quintuple, making its release at least five times stronger than normal. Deku's power can be further boosted by using Gearshift to unleash his Overdrive skill, which was capable of punching a hole into Shigaraki's torso. He was stated to be able to gather enough energy to annihilate Shigaraki's whole body, leaving no trace of him behind)
Destructive Capacity: Large Room Level, At Least Multi-City Block Level+, up to Above Moon Level+
Speed: Supersonic Travel Speed with Hypersonic+ Reactions/Combat Speed, Sub-Relativistic with One For All (Was able to keep up with Complete Shigaraki, whose speed is on par with Prime All Might. Stated to be able to cross more than 200 kilometers in an instant), Higher with Fa Jin, Far Higher with Gearshift (His Second Gear effortlessly blitzed Shigaraki before he even perceived what had happened, and his subsequent Gears are even quicker) and Overlay (By reinforcing his body with Blackwhip, he can cope with Full Power Shigaraki's speed)
Lifting Strength: Class K (Stronger than before), Class T with One For All (Can effortlessly hold back Shigaraki's power, and launch him with only one arm), Higher with Blackwhip and Fa Jin (Can improve his restraining strength by combining Blackwhip with Fa Jin)
Striking Strength: Large Room Level, Moon Level with One For All, up to Large Moon Level with Fa Jin and Gearshift
Durability: Large Room Level, Moon Level with One For All, up to Large Moon Level with Fa Jin and GearshiftStamina: Superhuman (Deku trains relentlessly, even making exercises during his classes. Despite his timid demeanor, Deku has an iron will and will continue to fight for as long as he needs to. At the start of his career, he was capable of thinking coherently with a broken arm and two shattered legs while falling at terminal velocities after obliterating an Executor Bot.) | Superhuman (Has proven to be able to use Full Cowl 100% for several minutes without outside help, and has shown to be capable of fully enduring the pain of his broken bones) | Superhuman (Can endure having the power of his own smashes being reflected back at his limbs, tearing his muscles apart. He kept fighting despite several gaping holes being made in his body by laser beams)
Range: Standard Melee Range physically, Varies up to Tens of Kilometers with One For All (Can fire wind pressure of varying range depending on the power output. Can destroy giant boulders with 5% and 8%, and his 10% and 15% are even stronger. Able to form huge blasts of air with 20%, and create even tornadoes. His 100% was able to blew away a storm with an enormous shock wave, as well as form a tornado multiple kilometers tall. As strong as All Might, whose strikes could alter the weather), Hundreds of Meters with Blackwhip (Covered part of a city block in tendrils. Can easily swing around a large bridge)
Standard Equipment: Hero Suit
Intelligence: Gifted to Genius (He has displayed sharp observation and analysis skills, coming up with a plan to escape dozens of villains when he was trapped on a boat. It's usually his intelligence that has helped him more than his Quirk. Gran Torino even complimented his intelligence, saying that Deku is the kind of person who thinks before he acts. His grades are one of the highest in his entire class, showing that his constant training with One For All doesn't interfere with his studies. Deku also possesses a borderline encyclopedic knowledge of heroes, including their Quirks and combat strategies, making him resourceful as a result.)
Weaknesses: Regular Human Weaknesses, Using 100% of One For All's power will break the bones of the limb it's used in, Blackwhip can become uncontrollable if he doesn't keep his emotions in check. One For All can potentially be stolen if the thief's will is stronger than the user's own will. While not harmful, operating at 20% of his power is painful enough to limit his movements a bit, making him predictable