Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Jack Frost SMT
Jack Frost has a mischievous yet innocent personality. He tends to say "hee-ho" frequently and generally acts like a friendly child. He also has a menacing side, though — get him angry, and he'll freeze you solid.
~ Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE Compendium
Hee-ho! I'm Jack Frost, ho! I hee-hope we get along, hee-hother me!
~ Jack Frost, Persona

OG Kack Frost SMT
Jack Frost has a mischievous yet innocent personality. He tends to say "hee-ho" frequently and generally acts like a friendly child. He also has a menacing side, though — get him angry, and he'll freeze you solid.
~ Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE Compendium

King Frost SMT
The king of snow, ruling over an infinite number of Jack Frosts. He has the power to freeze the entire world, but his personality is actually very naive.
~ Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Compendium


Jack Frost (ジャックフロスト, Jakku Furosuto) sometimes known as Jack, is a demon in the series. He is the official mascot of Atlus Co., Ltd.. Because of this, he not only appears in practically every Megami Tensei game, but also has recurring cameos in numerous Atlus games. He can break the 4th-Wall, and is well aware of his popularity and fame outside the game, even making references to this in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey. His evolved form is that of King Frost, who unlike his traditional self, is ruthless and his power unyielding. He is not friendly and likes to exercise his status as a king, even going so far as to consider his summoners as his subjects as well.

Jack Frost is a spirit originating from England. He is a snow elf who brings in cold weather during the winter and is thought to be responsible for the frost that forms on the windows of homes and buildings.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 8-C | High 6-A | 1-S | 1-S | 1-S

Key: Regular | King Frost | Digital Devil Saga 2 | Strongest | Archetype

Name: Jack Frost

Origin: Megami Tensei

Gender: Variable.

Age: Inapplicable. Exist beyond time

Classification: Demon, Fairy, Personification of the Winter

Powers and Abilities:

Absolute Zero, Breath Attack, Megami Tensei Physiology (Type 3; Physical Demons), Damage Boost and Reduction, Death Manipulation (Can inflict light-based instant death upon enemies with Hama), Elemental Manipulation (Ice Manipulation and Water Manipulation), Empathic Manipulation (Can inflict happy, charm and panic), Healing (Can restore part of his vitality with Dia, and recovers a target from sleep and illusion with Patra), Magic, Power Nullification (Can inflict the "mute" ailment on all foes with Tango of Dispelling, and nullifies all resistances to ice and fire-based attacks with Ice Break), Resurrection (Revives a selected target with little vitality using Recarm), Statistics Amplification and Reduction, Status Effect Inducement, Weather Manipulation

All previous abilities to much greater degrees.

All previous abilities to much greater degrees, as well as Existence Erasure

All previous abilities to much greater degrees, as well as Megami Tensei Physiology (Type 4; Abstract Demon)

All previous abilities, as well as Megami Tensei Physiology (Type 5; Archetype)

Attack Potency: Building level (Should be comparable to other low-level Fairies such as Pixies, who can easily move building-sized boulders, and to basic Agi spells, which can vaporize a Lham Derg) | Multi-Continent level (Said to be capable of freezing the whole world) | Extraverse level (Appears in the Sun as an end-game boss during Digital Devil Saga 2, and was able to fight against Seraph's party for a time, though he was ultimately defeated) | Extraverse level (Fought Alice as well as Beelzebub) | Extraverse level (Exists as an archetype, a shapeless, transcendent and fundamental unit of the collective unconscious and inhabiting its depths, and yet to be shaped into a lower state by the thoughts and emotions of humanity)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ Reactions and Combat Speed (Can react to "Zio-" spells, which summon cloud-to-ground lightning to attack), higher with Sukukaja | Speed of Light Reactions and Combat Speed (Should be comparable to Plasma, a notably weak demon who can attack using electromagnetic waves), FTL with Sukukaja | Irrelevant | Irrelevant | Irrelevant (Exists as an archetype, a shapeless, transcendent and fundamental unit of the collective unconscious and inhabiting its depths, and yet to be shaped into a lower state by the thoughts and emotions of humanity)

Lifting Strength: Class M | Class M (Immensely superior to normal Jack Frosts) | Irrelevant | Irrelevant | Irrelevant

Striking Strength: Building level | Multi-Continent level | Extraverse level | Extraverse level | Extraverse level

Durability: Building level, higher with Rakukaja | Extraverse level | Extraverse level | Extraverse level

Stamina: Infinite

Range: Tens of Meters, up to countrywide with magic | Planetary | Extraverse level | Extraverse level | Extraverse level

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Average. Generally playful, fickle and child-like, and can also be rather arrogant, the latter of which is vastly more pronounced as King Frost.

Weaknesses: Normally vulnerable to fire-based attacks, although some versions avert this weakness | Same as before, ontop of being unaware of the full extent of his power | Same as before | None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Buffs and Debuffs: A set of skills that, as the name implies, allows the caster to greatly amplify their own physical attributes and reduce that of their foes, thus allowing one to stand up to much stronger opponents by closing or even reversing the gap in power between them. Outside of gameplay limitations, they can be stacked indefinitely, and sufficient usages of buffs allow the caster to survive attacks that would otherwise obliterate them with only minor injuries and amplify their speed to the point of completely outspeeding opponents that could previously predict all of their movements, while debuffs have a directly proportional effect on the enemy's statistics.

  • Rakukaja: Increases his defensive power and that of his allies by one rank.
  • Sukukaja: Increases his speed by one rank.
  • Makakaja: Increases the magical power of all allies by one rank.
  • Marakunda: Decreases the defensive power of all foes by one rank.
  • Sukunda: Decreases the speed of a foe by one rank.
  • Dekunda: Nullifies all statistics reductions inflicted upon himself and his allies.

All previous skills, with the addition of:

Buffs and Debuffs: A set of skills that, as the name implies, allows the caster to greatly amplify their own physical attributes and reduce that of their foes, thus allowing one to stand up to much stronger opponents by closing or even reversing the gap in power between them. Outside of gameplay limitations, they can be stacked indefinitely, and sufficient usages of buffs allow the caster to survive attacks that would otherwise obliterate them with only minor injuries and amplify their speed to the point of completely outspeeding opponents that could previously predict all of their movements, while debuffs have a directly proportional effect on the enemy's statistics.

  • Mamakakaja: Increases the magical power of all allies by eight ranks.
  • King Bufula: Inflicts medium ice damage to all foes while simultaneously lowering their defenses by one rank.
  • Dekaja: Nullifies all statistics amplifications from all foes.

All previous skills, with the addition of:

Almighty Attacks: The highest class of spells in the Megami Tensei franchise, consisting largely of powerful non-elemental attacks that have the special property of completely bypassing any resistances or immunities that a target may possess, be them innate or magically enforced, the latter of which including anything from reflective barriers to items that distort the very laws of the universe in order to protect the user from all forms of damage, and they are likewise unable to blocked, drained or generally defended against.

  • Megidolaon: Unleashes a wave of destructive energy which deals heavy damage to all foes, tapping into the pale light of divinity that reigns over destruction itself and engulfing them in "the complete annihilation beyond death."

Notable Matchups[]



