Janemba (ジャネンバ Janenba) is a demon of pure evil and great power, formed by the evil spirits and took its physical body by possessing a random demon boy's body. He was eventually defeated by the strongest Saiyan alive, Gogeta. He appeared in later arcs as a host of many body stealers, like Baby, or to get absorbed in other villains like Majin Buu.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 1-A | 1-A
Key: Normal | Super Janemba
Name: Janemba
Origin: Dragon Ball AF
Gender: Genderless, appears to be male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Amalgam of Evil Spirits, Demon
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Beyond-Dimensional Physiology (Exists in Hell where coexists with the Afterlife, a world transcending dimensions and having no concept of time)
- Heightened Awareness
- Transformation (Can transform into Super Janemba)
- Large Size (Type 0)
- Immortality (Type 3)
- Regeneration (High-Mid)
- Magic
- Ki Manipulation
- Sound Manipulation and Space-Time Manipulation (Can create dimensional rifts and destroy space-time and pocket dimensions with his energy)
- Possession (Possessed the Saike Demon, turning the latter's body into his own)
- Duplication (Can create smaller versions of himself. Can create a clone of its opponent along with their technique)
- Creation and Sealing (Created many jellybean-like barriers. One of them sealed the Check-In Station away and froze demons inside)
- Absorption (His magical crystals and barriers passively absorb the energy of an attack)
- Portal Creation (He can warp space to create portals that punch enemies from afar)
- Power Nullification (Passively stripped King Yemma off of his powers to judge and manipulate the souls venturing into the Other World)
- Reality Warping, Resurrection, Necromancy and Law Manipulation (His birth and magic were messing with and reversing the laws of reality governing the Other World and the Universe, leading to the dead rising from their graves and other supernatural and physical phenomena outside of the norm)
- Limited Power Nullification (Shenron stated that he would be unable to reverse the effects caused by Janemba's evil energy, such as the dead coming back to life)
All previous abilities except Large Size, plus:
- Natural Weaponry (Used his tail to attack Goku)
- Flight
- Teleportation
- Martial Arts
- Body Control (Can make his body turn into small particles and then rebuild it in a different place. Can stretch his limbs up to hundreds of meters)
- Transmutation (Turned a small club into the Dimension Sword and reconstructed a stone spike into a growing in length spear-like object)
- Spatial Manipulation (Can slice through space to cut right through foes as well as any objects, even those capable of absorbing and dispersing energy such as the magic crystals created by himself)
- Resistance to Heat (Unaffected by fire)
Attack Potency: Outerverse level (Warpped the Other World, a world transcending dimensions and having no concept of time) | Outerverse level (Causally stomped Super Saiyan 3 Z Goku. Is much stronger than Hirudegarn. Scales to his own durability)
Speed: Irrelevant (Kept up with Goku) | Irrelevant (Superior to Super Saiyan 3 Goku)
Lifting Strength: Unknown, likely Irrelevant
Striking Strength: Outerversal | Outerversal
Durability: Outerverse level | Outerverse level (Wasn't heaveily damaged by Super Gogeta's kicks)
Stamina: Superhuman (Fought and chased around fat Gogeta for 30 minutes straight. While he possesses vast amounts of endurance, he can lose energy if he takes enough damage)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Irrelevant with various techniques
Standard Equipment: None notable.
Intelligence: Janemba has the emotional capacity and attention-span of an infant, the only speech it is capable of producing being repetition of its own name, but nonetheless has a skilled grasp of its own abilities and techniques, being able to push around a combat-genius like Son Goku and even catch him off-guard with his wondrous powers. Super Janemba appears to be much more focused and intelligent, but still never displayed speech beyond grunts, roars and laughs.
Weaknesses: Janemba takes physical damage from being insulted.
Key: Normal | Super Janemba
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: