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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Articles About Jason[]

Movies | Original Series • Remake

Games | MKX • Friday The 13th Game • Terrordrome

Part 2 sack-head jason - 1981 Friday the 13th Part 2

Human Jason


Zombie Jason

Jason takes manhattan

One of my favorite films of the series cause this is the first time Jason leaves Camp Crystal Lake. The other is FvJ cause Freddy fights Jason.


Born in 1946, in the small town of Crystal Lake to Elias and Pamela Voorhees, Jason Voorhees had severe facial deformities, Hydrocephalus, and mental disabilities at birth. Pamela raised him on her own and homeschooled him, isolating him from the rest of the community. When he was 11, incapable of getting him a babysitter, Pamela took him to Camp Crystal Lake, where she worked. Here, he was bullied and tormented by his fellow campers and seemingly drowned when they threw him into Crystal Lake. Mad with grief, Pamela killed the counselors who failed to protect her son and prevented any from returning. However, Jason had actually survived, and after the death of his mother, Jason created a shrine in her memory, avenged her death, and took her place in preventing any from returning to Crystal Lake.

Powers & Stats[]

Tier: 10-C | 9-C, Higher via Weapons | 9-B | 9-B+ | 9-A (Room) to 9-A (Room) | 9-C to 9-B | 5-C to Low 5-B | At Least 5-C to Low 5-B | 5-C between Low 5-B | 9-A+

Key: Kid | Human/Adult (Part 2) | Human/Adult (Part 3 & 4) | Zombie (Part 6) | Zombie (Part 7 - 9) | Possessed Bodies | Zombie (Part 10)/Pre Über-Jason | Über-Jason | Zombie (Part 11) | Zombie (NHA Series)

Name: Jason Voorhees (Full Name), Pussy, Maggot Head, Fucking Coward, Chicken Shit (All by Tommy Jarvis), Baby Boy, Son (Both by Pamela), Ghost Jason, NHA Jason (Never Hike Alone Fandom Names)

Origin: Friday The 13th, Later brought into Nightmare on Elm Street

Gender: Male

Age: 11 at 'Death'/Summer of '57 (Born June 1946), 11 to 12 during brief prologue (First Film takes place in '58, briefly), 33 during First & part of the Second Film (Summer '79, Film 2 takes place 2 months later), 37 to 38 during the Second, Third, & Fourth Film/Death (Takes place 5 years later in Summer of '84, Third takes place a day later, Same with the Fourth), 44 by the Sixth Film (Takes place 6 years after the Fourth in '90), 51 during the Seventh Film (In the 6th Tina was 10 now she's 17, Takes place in '97), 52 - 54 during the Eighth Film (Takes place at least a year later, but before 2001. Takes place in '98 - '00), 52 - 55 during the Ninth Film & Eleventh (Takes place around a few months to a Year after, pre 9/11. Takes place in '99 - '01. Freddy fights Jason some time after this.), 61 to 62 when caught by the U.S. government (Caught in '08), 63 to 64 during the first part of the Tenth Film (Takes place in '10), 70 to 71 during Never Hike Alone/NHA 1, NHA 2, and Never Hike In The Snow ('17), 63 to 64 physically, mentally 508 to 509 during the second part of the Tenth Film (Was frozen for 445 years)

Classification: Human, Child | Human, Serial Killer, Vengeful Son | Same as Before | Undead Killer | Same as Before | Undead Killer, Ghost, Possessor | Undead Killer | Same as Before, Cyborg | Undead Zombie Killer | Same as Before

Powers and Abilities:

Regular Human Abilities, Pain Inhibition (Noted as never crying or yelling as a child. Even when his collar bone was sliced through he uttered no sound), Resurrection and Accelerated Development (Jason can bring himself back to life from fatal injures and events such as drowning. When he comes back Jason's strength is also increased)

Attack Potency: Below Human Level (Is a Child with severe facial deformities, Hydrocephalus, an abnormally large head, and mental disabilities.)

Destructive Capacity: Below Average Human

Speed: Below Human Level

Lifting Strength: Below Human Level

Striking Strength: Below Human Level

Durability: Below Human Level

Same as before, Peak Human Physical Characteristics, Stealth Mastery, Weapon Mastery (Shown to be skilled in a large variety of weaponry; from spears to corkscrews), Regeneration (Mid-Low, likely High-Low; Has never suffered a broken bone and regenerated damage from maggots eating his body while he was underwater for an unknown period of time), Enhanced Senses (Sight & Depth Perception - Can easily see through his pillow case mask and his perception isn't affected even though he only has one working eye)

Attack Potency: Street Level to Street Level+ (Can easily punch through a door which would yield this much energy [1612.9385 J]. Became stronger after drowning. Never broke a bone which would wield 375 to 9920 J), Higher via Weapons (Broke a man's skull using an a machete)

Destructive Capacity: Street to Street Level+, Higher via Weapons

Speed: Athletic Human (Capable of keeping pace and outrunning others in dead sprints. Deflected a machete swing)

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (Capable of overpowering struggling adults and stringing up dead bodies [134.445 kg or 296.4 lbs]), At Least Class 5 (Can chop off limbs [1019.72 KG/F].)

Striking Strength: Street Level

Durability: Wall Level (Never broke a bone [375 to 9920 J]. Had a chair broken on him [87,085.6625216 J].)

Same as Before, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Shown to be skilled with ranged weapons like harpoon guns), Greater Regeneration (Mid-Low, likely High-Low: Healed after being slashed through the shoulder and having an axe imbedded in his face. As with his strength, its likely Jason's regeneration increases in potency with each resurrection.), Possibly Resurrection (The script and film for Part IV implied Jason was coming back from his head injury before Tommy further injured him.)

Attack Potency: Wall Level (Casually shattered a wooden door, which would wield this much energy [2,907,827.38 J]. Crushed a man's head in both hands [Min 3000 J], though it took some time. Noted as becoming much stronger after coming back from death.)

Destructive Capacity: Wall Level (Shattered a door and crushed someones head)

Speed: Peak Human Travel Speed with Superhuman Reaction Speed (Dodged and disarmed someone attacking him and dodged a van with an injured leg)

Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Fractured a skull which requires at least 500 kilogram-force. Can throw a dead body through wood. Can effortlessly toss around hay bales weighing hundreds of pounds. Stronger than his possessed bodies.)

Striking Strength: Wall Level

Durability: Wall Level

Same as Before, Enhanced Senses (Can detect electro-chemical reactions and smell sounds), Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2, and 3), Immortality (Types 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7, can survive lethal injuries such as being set on fire, impaled, and shot all over his body, is capable of regeneration, is ultimately an undead being, can possess others, has come back from dying), Inorganic Physiology (His body is neither organic nor inorganic), Resurrection (Able to resurrect himself as long as his curse isn't fulfilled, including being fully decapitated. With Freddy's assistance, Jason pulled himself out of Hell and restarted his heart), Likely Teleportation

Attack Potency: Wall Level+ (Stronger than Before, can trade blows with Tommy Jarvis but is superior.)

Destructive Capacity: Wall Level+

Speed: Superhuman Travel with Subsonic reflexes (Killed a small group of soldiers before they could react, outran bullets from a helicopter, moved around a room much faster than his victim, and killed two hunters before they could react)

Lifting Strength: Class 5, Possibly Class 10 (Can snap/twist necks and decapitate humans)

Striking Strength: Wall Level+

Durability: Wall Level+

Same as Before but Greater

Attack Potency: Room to Large Room Level (Stronger than Before. Easily Impailed, slit peoples throat [379.5977276 J], crushed heads, and Tanked hits from Julius Gaw, an undefeated amateur boxer who was going to turn pro after graduation. Most people with Class K are around this level)

Destructive Capacity: Wall Level+

Speed: Superhuman Travel Speed with Subsonic reflexes

Lifting Strength: Possibly Class K (Effortlessly punched Julius's head off with one hand)

Striking Strength: Room to Large Room Level

Durability: Room to Large Room Level

Power Bestowal (People possessed by Jason's spirit grow both in size and strength) in addition to gaining: Superhuman Physical Characteristics (Increases the person's strength to the point where they can shatter bones and withstand normally lethal wounds), Immortality (Type 2 and 6; Can survive fatal wounds and still get up and can jump from body to body if needed, though Jason requires physical contact for both forms of possession), Weapon Mastery (As with Jason normally his possessed bodies are lethally skilled in a variety of weapons), Mind Manipulation (His heart hypnotizes others into eating it, transferring his soul into them. His mask is capable of mentally compelling others to put it on), Possession (Can possess those who eat his heart and transfer his spirit into others in these hosts. While in the body it begins to rot and Once he leaves a host's body, it quickly dissolves. Those wearing his mask are possessed by the spirit of Jason, though unlike eating his heart they are capable of resisting him to a degree. Capable of possessing inanimate objects like statues, mechanical bats and carousel ponies), Illusion Creation (Could create an undead illusion of a woman's brother), Technology Manipulation (Capable of controlling and possessing various pieces of statues, cars, electronics and items), Limited Corruption (Type 1; People infected by Jason's spirit have their bodies rot and breakdown)

Attack Potency: Street Level to Wall Level (Can easily tear humans apart with his bare hands, decapitated three humans with a single swing [1849.92662 J], destroy cars, once demolished a construction site, and can casually punch off heads. Cut two people [7470.01962 J] and a tree in half with a single machete swing [Min 328,773.0558 J] and can stab through multiple inches of steel.)

Destructive Capacity: Wall Level (Can crush skulls)

Speed: Human to Athletic Travel/Reaction Speed (The humans he possessed are regular humans or Athletic cops)

Lifting Strength: Peak Human (Can easily lift overweight men with one hand. Should be able to lift himself who is 230lbs/104.3kg to 240lbs/108.8kg)

Striking Strength: Street to Wall Level

Durability: Street to Wall Level

Same as his Zombie Self but Greater

Attack Potency: Moon Level to Small Planet Level (Stronger than Vs Freddy self.)

Destructive Capacity: At Least Moon Level

Speed: Superhuman with Subsonic reflexes

Lifting Strength: Class K

Striking Strength: Moon Level to Small Planet Level

Durability: Moon Level to Small Planet Level

Same as Before but Greater, Regeneration (Mid; Healed from having his brain melted in ten seconds, mashed his clone's brain into his own and regenerated both, healed after having his brain stuffed with other brains. Low-High, possibly High over time; His nanomachines reconstructed him from a single speck and were mentioned doing it atom by atom), Cyborgization, Enhanced Senses (Can see in any environment, hear the blood pumping in someone's veins,, hear noises inaudible to humans and can detect lifeforms), Absorption (Can absorb projectiles, energy, and biological matter to enhance his physicals), Possession (His nanomachines can transform corpses into Über-Jason clones and turn humans into Über-Jason clones with direct injections), Intangibility and limited Matter Manipulation (His nanomachines can rearrange his matter to allow him to phase through solid matter), Reactive Evolution (Jason's body and nanos adapt on the sub-cellular level and progressively resist whatever was previously able to effect him), Electricity Manipulation (Can fire lightning bolts if sufficiently charged up)

Attack Potency: At Least Moon Level to Small Planet Level (Withstood a hole in a space station, and lived longer than any normal person would when flying through Earth 2’s atmosphere. Should be stronger than Freddy.)

Destructive Capacity: At Least Moon Level

Speed: Superhuman with Subsonic reflexes

Lifting Strength: Class K

Striking Strength: At Least Moon Level to Small Planet Level

Durability: At Least Moon Level to Small Planet Level

Same as Zombie Self but Greater

Attack Potency: Moon Level to Small Planet Level (His strength should be between part 9 and part 10. Can fight Freddy in the dream world as well.)

Destructive Capacity: At Least Moon Level

Speed: Superhuman with Subsonic reflexes

Lifting Strength: Class K (Flipped a boiler that weighs this much, altho this did happen in the dream world.)

Striking Strength: Moon Level to Small Planet Level

Durability: Moon Level to Small Planet Level

Same as Zombie Self but Greater

Attack Potency: Small Building Level+ (Stronger than Before, this timeline is to assumed after Jason Meets Manhattan or after Tommy had killed him.)

Destructive Capacity: At Least Wall Level+

Speed: Superhuman with Subsonic reflexes

Lifting Strength: Class K

Striking Strength: Small Building Level+

Durability: Small Building Level+

Stamina: Below Human Level | Athletic Human | Superhuman

Range: Standard Melee Range, Higher with Weapons, Extended Melee Range with other weapons, Several Meters with throwing weapons and energy attacks, Hundreds of Meters with bows.

Standard Equipment: None | Ice pick, Barbed Wire, Hammer, Machete, Spear, Knife, Pitchfork, Pickaxe | Meat Cleaver, Knitting Needle, Pitchforks, Wrench, Machete, Knife, Spear Gun, Fuse Box, Fire Poker, Axe, Hacksaw, Scalpel, Double-Sided Axe, Harpoon, Spear, Hammer, Corkscrew, Car, Garden Claw | Knife, Hunting Knife, Dart, Machete | Tent Peg, Sleeping Bag, Machete, Knife, Sickle, Party Horn, Axes, Spear, Tree Trimming Saw, Guitar, Sauna Rock, Harpoon, Control Panel, Radio Antenna, Syringe, Steam Pipe, Sewage, Wrench, Possession, Autopsy Probe, Razor, Pole, Jungle Gym, Rake, Scalpel, Shovel, Pistol, Knife Sharpener, Barbeque Skewer | Mentioned in the last key | Machine Gun, Machete, Hook, Counter, Chains, Noose Pole, Liquid Nitrogen, Surgical Tool | Mentioned in the last key | Machete, Pipe, Fire, Electricity, Proxies, Freddy's Bladed Claw | Machete, Bow and Arrow

Intelligence: Average (Jason is capable of effectively tracking and killing his victims, using any number of weapons and tools as deadly weapons, and setting up basic traps. His intelligence was further enhanced after he was empowered and resurrected by Freddy in Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash. However, due to being legally mentally handicapped and never going to school [was home schooled by his mother], he highly lacks academic knowledge. Bodies possessed by the mask are shown to be intelligent enough to use firearms and more complex tactics.), Higher with Nanobots

Weaknesses: Regular Human Weakness, Always listens to his mother. Being reminded of his mother can stop Jason in his tracks. Jason's resurrection does not allow him to rapidly recover from extreme trauma. | Same as Before | Same as Before | Same as Before | Same as Before | He can be incapacitated by trapping him in the waters of Crystal Lake. When possessing others, only those with Voorhees blood will last and allow him to return to his true form, and his true form will still show in reflections, allowing others to deduce his identity. His resurrection can be broken if he's killed by someone with Voorhees' blood. When possessing others with his mask, his influence can be removed by removing the mask itself. | Same as Zombie Self | His nanomachines can absorb too much energy and short out. Jason will choose to not use some of his powers if they don't fulfill his need for destruction and violence. | Same as Zombie Self | Same as Zombie Self


Wins (# of Wins):[]

Loses (# of Loses):[]
