Jeff The Killer is the titular antagonist of his creepypasta.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-C, Higher with Weapons
Name: Jeffrey Woods
Origin: Creepypasta
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Classification: Human, Serial Killer
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Stealth Mastery (Can sneak inside houses without being detected, the only thing visible when he is on the dark is his eyes and smiles.[1])
- Weapon Mastery (Can throw his knife skillfuly into someone's shoulder[2])
- Berserk Mode (Jeff can enter a state of pure rage in which all he wishes to do is kil[3]l)
- Fire Manipulation (Via lighter)
- Minor Resistance to Disease Manipulation (Was not negatively affected after burning his eyelids off to never blink again, which usually leads to infections and loss of eye health. His smile-shaped scars around his mouth didn't get infected, which shows that Jeff has a strong immune system[4])
- Minor Resistance to Pain (Was able to fight after being stabbed into his shoulder.[5]Carved a smile into his face with a knife[6]Burnt his eyelids[4])
Attack Potency: Street Level (Broke Randy's wrist (375 J).[7] Broke a window (673 J).[8] Would have killed a adult man if the cops hadn't came.[2] Twisted Randy's feet (375 J).[9]One-shot Troy with a single hit of a towel rack.[10]Was able to disembowl both his parents[11]Stronger than Randy and his goons, who threw him through a glass door (1591 J).[9]), Higher with weapons (Multilated his face and disembowled his parents.[6][11])
Speed: At most Athletic Human travel speed (Can ran a hallway and break through a window without being caught by cops.[8] Ran away with Liu after knocking down Randy and his goons off the bus stop, before the bus arriven.[12]), with Superhuman combat and reaction speed (Stated to be a quick person in combat.[7] Dodged a attack from Keith.[7] Was able to avoid gunfire[5]Blitzed his parents (15.4 M/S)[11])
Lifting Strength: Peak Human (Broke Randy's wrist.[7] Threw Randy into the ground.[7]Twisted Randy's feet.[9] Stronger than Randy, who threw into the kitchen house and then over to the living room.[3]Ripped a towel rack from a wall.[5]Likely had overpowered his parents.[11]Overpowered Liu[13])
Striking Strength: Street Level (Stunned Randy with a punch.[7] Knocked down Troy with a punch, making him puke.[7]Punched Randy to death, making his heart stop with one punch. (454 J)[3])
Durability: Street Level (Can take kicks and punches from someone.[2] Was throw through a patio door (1591 J).[9] Had a vodka bottle smashed on his head (118 J).[3]Rolled Downstairs (686-1177 J).[14] Superior to Randy and his goons, who could take blowns from him and leap over a wooden fence with a skateboard without getting hurt (1223 J).)
Stamina: Peak Human, possibly Higher (Could still fight after being stabbed into his shoulder.[9] Was burnt alive.[14] Carved a smile into his face with a knife, and burnt his eyelids[6][4])
Range: Standard Meele Range, Several meters via knife throwing
Standard Equipment: Kitchen Knife, Lighter
Intelligence: Average, Above Average in stealth and combat (Had won a 1v3. Sneaked inside a house and fleed.)
Weaknesses: Is mentally unstable
Feats: Had killed Randy, Troy, Keith, both his parents and Liu.
Notable Matchups[]
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Dexter Morgan (Dexter TV Series) Dexter's Profile (Both had a knife & Dexter also had a syringe of M99)
Inconclusive Matches:
- ↑ I looked up and nearly jumped out of my bed. There, in the little ray of light, illuminating from between my curtains, were a pair of two eyes. These weren’t regular eyes; they were dark, ominous eyes. They were bordered in black and… just plain out terrified me. That’s when I saw his mouth. A long, horrendous smile that made every hair on my body stand up.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 He pulled up a knife, aiming at my heart. He jumped on top of my bed. I fought him back; I kicked, I punched, I rolled around, trying to knock him off me. That’s when my dad busted in. The man threw the knife, it went into my dad’s shoulder. The man probably would’ve finished him off, if one of the neighbors hadn’t alerted the police.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 “Come on, Jeff! Fight me!” He picked Jeff up and threw him into the kitchen. Randy saw a bottle of vodka on the counter and smashed the glass over Jeff’s head. “Fight!” He threw Jeff back into the living room. “Come on, Jeff! Look at me!” Jeff glanced up; his face riddled with blood. “I was the one who got your brother sent to JDC! And now you’re just gonna sit here and let him rot in there for a whole year! You should be ashamed!” Jeff started to get up. “Oh, finally! you stand and fight!” Jeff was now to his feet, blood and vodka on his face. Once again, he got that strange feeling... the one he hadn’t felt for a while. “Finally. He’s up!” said Randy as he ran at Jeff. That’s when it happened. Something inside of Jeff snapped. His psyche was destroyed, all rational thinking was gone, all he could do was kill. He grabbed Randy and pile‐drove him to the ground. He got on top of him and punched him straight in the heart. The punch caused Randy’s heart to stop. As Randy gasped for breath. Jeff hammered down on him. Punch after punch, blood gushed from Randy’s body until he took one final breath and died.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 His eyes were bordered in black, seemingly never closing. “I couldn’t see my face. I got tired and my eyes started to close. I burned out the eyelids so I could forever see myself—my new face.”
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Jeff saw the guns trained on him and ran for the stairs. As he ran, Troy and Keith let out fire on him, each shot missing. Jeff ran up the stairs. He heard Troy and Keith follow up behind. As they let out their final rounds of bullets, Jeff ducked into the bathroom. He grabbed the towel rack and ripped it off the wall. Troy and Keith raced in; knives ready.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Later that night, Jeff’s mother awoke to a sound coming from the bathroom. It sounded as if someone was crying. She slowly walked over to see what it was. When she looked into the bathroom, she saw a horrendous sight. Jeff had taken a knife and carved a smile into his cheeks.
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Jeff popped the kid in the nose. As Randy reached for his face, Jeff grabbed the kid’s wrist and broke it. Randy screamed and Jeff grabbed the knife from his hand. Troy and Keith rushed Jeff, but Jeff was too quick. He threw Randy to the ground. Keith lashed out at him, but Jeff ducked and stabbed him in the arm. Keith dropped his knife and fell to the ground screaming. Troy rushed him too, but Jeff didn’t even need the knife. He just punched Troy straight in the stomach and Troy went down. As he fell, he puked all over the place. Liu could do nothing but look in amazement at Jeff.
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 The man turned and ran down the hallway. I heard a smash, like glass breaking. As I came out of my room, I saw the window that was pointing towards the back of my house was broken. I looked out it to see him vanish into the distance
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Randy pulled a knife on Jeff and stabbed it into his shoulder. Jeff screamed and fell to his knees. Randy started kicking him in the face. After three kicks, Jeff grabbed his foot and twisted it, causing Randy to fall to the ground. Jeff stood up and walked towards the back door. Troy grabbed him. “Need some help?” He picked Jeff up by the back of the collar and threw him through the patio door. As Jeff tried to stand, he was kicked down to the ground. Randy repeatedly started kicking Jeff, until he began coughing up blood.
- ↑ Troy swung his knife at Jeff, who backed away and banged the towel rack into Troy’s face. Troy went down hard. Now all that was left was Keith. He was more agile than Troy, though, and ducked when Jeff swung the towel rack. He dropped the knife and grabbed Jeff by the neck. He pushed him into the wall. A thing of bleach fell down on top of him from the top shelf. It burnt both of them; they both started to scream. Jeff wiped his eyes as best as he could. He pulled back the towel rack and swung it straight into Keith’s head. As he lay there, bleeding to death, he smiled ominously.
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 “Honey, get the gun we…” She stopped as she saw Jeff in the doorway, holding a knife. “Mommy, you lied.” That was the last thing they heard. Jeff rushed them with the knife and gutted both of them.
- ↑ “Jeff, how’d you…?” was all he could say. They saw the bus coming and knew that they would be blamed for the whole incident. So, they started running as fast as they could. As they ran, they looked back and saw the bus driver rushing over to Randy and the others. As Jeff and Liu made it to school, they didn’t dare tell what happened.
- ↑ His brother Liu woke up, startled by the noise. He didn’t hear anything else, so he just shut his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. As he was on the edge of slumber, he got the strangest feeling that someone was watching him. He looked up, before Jeff’s hand covered his mouth. He slowly raised the knife, ready to plunge it into Liu. Liu thrashed about trying to escape Jeff’s grip. “Shhhhhhh…” Jeff said. “Just go to sleep.”
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 Jeff’s eyes widened as Keith threw the lighter at him. As soon as the flame made contact with him, they ignited the alcohol in the vodka. While the alcohol burned him, the bleach bleached his skin. Jeff let out a terrible screech as he caught on fire. He tried to roll out the fire, but it was no use; the alcohol had made him a walking inferno. He ran down the hall and fell down the stairs. Everybody started screaming as they saw Jeff, now a man on fire, drop to the ground, nearly dead. The last thing Jeff saw was his mother and the other parents trying to extinguish the flames. That’s when he passed out.