Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Jesse Pinkman Render
Yeah Mr. White! Yeah science!
~ Jesse

Jesse Pinkman Rendered Fixed
It gives us time to talk about the state of this lab. Don't you have standards? I mean, this place is discusting! Alright, we're gonna scour every vat, every tank, every cook surface. And then we're gonna clean up every possible source of contamination. And only then, we cook. Comprende?
~ Jesse


Jesse Pinkman is a former student of Walter White. After getting into drugs in high school, he started producing meth in a small drug buisness. After his partner Emillio was busted by the DEA, he joined up with his former chemistry teacher, Walter White, to start up a drug empire.

Both of them would eventually cook for Gus Fring, with Jesse eventually turning on Gus & later snitching on Walter to the DEA.

Powers & Stats[]

Tier: 10-A, possibly 9-C physically, 9-C with weaponry

Name: Jesse Pinkman, Cap'n Cook, Mr. Driscoll

Origin: Breaking Bad

Gender: Male

Age: 23 (Pilot), 24 (Cat's In The Bag...), 25 (Buyout)

Classification: Human, Drug Dealer, Meth Cook

Powers & Abilities:

Attack Potency: Athlete level+, possibly Street level physically (Kicked a door open in 2 kicks [248 Joules]. Knocked out a man with a single hit. Can fight with & even overpower Walter. Easily overpowered & beat Saul, who could kick open a door in 3 kicks. Can harm those that can harm him), Street level with weaponry (Has used a Beretta 92FS and a Smith & Wesson Safety Hammerless)

Speed: Average Human, Subsonic+ to Supersonic Attack Speed with firearms

Lifting Strength: At least Average Human (Can wrestle with Walter. Could overpower & strangle Todd to death. Could support his own weight with 1 arm)

Striking Strength: Athlete level, possibly Street level

Durability: Athlete level+, possibly Street level (Survived brutal beatings from both Tuco and Hank. Was thrown through a thin door with no injury, which gave Jesse's actor Aaron Paul a concussion. Fell from his roof without injury. Can withstand multiple attacks from Walter without injury)

Stamina: High (Can typically outlast Walter in their fights. Was tortured by Jack's gang for an extended period of time & still had the stamina to make an escape attempt)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Hundreds Of Meters with firearms

Standard Equipment: None Notable

Optional Equipment: Basebal Bat, Beretta M9, Smith & Wesson Safety Hammerless

Intelligence: Above Average (Early in the series, Jesse did show himself to be somewhat of a bonehead & have an astounding lack of common sense, as well as being a very poor student. But throughout the series he slowly starts to mature & learn. He was able to learn Walter's formula rather quickly & was able to cook meth that was 96.2% pure, a feat which Gale wasn't able to perform, with Gale having an advanced degree in chemistry. Was seen as one of the greatest meth cooks in america and the only one worthy of being Walter's partner, with some people even getting Walter & Jesse's products confused with each other due to how well both were cooked. His skills in meth cooking & chemistry went so far that Gus believed Jesse was capable of operating a lab fully solo and was going to make him his sole cook for his meth empire. Jesse has also demonstrated great street smarts, often being able to talk his way out of gunpoint, knew to search for a rock to attack Tuco with, and evaded a country-wide manhunt for him)

Weaknesses: Impulsive. Very hesitant to kill innocent people. Has a soft spot for children. Suffers from PTSD. Is allergic to erythromycin

Notable Matchups[]

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
