Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Jill Roberts
What world are you living in?! I Don't need friends. I Need fame
~ Jill dropping the facade after killing Charlie and revealing her motivation of causing the killing spree of 2011

Tell Sidney heads are gonna roll tonight, tell Sidney it's all because of her! Or maybe she wants to take his place. I promise to be quick!
~ Jill showing her true nature while calling Kirby, and accidentally letting her jealousy out of Sidney's fame be showed to Kirby.


Jill Roberts is the fourth killer to be a mastermind on the franchise.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-C, Higher with weapons

Name: Jillian "Jill" Roberts

Origin: Scream

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Killcount: 2 (Charlie and Trevor)

Height: 5'2, possibly 5'9(Emma Roberts had to wear seven-inch high boots in order of playing Jill)

Weight: 110 Lbs

Classification: Killer, Highschool, Ghostface Killer, Human

Powers and Abilities:

  • Superhuman Physical Characteristics
  • Stealth Mastery (Hides from the hospital staff, enters on Sidney's room undetected, and after fighting the same, she hides in order of sneaking up behind Dewey and knocks him out cold.)
  • Marksmanship and likely Weapon Mastery (Showed to be able to shot with only one hand, something that requires dexterity to do so. Charlie states that 'Everything he had learn, he learned from her.')
  • Sound Manipulation (Via voice changer.)
  • Slight Resistance to Pain (Was able to fight Sidney Prescott while injured)
  • Social Influencing (Deception - Manipulated Charlie and Sidney, making the former do all murders for her while she uses the others as alibis. Made a scheme to frame Charlie and Trevor as killers, even willing to injure herself and move objects in order of looking more coherent. Charisma - Was responsible for convincing Charlie to be her partner.)
  • Hand-to-Hand (Showed to be a great fighter during the final battle. Charlie states that 'Everything he had learn, he learned from her.')

Attack Potency: Street Level (Staggers Dewey Riley by hitting his head with a metal bedpan, knocks him down, and then knocks him out cold. Wrestled with Sidney Prescott while both were injured and got the upper hand. Fragmented a glass cabinet by throwing Sidney on it. All of those feats while she's injured. Shattered a glass table by jumping on it (947 J). was responsible for tying up Trevor. But the way she did so is unknown. Stabbed her own shoulder (471 J). Killed Charlie Walker by stabbing him two times. Shatters a Glass picture by slamming herself against it.), Higher with weapons (Knifes throughout the franchise had sliced people open, shoved through skulls and doors, and used to kill and one-shot multiple people, with firearms, not being too different, with a Glock 17 going up to (570 J).)

Speed: Peak Human travel speed (Comparable to Sidney Prescott. Tied Charlie Walker into a chair. Even though the timespan while doing so is unknown.) with Superhuman+ combat and reaction speed (Stabs Sidney Prescott before she could react, later on, had shown superior speed to her multiple times while both were injured. Attacked Dewey Riley before he could react by sneaking behind him. Pulls the trigger Judy Hicks before could react. With the last two feats being done while she's injured. Stabs Charlie Walker before he could react, the same managed to avoid a bullet (34,09 M/S).) up to Transonic+ attack speed via Glock 17 (A Glock 17 can shoot in a velocity of (375 M/S).)

Lifting Strength: Atheltic Level (Overpowers and chokes Sidney Prescott (130 Lbs). And then hurles her against a wall with enough force to make her shout in pain, and proceeds to effortlessly throw her at a glass cabinet (100,40-125,50 KGf), all of those while weakened, which would make her even stronger than this. Overpowered Charlie Walker. But he was stealth attacked and most likely didn't attempt to fight back. She ripped a part of her hair while using Trevor Sheldon's hand to do so. Was responsible for tying up Trevor. But the way she did so is unknown.)

Striking Strength: Street Level (Knocks down a small table with a kick. Was responsible for tying up Trevor. But the way she did so is unknown. Makes Trevor Sheldon shout in pain with a light kick, multiple times. Made Sidney Prescott groan in pain with a punch, and then, made her yell with another one, but she was aiming for her wounds, which would overall increase the damage to Sidney.)

Durability: Street Level (Rammed against a wall and a glass picture at the same time. Got up and threw herself against a glass table (947 J). Took blows from Sidney Prescott, who had slammed her head against a hospital bed. Being electrocuted on the head by a pair of defribilators yield (1296-2340 J).)

Stamina: Peak Human (Stabbed her own shoulder. She had scratched her own cheek. She rips a part of her hair. Had Sidney pressing her finger against her injured eye. Had been electrocuted on her head by a pair of defribilators).)

Range: Standard Melee Range, up to Hundreds of Meters via firearms

Standard Equipment: Buck 120, Ghostface cloak and mask, Glock 17

Optional Equipment: Glass Shard, Metal Bedpan

Intelligence: At least Above Average, possibly Gifted (Manipulated Charlie Walker to become her partner. Made a scheme to frame Charlie and Trevor as killers, even willing to injure herself and move objects in order of looking more coherent, and made all the videos traceable back to Trevor. Created a fake conversation with Kirby Reed in her messages, baiting Sidney Prescott into rushing to Kirby’s house to find her), Gifted on combat (Charlie Walker states that everything he learned, he had learned from her. When Fighting Sidney Prescott, not only does she overwhelm her in combat, but she also aims for her wounds, in order of causing even more damage to her. After releasing Dewey Riley would enters the room, she hides in order of sneaking up behind him and knock him out.)
