Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Johnny Lawrence
Look... I wasn't taught the difference between mercy and honor and I paid the price for it. If I'm extra hard on you, it's only because you have the potential to be better than I ever was. You want that, don't you?


John "Johnny" Lawrence is one of the main protagonists of The Karate Kid trilogy and Cobra Kai television series. He was once the troubled rich kid of the Valley who started a feud with the new kid Daniel LaRusso that would last over thirty years. His vicious training with martial arts made him a formidable opponent, as he was the top student at the Cobra Kai dojo.

After losing the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament, Johnny's life turned upside down and remained that way into his adulthood. He is divorced from Shannon Keene and the estranged father of Robby Keene. In an attempt to reclaim his life, Johnny reopens the Cobra Kai Dojo and becomes a sensei to an entirely new generation of students.

Credits to Vsbattles

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B

Name: Johnny Lawrence, Sensei

Origin: Karate Kid/Cobra Kai verse

Gender: Male

Age: 52

Classification: Karate's Sensei

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Wall Level (Superior to his students, and comparable to others senseis. Fought Daniel Larusso multiple times and showed to be on even grounds with him. Can keep up with Chozen on fighting. Fought and defeated Mike Barnes. Fought with John Kreese more than once, defeating him both times, in the first showing mercy, and in the second outmatching him. Fought with Terry Silver twice. Shatters a windshield (9313 J) by throwing someone against it. Throws an object against a person with enough strength to knock them down. Slams a door open with a kick (191-495 J). Knockes Robby out cold by pushing him against a wall (640-827 J). Tackles someone against a wooden table with enough force to destroy it (310731,6366 J). Destroy a table by slamming someone on it (310731,6366 J).)

Speed: Likely Athletic Human travel speed, with at most Subsonic combat and reaction speed (Likely superior to Miguel Diaz, Robby Keene, Hawk, etc. Can dodge this swipe of a crowbar, and do the same with a baseball bat. Can keep up with Kreese on combat, trading blows with him. Shows to be faster than the average adult. Keeps up with Daniel Larusso on combat. Dodges blows from Robby, with him only landing one hit at him while he's holding back. Keeps up with Larusso once again. Is able to counter, dodge and blocks Terry Silver attacks. Keeps up with, and attacks a MMA fighter, with MMA Fighters being able to punch at (25-30 Mph).)

Lifting Strength: At least Athleltic Human+ (Superior to Miguel Diaz, Robby Keene, Hawk, etc. Can toss Kyler Park over him. Tackles and Ragdolls Kreese, with him being unable to escape his grip. Overpowers and twists an adult man's arm. Casually overpowers and ragdolls someone. Overpowers someone who was attempting to restrain him with chains, throwing the same against a car windshield. Overpowers a random surfer. Grapples with a MMA Fighter, with middleweight fighters being able to lift (120-180 Kgs), and some being able to lift up to (200 Kgs). Tackles two karate fighters to the ground. Casually toss an adult man off his feet against a shelf, destroying it.)

Striking Strength: Wall Level (Superior to Miguel Diaz, Robby Keene, Hawk, etc. Can stun an adult man with a kick. Can damage Kreese with his blows. Knocks someone down with a kick. Knockes someone aside with a kick, which causes him to fall. Stuns someone with a punch. Beats up Kreese against a wall. Can hurt Daniel Larusso with his blows Knockes Kreese down with a kick. Knocks Terry Silver back with a kick, damaging him with his blows. Flung someone back with a kick. Splits a surf board in half with a kick.)

Durability: Wall Level (Superior to Miguel Diaz, Robby Keene, Hawk, etc. Took multiple blows from Kreese, who kicked him hard enough against a mirror to shatter it. Is unfazed by an elbow on the face from Kreese. Can take hits from Daniel Larusso. Took hits from Terry Silver, including getting kicked on his face, was kicked with enough force to be flunged back, twice, this time with enough force to be flung back against small wooden boards, spliting them in half. Takes a beating from multiple karate fighters.)

Stamina: Athletic Human (Superior to Miguel Diaz, Robby Keene, Hawk, etc. Can keep up with Kreese and Larusso on combat without showing signs of tiring.)

Range: Standard Meele Range

Standard Equipment: Standard Human weapons (Teeth, Nails, etc)

Intelligence: Average, with at least Gifted combat skills (Superior to Miguel Diaz, Robby Keene, Hawk, etc. Can easily outmatch Kyler and his peers in a 1v4, even after staying years out of fighting. Can outmatch Kreese on combat

Weaknesses: Standard Human Weakness
