King Orange is the main antagonist of Animation vs Minecraft Shorts Season 3, with his primary goal centered around obtaining the Minecraft Game Icon and using it to destroy the entire Minecraft verse out of anger.
This is later revealed to be because of his immense hatred towards the game due to it killing off his son in a simulation incident. During his plan, he would come across a vaguely similar new recruit that he would bring along as his 2nd in command to begin his conspiracy, starting off by invading the Nether and conquering a Piglin Bastion.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 8-B | 2-B | High 2-A
Name: King Orange
Origin: Animator vs Animation
Gender: Male
Age: Unspecified, but very obviously an adult.
Classification: Stick Figure, King
Powers and Abilities:
- Data Manipulation and Information Manipulation (Comparable to the stick gang who can interact with PC surroundings)
- Non-Physical Interaction (Should be able to harm vexes like any normal Minecraft player)
- Life Manipulation (Upscales from Red, who was able to make potions that could give sentience to a sugarcane block)
- Reality Warping (The collision of 2 game icons undid the effects of King Orange's black hole before exploding)
- Time Manipulation (via the /tick command)
- Teleportation and BFR, (Should be able to with the /TP command)
- Transmutation (Upscales from The Witch, who can make form-altering potions)
- Law Manipulation (With the /gamerule and /difficulty commands)
- Power Nullification (With the /clear command and /effect command
- Weather Manipulation (With the /weather command)
All powers previously listed but to a greater extent
- Invulnerability and Immortality (Types 2, 4, and 8, Wielding the Minecraft Game Icon grants the user complete protection from death, showcased by how he can survive a strike from Red's Netherite Staff to the neck and get up seconds later, With creative mode activated, he should have access to other survivability options like beds, totems, and respawn anchors)
- Fusionism and Electricity Manipulation (Can control lightning and created a gigantic abomination that combines the Warden and Titan Ravager together)
- Black Hole Generation (Created a black hole upon equipping the icon into his staff)
- Darkness Manipulation (The staff can strike with black lightning which is way stronger than the normal version)
- Immortality Negation (It also bypassed all of Herobrine's abilities)
Attack Potency: Street Level in base (Knocked out 3 people) Multiverse Level with the MGI (Was going to destroy the entirety of Minecraft over a short period of time which has a total of 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 possible worlds and multiple statements of being infinite in size) higher (Fused 2 game icons and began destroying the verse twice as fast) High Multiverse Level+ (Far stronger than a dormant TSC)
Speed: At least Subsonic (Dodged a barrage of close range arrows) Infinite (Created the black hole that would consume the entirety of Minecraft and it's infinitely large worlds over a short period of time, kept up with the entire stick gang who could outrun said black hole) Likely Immeasurable (Scaling to The Second Coming)
Durability: City Block Level in base (Survived a punch from The Warden) Multiverse Level with the MGI (Can survive being inside of his own black hole which was consuming all of Minecraft overtime) High Multiverse Level+ (Scales above base TSC who can tank going into higher dimensions)
Stamina: Inexhaustible (Creative Mode removes your hunger bar)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters with arrows, fireballs, and lightning. Multiversal with the black hole.
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (Revealed to be the mastermind behind the endless loop parkour trap set up for the fighting stick figures. Researched everything in Minecraft from the most useless blocks to the most powerful items and mobs, made several mathematical calculations to properly learn how to actually create the black hole in the 1st place, and built a staff that could successfully weaponize the properties of a block with only the resources he had on hand, which he would later use as a gateway into the Nether. He has shown to be a quick thinker and skilled fighter, such as when he outmaneuvered the stick figures and their entire team of mob allies, or how he eventually got the upper hand against Herobrine during their fight, taking advantage of his now decreased speed as Possessed Red and parrying his attacks)
Weaknesses: Should he lose the staff, he will become as weak as a normal citizen. (excluding his intelligence and skill)
Notable Attacks/Techniques: Death Recreation (Typing "/kill" into a repeat command block and connecting it to a power source causes it to continuously kill the target it was assigned to, effectively putting them in a death loop that negates respawning until the source of it is destroyed. While King Orange has never actually used this in battle, it's absolutely possible that he can given how we know the MGI let's you access command blocks)