Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Lady Samurai

Summary []

Lady Samurais (Sometimes called Shrine Maidens or simply Samurais) are a class of female samurais. They originally protected the Holy Road that connected the Netherworlds together, however, after all of them were destroyed they then became professional swordsmen for hire. Despite their new job they still believe in all the values they had will protecting the Holy Road.

Powers and Stats []

Tier: Varies between 4-A to 3-C | Low 1-C

Name: Varies

Origin: Nippon Ichi

Gender: Female

Age: Varies

Classification: Demon, Female Samurai

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical CharacteristicsImmortality (Type 1)

Attack Potency: Varies; Multi-Solar System Level (Every demon can destroy a vast cluster of stars in a short amount of time) to Galaxy Level (Comparable to powerful Flora Beasts which can effortlessly destroy a Galaxy) | Low Complex Multiverse Level (All Carnage Dimension demons have been stated to have Higher-Dimensional when compared to the rest of the Cosmos which can contain a being stated to be Fifth-Dimensional)

Speed: MFTL+ (Every demon can destroy a vast cluster of stars in a short amount of time) | MFTL+

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Multi-Solar System Level to Galaxy Level | Low Complex Multiverse Level

Durability: Multi-Solar System Level to Galaxy Level | Low Complex Multiverse Level

Stamina: High

Range: Standard melee range to Extended melee range

Standard Equipment: Sword, Fan

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: None Notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Comedy to the Shin: The Lady Samurai attacks the enemy with a fan.
  • Summer Rain Slash: The Lady Samurai repeatedly slashes the enemy with her sword.

Key: Netherworld Lady Samurai | Carnage Dimension Lady Samurai
