“ | Yeah, I never sleep much. An hour, maybe two. It's enough. When it's like this... that's when I can think. I get my best ideas when everybody else is asleep. Some people, they call it a curse. I like it. | „ |
~ Lalo to Nacho |
Eduardo Salamanca, better known as Lalo, was a distributer in the Salamanca cartel. Raised alongside his cousins by Hector Salamanca, Lalo would be trained to be a cold-hearted killer hardened to the criminal life.
Lalo would eventually suspect Gus of going against the cartel, and deticates himself to finding out what Gus is trying to hide. He would eventually get Gus to confess to what he was making & why he betrayed the cartel, though Lalo would be killed by Gus after a sneak attack.
Powers & Stats[]
Tier: 9-C, higher with weaponry
Name: Eduardo Salamanca, Lalo, Jorge de Guzman
Origin: Breaking Bad
Gender: Male
Age: 44
Classification: Human, cartel distributer
Powers & Abilities:
- Peak Human Physical Characteristics
- Genius Intelligence
- Preparation
- Weapon Mastery (Can skillfully use firearms & melee weapons such as axes. Shot multiple of Gus' men with incredible accuracy)
- Stealth Mastery (Could sneak away & hide from a group of highly trained assassins, managing to circle around his house & sneak attack them while they were still tracking him down. Sneak attacked Gus & his men. Could sneak through a loose ceiling pannel in a few seconds without attracting any attention)
- Acrobatics (Could sneak through a loose ceiling pannel in a few seconds without attracting any attention)
- Social Influencing
- Instigating Fear; Was capable of terrifying Saul & Kim, to the point of where the second they saw him again they started panicking. After Gus found out Lalo was still alive, he became incredibly panicked, even despite all of his safety percausions. Lalo was so terrifying & imposing that Saul was acting thankful & overjoyed despite the fact that he was kidnapped & brought to an unmarked grave with a gun to the back of his head, simply because it wasn't Lalo
- Deception; Was able to fake his death so well that when Hector tried telling people that he got a phone call from Lalo & knew Gus killed him, nobody believed him. Was able to trick a man that he was greviously injured, despite not being hurt at all
- Charisma; Could charm & seduce Margarethe while extracting information out of her. Often presents himself as a charming & affable man
Attack Potency: Street level (Cut through a mans foot with a single swing of an axe despite being injured. Can easily overpower & push around Gus. Possibly scalable to his cousins), higher with weaponry (Has used various firearms & melee weaponry within this tier)
Speed: Peak Human (Crawled through a large tunnel very quickly, with it taking several minutes for the assassins to crawl the length. Could aimdodge several trained assassins), Transonic to Supersonic+ Attack Speed with firearms
Lifting Strength: At least Above Average Human (Could easily shove Gus around, even launching him a good distance with a half-hearted kick)
Striking Strength: Street level
Durability: Street level (Could tank a large fall without injury, which would generate this much energy. Withstood getting hit by the blunt end of an axe)
Stamina: Peak Human (Could laugh off getting multiple of his ribs broken & was uneffected by it throughout the series despite never getting medical attention. Easily shook off a bulletwound to the leg and continued to walk several miles on it, as well as quickly recover from it without any medical attention. Claims that he rarely gets more than an hour or 2 of sleep, and can function off of minimal sleep with nearly no negative drawbacks)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Hundreds Of Meters with firearms
Standard Equipment: M4 Carbine, Glock Pistol, Binoculars
Optional Equipment: Axe
Intelligence: Genius (Lalo is a highly intelligent & charasmatic character, being very calculating with all of his plans. He was able to match wits with Gus Fring, and had Gus panicing, eventually managing to outsmart Gus by bringing him to the laundromat. Nearly got to Werner at the same time as Mike despite having far less starting information & not as much time. Was able to quickly realize that his call was being tapped by Mike, and instantly came up with a new plan on how to trick Gus, which ended up working. He also quickly made a multi-step plan involving Saul & Kim assisting him in distracting Gus' forces. Lalo is also highly creative in combat, such as when he tricked a group of highly trained assassins into a tunnel which he proceeded to shoot into, killing the assassins. He was also able to track down various other people who worked on Gus' underground opperation & interrogated them for information about it)
Weaknesses: Somewhat cocky and overconfident when close to victory, which led to his defeat
Notable Matchups[]
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Walter White (Breaking Bad) Walter's Profile (Both had 1 week of prep)
Inconclusive Matches: