Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
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Some characters have considerably higher measurements than ordinary ones, which causes some of their combat capabilities, especially strength, speed (although agility and maneuverability might be limited), and durability to increase. We call this having a Large Size.

Many characters are able to obtain this via Size Manipulation.

For a comprehensive list of character/object sizes up to a universal size, see this video.

Large sizes are classified in the following manner:

Type 0 (Supersize): Characters far larger than an ordinary human. These are "giants" if you will. Size for this level begins at 5 meters tall.

Examples: Steelix

Type 1 (Building sized); Characters at least 13-14 meters tall, or the size of a building.

Examples: Mario with the Mega Mushroom, King Kong, Alexandrite, Anirāza

Type 2 (Skyscraper sized): Characters whose size is comparable to that of high-rise buildings, starting from 100 meters. Starting from this level, the characters are usually able to generate shock waves.

Examples: Kurama (Kyūbi), Godzilla, Giganta, Iblis

Type 3 (Mountain sized): Characters no less than a kilometer (1000 meters) in size. Starting from this level, characters are usually able to generate earthquakes.

Examples: Pica, Zunisha (One Piece), Lavos

Type 4 (Global): Characters so huge that it would be easily viewable from the surface of the planet when viewed from space. These characters are usually able to generate global catastrophes and high-end natural disasters. Characters here have a size that is millions of km².

Examples: Dark Gaia, The Cluster

Type 5 (Planetary): Characters comparable in size to planets. At this level, characters usually have a gravitational pull at the planetary level.

Examples: Wyzen, NOVA (Kirby), Ego the Living Planet, Galactus, Bowser via size augmentation

Type 6 (Stellar): Characters comparable in size to stars.

Examples: Chakravartin (Golden form)

Type 7 (Galactic): Characters comparable in size to galaxies.

Examples: Pyron (True Form), Grace Novamon, Celestialsapiens, Super Shenron

Type 8 (Universal): Characters the size of or larger than a universe or even a significant part of it (such as the observable universe). Characters that fully correspond to this level are not very common, but also include those who are one with the universe/universal space-time continuum.

Examples: Anti-Spiral, Infinite Zamasu and Master Mogul via size Manipulation.

Type 9 (Multiversal): Characters larger than one or multiple universal space-time continuums.

Type 10 (Higher-Dimensional): Characters larger than a conventional multiverse. Beyond 4-dimensionality in terms of size.

Examples: Beyonder (Pre-Retcon), The Living Tribunal, Mister Mxyzptlk, Enerjak

Type 11 (Irrelevant): Characters whose true forms or bodies transcend the concept of size, and as such are beyond dimensional measure entirely.

Examples: The Outer Gods
