Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
He’s a clown. He has long hair and a big swirly cone nose. He’s got long arms and baggy pants, with stripy socks, and he always smiles.
~ Child Describing Laughing Jack
Laughing Jack

Summary SU[]

Laughing Jack is the main protagonist/antagonist of the Creepypasta "Origin of Laughing Jack" and antagonist of "Laughing Jack".

Created by a guardian angel, Laughing Jack was at first a Jack-in-the-box clown whose personality reflected the personality of his hypothetical owners. He was later sent as a Christmas present to a lonely boy named Isaac Grossman in the 1800s.

However, Isaac eventually grew into a cold-hearted serial killer who kidnapped, tortured, and eventually killed several innocent residents. Though horrified at first, Laughing Jack's personality was soon tainted by Isaac's sinister actions. One day, Laughing Jack was accidentally released and he appeared to be a taller, darker and demonic version of himself. Resentful of his traitorous owner, he tortured and ultimately killed him using the same weapons Isaac used.

As time passes, Laughing Jack continues to appear to children, most of them lonely or neglected and pretending to be their imaginary friend. However, he eventually tortures and kills them for no reason other than the simple fact that he hates kids and wants to see them suffer.


Tier: At least 9-C, at least 9-B, possibly 7-A to 6-C, possibly 3-A to Low 2-C

Name: Laughing Jack

Origin: Creepypasta

Gender: Male

Age: Between 100 and 200 years old (was created in 1800s)

Classification: Nightmarish/Stuffed Clown, Cosmic Entity


Notable Powers SU Text[]

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Dream Manipulation (Is implied to have given James' mother a nightmare), Elasticity, Stealth (Able to remain living in a house for extended periods of time without adults noticing him), Soul manipulation (Traps souls of his victims into a playground,where Pop Goes The Weasel plays forever in the background), Teleportation, Animal Manipulation (Can cause cockroaches to come crawling out of his throat and make them enter the chest cavities of his victims), Magic (Is a magical being. Able to conjure up things which he than pulls out of his sleeves, such as Adrenalin needles and candy), Natural Weaponry (Claws and teeth), Stealth Mastery, Regeneration, Life Manipulation (Brought Tin Soldiers to life), Transformation (Can turn into a giant dark cloud that turns him somewhat Intangible), Can make cockroaches come out of his throat, Invisibility (Can appear invisible to other people,and then become visible. Was invisible to James' mother, then became visible to her after mutilating James), Telekinesis, Inorganic Physiology (Is like a ragdoll and doesn't have any organs)

Physical Stats SU Text

Attack Potency[]

At least Street level (Ripped a man's insides open, nailed a child to the wall and kept him alive to be tortured. Accidentally crushed a cat to death with his grip), at least Wall level, possibly Mountain Level to Island level (Defeated Ticci Toby, Hoodie, and Masky, who are all proxy's of Slender Man, they should be vastly superior to that of Jeff The Killer and Jane The Killer), possibly Universe Level to Universe Level+ (Defeated Ben Drowned, who was omnipotent within the Majora's Mask game. Official guides states that Majora was able to warp the entirety of Termina, which in the same source states that Termina is a parallel universe. In Majora's final form, he was able to create a contained universe within the moon, which is also stated to be an entire universe by guides. His personal universe collapsed upon his defeat. The effects of his powers where supposed effecting "the heavens, space, and time", implying he was effecting the entirety of Termina's Space-Time Continuum)


At least Athletic (Can attack humans without being able to react, dodge an attack from the mother of James), Supersonic+ to Massively Hypersonic (Should be superior to Ticci Toby, Hoodie, and Masky, who should be faster than Jeff The Killer), possibly Massively FTL+ (Should be superior to Ben Drowned, who is likely above Link)

Lifting Strength[]

At least Athletic Human (Able to quickly drag a fully grown man across the room with ease)

Striking Strength[]

At least Street Class, at least Wall Class, possibly Mountain Class to Island Class, possibly Universal to Universal+


At least Street level, at least Wall level, possibly Mountain Level to Island level, possibly Universe Level to Universe Level+


Infinite, he states that he cannot get tired and he does not need to eat or drink


Extended melee range to Hundreds of meters, likely much higher (Managed to stretch his arms across a room)


Whatever he wants (can conjure weapons at will)


High (Is skilled in human anatomy, able to perform live autopsies on humans and remove several organs while still keeping them alive, a skilled killer, tricked James' mother into killing James herself)


Could originally be trapped within the magic Jack in a box he came out of (it was made well over a hundred years ago and was last seen being thrown in a garbage can, meaning it's likely no longer around). Nothing notable now


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
