Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

It's Lio. Lio Fotia.
~ Lio revealing his name to Galo

We don't do it for fun. The flames are part of us. We must burn in order to live. That's the way we Burnish are.
~ Lio explaining the Mad Burnish's way to Galo

From flames to ashes, from ashes to earth. Rest in peace.
~ Lio to Thyma upon her death

That's no surprise at all. All humans die. We feed the flames and burn out. This certainty is like a blessing.
We can hear them. We hear their cries.
"We want to burn more!"
"I want to blaze hotter and wider!"
They're alive. Granting their wishes is the Burnish's destiny. But, we don't kill people. When the Mad Burnish attack a town, we always provide an escape route. We pride ourselves for that.
~ Lio to Galo on the Burnish's nature

I won't forgive you. I'll make you pay, Kray Foresight! You'll bear the brunt of the Burnish's fury!
~ Lio's rage towards Kray


Lio Fotia is the false antagonist and later deuteragonist of the 2019 Studio Trigger movie, Promare. Though most of his origins are unknown, he was among the many people to suddenly be mutated and turned into Burnish, humans with an abnormal affinity and control over sentient flames. Prior to the events of the movie, he became the leader of a wanted terrorist group known as the Mad Burnish after saving some of its members from the Freeze Force, where, despite the constant oppression and hatred shown towards his kind, innocent or otherwise, he advocated his merciful ideals towards Promepolis' people - the belief that a Burnish should never kill unless they're absolutely forced to.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 8-B, likely 6-B | 7-A, likely High 6-B | 6-C, likely High 6-B | 4-B

Keys: Base | Enraged | Deus X Machina/Lio de Galon | Galo de Lion

Name: Lio Fotia

Origin: Promare

Gender: Male

Age: Late teens to early 20s (though Ignis states the government has been after Lio for 30 years, this is either a lie made up by Kray for the sake of fear mongering, or there have been Mad Burnish leaders prior to Lio. He assumes the role not too long before the movie)

Classification: Human, Leader of the Mad Burnish

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Acrobatics, Weapon Mastery, Vehicular Mastery, Martial Arts, Berserker Mode, Empowerment (The more a Burnish burns, the stronger he becomes), Immortality (Type 3) & Regeneration (Mid-High; The Burnish's flames burn their body, but also give them the power to regenerate it. Fire is part of their body. They'll recover no matter how much they burn, and as long they are alive, their body is eternal), Fire Manipulation (Controls flames hot enough to burn in outer space and melt through absolute zero ice), Breath Attack, Explosion Manipulation, Flight (Can launch himself off the ground to take flight with his flames and form a flame dragon that can fly), Weapon Creation & Density Manipulation (Can solidify his flames into objects like weapons and motorbikes), Technological Manipulation (Altered Deus X Machina and Lio de Galon's structures to better suite the fight against Krazor-X), Teleportation & Dimensional Travel (The average Burnish's powers allow them to teleport short distances, though this severely harms them. When fully synced with the Promare, his portals function as space-time fractures that can lead all the way to a parallel universe), Large Size (Type 1 to 5) with Mechs, Resistance to Absorption, Heat Manipulation & Absolute Zero (As a Burnish, Lio is empowered by by heat and flames rather than harmed by it, allowing him to withstand even the temperatures of an active volcano. Was eventually able to resist the absolute zero bullet's absorption of his body heat, before ripping it out of his body)

Attack Potency: At least City Block level (Melted his way out of Vulcan's ice), likely Country level+ (A group of Burnish working together can cause a volcanic eruption powerful enough to reach space and disperse clouds, which would individually make them this strong. Lio presumably scales to them since they're random Burnish, whereas Lio is strong enough to act as the core of the Promatech Engine, and Kray used him over thousands of other Burnish) | Mountain level (Violently erupted a volcano in a fit of rage. Evaporated a several-meter deep frozen lake. Should scale to Burnish who can engulf bridges and cities as well as form massive hurricanes with their flames), likely Large Country level (Much stronger than his normal self given how much more intense his flames are) | Island level, likely Large Country level (Stronger than Lio is on his own. Fought Krazor-X, which scales to Lio de Galon's own durability) | Solar System level (Unleashed a giant flame dragon that engulfed every celestial body in the solar system, before generating a spiral that shook it in its entirety)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (Burnish flames travel this fast) | Massively Hypersonic+ | Massively Hypersonic+ (Dodged Krazor-X's attack about as fast as Lio and Galo reacted to it) | Massively FTL+ (31,776 C. Set the entire solar system ablaze in a matter of seconds)

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown | Class G (Wrestled Krazor-X which can lift and toss large buildings around) | At least Class E (It would at least be this strong due to its size)

Striking Strength: At least City Block Class (Melted his way out of Vulcan's ice), likely Country Class+ | Mountain Class, likely Large Country Class | Island Class, likely Large Country Class | Dwarf Star Class (Punched the Earth repeatedly with enough force to shake it)

Durability: At least City Block level, likely Country level+ | Mountain level, likely Large Country level | Island level (Withstood Krazor-X's Absolute Zero Heat Death Cannon which froze a volcano and can protect from solar flares), likely Large Country level | Solar System level

Stamina: High (Lio has the stamina to fight for a while. Burnish have to satisfy their urge to burn, forcing them to go out and set fire to buildings every so often. Lio can burn so extremely that he went out on a rampage after erupting a volcano, ravaged a city, and finished by melting a lake)

Range: Standard melee range. Extended melee range with flame swords. Several meters with flame arrows. Up to hundreds of kilometers using flames. Hundreds of kilometers to Interplanetary with Mechs. Up to Low Multiversal by warping.

Standard Equipment: Burnish Armor, Flame swords, arrows, and motorbikes

  • Optional Equipment: Mechs (Deus X Machina/Lio de Galon and Galo de Lion)

Intelligence: Likely Above Average (Shown to be a capable and charismatic leader of the Mad Burnish and is proficient in the use of various weapons and vehicles, such as swords, bows and motorcycles)

Weaknesses: He would no longer be able to regenerate should his flames stop burning.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
