Logic Manipulation is the ability to manipulate the fundamental functions of logic and reason itself. This ability assumes logic as a fundamental force that dictates the structure and function of certain things, similar to how a concept or law might under certain metaphysical frameworks; this often gives way to a subset of other abilities that can influence how reality functions, such as Reality Warping, Causality Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Physics Manipulation or even Mathematics Manipulation. A basic example of this ability in action would be a character who can alter the universe to such an extent that it breaks classical logic and as such would be more appropriately described using non-classical logic such as dialetheism.
Notable Users
- Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo)
- CHIM Users (Elder Scrolls)
- Truth Users (07th Expansion)
- Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos)
- This ability specifically describes characters with the ability to manipulate logic inside their verse, whether it's the logic of a specific framework or the concept of logic overall. As such, characters who are superfluously described as "defying logic" due to an impressive feat do not necessarily meet the criteria for having Logic Manipulation.
- As a general rule, characters with Logic Manipulation should only be considered capable of using their ability to the extent that is described or portrayed for them. The alternative to this ruling leads towards a myriad of No Limits Fallacies and could ultimately fall under the Principle of Explosion.
- Due to the complexities of this topic, it's impossible to reasonably prove or disprove that a character can actually manipulate logic as it is described in real-world philosophy and metaphysics. This page does not attempt to force a stance one way or the other on the topic of its literalism. However, the basic idea that a character can "manipulate or break logic" and thus perform supernatural feats is incredibly common in fiction, and thus this page acts as a way to reference such phenomena regardless of whether it's a metaphorical or literal description of a character's power.