“ | You should pay for your foolishness... You shall suffer the full wrath of...LORD HATER!!l | „ |
Lord Hater is a villainous overlord and (was) the main antagonist of the animated show, Wander over Yonder. He is Wander's nemesis and ruler of the Hater army. His right-hand man is named Peepers, while his other minions are known as the Watchdogs.
Power And Stats[]
Tier: 4-B (Season 1), 3-C (Season 2 [Base Form]), 3-A (Season 2 [Full Power]), Possibly 2-B (Composite),
Name: Lord Hater
Origin: Wander Over Yonder (Disney)
Gender: Male
Classification: Intergalactic traveler, Skeleton, Conquering Planets
Powers And Abilitys: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Energy Manipulation and Projection, Explosion Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Fire Manipulation (See here)Forcefield Creation, Telekinesis, Flight, Teleportation, Flight, Cosmic Lightning, Dimensional Portals, Dimensional BFR, Dimensional Sealing, Fire and Heat resistance (Can emerge from pools of lava unharmed), Rage Power/"Power of Hate" (Hater gets more powerful the angrier he gets), Aura (Capable of surrounding himself in a green aura of energy), Regeneration (Mid: Of the cartoonish variety. Has healed broken bones and scrapes, and has reattached torn off limbs, as well as regenerated his head after it exploded), Vehicular Mastery, can talk really fast, Non-Physical Interaction (Grabbed Major Threat's energy beams) Fourth Wall Awareness (He looked at the camera and said that animators deserve more respect) Dimensional Storage (gained access to Wander's hat which gives you everything you need in any situation) Dimensional Travel (Hater sending Wander to the Next Dimension) | Resistance to: Mind Manipulation (he resisted the mental manipulation of the Spacecat Bounty Hunter, Lil’ Bits.) Spatial Manipulation (Hater can use this power to effect the gaps in dimensional space, such as when he cut a hole into the 4th dimension to free a cosmic space demon. According to Commander Peepers, Hater can use his powers to banish people to other dimensions, and according to Wander, he is able to seal shut black holes and wormholes. As Peepers and Wander are both truthful sources with a lot of experience seeing Hater in action, they said these statements TO Hater himself who did or said nothing to the contrary, and nothing in the series contradicts this, both of those statements must be true. This Gives Hater powers such as Dimensional Portals, Dimensional BFR & Dimensional Sealing) Emotional Amplification (Hater can channel his own emotions as a powersource, fueling his very body and abilities, the more potent his emotions are at the time, the more powerful he becomes.) Gravity Manipulation (Resisted the pull a black hole) Biological Manipulation (seems fine after being in unprotected space. Even after being frozen in The It)
Attack Potency: Solar System, Galaxy, Universe, Possibly Multiversal (More stronger than Sylvia, Can Match Lord Dominator[1] (who can burn the galaxy with her powers), Plugged a Black Hole with a finger[2] And Defeat Lord Dominator Who was was considered a bigger threat that Myrtle the Eternal Turtle, who would've casually destroyed the universe if Sylvia didn't dispose of a box of snickerdoodle cookies[3], Can Blast Dimensions Away)
Speed: MTFL+ To Possibly inaccessible (Chasing Wander, Running All Over The Planet[4]. Can keep up with Wander and Sylvia who delivered gfits to everyone they've met in the galaxy in what was likely a minute or two, At The End Of The Episode "The Void" Hater (And Peepers) Appared On The White Void as they can able to Move In)
Durability: Solar System, Galaxy (Survived His Sun-destroyer Rocket that could destroy the Sun[5], Survived His Disaster Blaster 5000 that can destroy Planets[6], Got Hit Many Time By Lord Dominator On The Battle Royale)
Lifting Strength: Galactic (Kick[7] And Lifts Lord Dominator's Giant Bots[8] That Can Destroy Planets, Threw Away A T-Rex into Space and likely into large rocks or other planets as it explode[9], Can Lift And move around, TV Sets, Wardobe Cabinets, Recliner Chairs and Regular Cahirs with ease)
Striking Strength: Multi-Solar System, Galatic (Punched Emperor Awesome Through A Planet[10], Kicked A Door and part of the Wall out of place with ease[11], Kicked an giant bot of Lord Dominator[7], Plugged a Black Hole)
Intelligence: Average (While he is a good leader at commanding his Watchdog army, generally he isn't really that good when it comes to things like making effective battle plans, requiring his right hand Commander Peepers to do the planning for him, to things as simple as making a bacon, eggs, and toast breakfast. While normally an idiot, he was smart enough to not only make a fully functional vehicle (the H.A.T.E.R.V), he did it all by himself. He was able to find the Secret Planet before Dominator had (He stated that he had discovered it through the use of thermodynamics) Genius (When Hater let go of his obsessions, he was able to discover a planet that Dominador's technology could not. He didn't even figure out using his knowledge of gravity wells and thermodynamics and was going to use Wander to his advantage.)
Stamina: Superhuman (Sings The Same Song For Lord Dominator For 6 Day[12])
Range: Planetary (Force-field generation: Hater can project a large indestructible force-field, that can cover an entire planet[3])
Feats: Has conquered several planets in his day, Leads an army of Watchdogs, that they are too many, Was considered worthy to be possessed by an evil spirit who lead a massive empire that had been living for thousands of years, Beat down Emperor Awesome, Twice. In a blind rage defeated several villains without noticing, Fought in an epic one on one battle with Lord Dominator, Plugged a black hole with his finger, Gets into the Top 1 on the Villain Leader Board after Defeating Lord Dominator.
Made By: Lord Goater (Support me on YT And Tiktok)
- ↑ https://youtu.be/k5-G-BDlH-E?si=vxJ5IG4Zl-K1KvJk
- ↑ https://youtu.be/qDF-ruhy5s0?si=BA7G7YN0I1YC9idj
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 https://youtu.be/QW_YLOOm8t0?si=xutyI1_Pl97_3_-F
- ↑ https://youtu.be/feUI-pOoYrc?si=3cB3winQSPz5nFzs
- ↑ https://youtu.be/A2OJ-qpu3hM?si=iVj912JYtNBxw1RL
- ↑ https://youtu.be/ZFo6FQ05ij4?si=dyKO4A3Y3JaMGU2-
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 https://youtu.be/kTjDb2rZgdA?si=vkelv7vctw48hNCb
- ↑ https://youtu.be/qbqiL-wBRkU?si=t6UlQvIRO3Q307IZ
- ↑ https://youtu.be/N3nfRQpwr7A?si=0y5n6Wiwd-EfnvRS
- ↑ https://youtu.be/N3nfRQpwr7A?si=diOLm3txUxp3XN7M
- ↑ https://youtu.be/J6PHI1uN3Iw?si=Jp0MzDtzbhuSJIez
- ↑ https://youtu.be/ib8FX53qx98?si=ue8UI7zZLrxQL6FM