“ | It seems that, in addition to Death, fate has also dealt you the wild card. ...You must accept your destiny. Our contract has been fulfilled... I have completed my role as well. ...You were truly a remarkable guest. | „ |
~ Igor to Makoto |
Makoto Yuki (理結城) is the playable protagonist of Persona 3/FES/Portable. He is a transfer student enrolling in Gekkoukan High School in Iwatodai City. He is an orphan whose parents died on the Moonlight Bridge in their car during a fatal incident a decade before the events of the game. He has dark blue hair unkempt at the front, blue eyes, and a light build, being shorter than average. His bangs cover his right eye. He is often shown with his hands in his pockets. He is very stoic, reserved, and calm, gathered by the fact that he remains unmoved even when guns are pointed at him. He appears very introverted, distant, and aloof since he only observes the conversations of his party members and only speaks when someone is directed at him for his opinion on the matter.
Power and Stats[]
Tier: 8-C | Low 2-C, eventually 1-S | 1-S, higher with Willpower | 1-S, higher with Willpower | 1-S, much higher with the Universe Arcana
Key: Start of the Game | Mid-Game | Cinema Labyrinth | Shadow of Labyrinth | Judgement/Battle for Everyone's Souls
Name: Makoto Yuki (Anime), "The Blue Haired Boy" (P4A), Minato Arisato (Manga), S.E.E.S Boy (P5R)
Origin: Persona 3
Gender: Male
Age: 16-17. 17 at death
Classification: Human, Persona User, Host of Death, Wielder of the Universe Arcana, Messiah
Power and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (with Katanas. Battle, Leveling, and Training; Physical Stats, Magic, and Improved Resistances.)
Megami Tensei Physiology (Type 1):
- Higher Dimensional Manipulation (The Expanse, a higher dimensional reality, is created by human thoughts)
- Subjective Reality (The entire world is made of cognition, is shaped by the feelings and thoughts of humans)
- Axiom Manipulation (By assigning answers to phenomena without an answer, humanity changes their beliefs into truths)
- Power Nullification (As humanity bestows power, so too can they deny it)
- Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2) and Non-Physical Interaction (Humans shape and grant individuality to demons, with demons being largely conceptual entities)
- Existence Erasure (Type 4 and 3 Denial of something's existence leads to it's erasure as something that disappears from cognition cannot exist)
All previous abilities, plus:
Megami Tensei Physiology (Type 2, 3 and 4):
- Agi/Fire - Fire Manipulation, Heat Manipulation (Fire based spells with more basic ones having the heat of the sun's surface)
- Bufu/Ice - Ice Manipulation, Absolute Zero (Inflict ice damage, basic levels causing atomis stasis)*Garu/Zan/Wind - Wind Manipulation (Wind based spells)
- Zio/Elec - Electricity Manipulation (Electricity based spells)
- Megido - Resistance Negation, Negation to Law Manipulation, Existence Erasure (Almighty negates all resistances to the point Law Manipulation based defenses are useless, bringing annihilation beyond death that turns whatever it hits into nothingness)
- Dia - Healing (Healing magic potent enough to regrow lost limbs)*Recarm - Resurrection (Revives fallen allies)
- Resist/Null/Repel/Absorb - Resistance/Invulnerability/Attack Reflection/Power Absorption respectively (Skills provide specific form of resistance to an attack type)
- Recovery - Power Nullification (Negates the effects of Ailment skills)
- Karn - Forcefield Creation, Attack Reflection, Spatial Manipulation (Creates reflective barriers that affect space)
- Frei/Nuke - Physics Manipulation Heat Manipulation (Causes a nuclear reaction and uses the generated heat for offense)
- Hama/Mudo - Holy Manipulation. Curse Manipulation, Death Manipulation (Type 1 Light/Dark instant kill moves)
- Kouha/Eiha - Holy Manipulation, Curse Manipulation Existence Erasure(Type 4 Kouha is holy magic that erases all uhnoly things, while Eiha erases all non-evil things with pure darkness)
- Kaja/Nda - Statistics Amplification/Statistics Reduction (Self-explanatory.)
- Recovery - Power Nullification (Negates the effects of Ailment skills)
- Dekaja/Dekuna - Power Nullification, Statistics Reduction/Statistics Amplification (Removes the effects of Statistics Ampllification and Reduction respectively)
- Probability Manipulation (The riders of the apocalypse grant the power to call forth victory and calamity)
- Immortality (Type 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 Demons are naturally immortal, and posses unchanging souls, destined to reincarnate and regenerate for all etirnity, since the dawn of creation to the ends of times, with only humans having the ability to put them down, but demons cannot truly die, as as long as humanity persists so will they, persisting even after the death of their body)
- Abstract Existence (Type 2 Demons exist as embodiments of natural phenomena and concepts, with physical demons essentially being physical representations of them)
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Power Bestowal, and Statistics Amplification (Weak demons such as slimes and pixies are shown to tear through armor and move street-wide boulders. Personas are the powers of demons taken by humans for themselves, amplifying their defense, strength e.t.c.)
- Invulnerability (As shadows and demons operate outside of laws of physics, demons need a matching wavelength to be vulnerable to damage, and military weapons being ineffective, and the same is largely applicable to shadows as conventional weaponry and attacks are shown to be ineffective and need persona users or specially crafted weaponry to receive damage)
- Negation to Invulnerability (Aside from engaging each other in combat, are directly stated to bypass immunities similar to their own due to having the capability to launch spiritual attacks)
- Regeneration Negation and Negation to Healing (You need spiritual powers to heal the damage dealt by demons)
- Invisibility (Demons cannot be perceived by the naked eye, and require advanced detection technology to be seen)
- Extrasensory Perception and Enhanced Senses (Aside from interacting with one another, [1]demons are shown to see through invisibility, sense the presence of spirits and other demons and persona users being able to recognize other persona users, and said to be feeling like a radar)
- Mind Manipulation and Possession (Taking on a persona that is stronger than you will cause it to take over your mind which is shown to be true when Elizabeth attempts to summon Zeus)*Telepathy (Personas and Demons are shown to communicate telepathically)
- Aura (Demons and Personas emmit a pressure/aura that can push things away)*Biological Manipulation, Technology Manipulation and Possession (Demons can fry brains, and possess computers by hacking)
- Space-Time Manipulation (Persona is mastering the shadow's ability to manipulate space-time for themselves, with pocket realities of demons and shadows being established to be universal space-times), Forcefield Creation, BFR (Demons can create barriers between worlds or just territories of the same world, as well as teleport someone to a different realm or area)
- Disassembly (MAG is an all-prevading spiritual energy without which all things would cease to be, with lethal wounds being depicted as draining magatsuhi and causing the victims to fade away)
- Higher Dimensional Physiology, Dimensional Travel (Natural residents of the expanse, a higher dimensional plane of existence inacessible to those bound by space and time, transcending the dimensions of past, present and future and operating on a conceptual form of time rather than physical and where upon entering all things that were material shed their physical form, and breaking free from space and time allowing them to travel freely, and are entirely made of human thought existing as pure phenomena like concepts of infinity)
- Acausality (Type 4 Demons of this level are entirely unaffected by the total collapse of time and presumably space, battling even beyond the flow of time, beings of this level exist "outside" and observing the story from god's viewpoint, viewing it as a tv show and completely unaffected by the timeline rewrite, being outside the purview of fate and operating on a different causality from the physical universe)
- Enahnced Immortality (Type 4 Entities of this level are directly shown to endlessly reincarnate after death rather than just being stated)
- Physics Manipulation (Demons can create quantum decoherence fields; quantum fluctuations in space that create an alternate dimension through which they become invisible)
- Heat Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Absolute Zero, Explosion Manipulation, Existence Erasure (Can survive various magic attacks, such as explosions caused by psychokenisis, heat of extremely high temperatures, ice attacks of complete atomic stasis, and existence erasure magic)
- Information Manipulation (Type 2) and Petrification (Demons can live through Brahman's rays which is a corruption of data that causes petrification and calamities all over earth)
- Invulnerability and Law Manipulation (Omnipotence orb manipulates the laws of reality to protect it's user from all incoming damage)
- Conceptual Manipulation (Type 3 Nature 2), Probability Manipulation, Existence Erasure (Type 3) (Duirng Q2, the main cast gets their hands on the akashic record, a complete record of all possibilities, and concepts that make up the world, allowing the wielder to do anything they please)
Megami Tensei Physiology (Type 5 Contains and exceeds the archetypal realms):
- Acausality (Type 5 Becomes one with everything, including the Quantum Sea, which is a "a shore of freedom, unrestrained from all of causality.")
- Transduality (Type 5 Becomes one with everything, including the Quantum Sea, which is one giant I devoid of any differentiation as individuality itself is just an illusion, a place where all things achieve oneness in a all-in-one and one-in-all)
- Beyond-Dimensional Physiology (Type 3 Is completely beyond the concept of dimensions and coordinates)
- Invulnerability, Probability Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, Reality Warping, Probability Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, Power Nullification, Information Manipulation (Type 2), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2), Subjective Reality and Sealing (The universe arcana is the power of the universe, that allows Makoto to bring about the ultimate end and new beginning. It can materialize impossibilities turning them into possibilities; it is that which helped seal Nyx in the sea of souls and that which allowed Makoto to go from nearly being one-shot by Nyx to enduring Nyx's immutable death attacks)
Attack Potency: Building Level (Lowest tier Magic Skills produce this much energy) | Universal+ (During the events of "New Cinema Labyrinth", he fights alongside, and as such should be comparable to, Ren Amamiya after the Greed Arc), eventually Extraverse level (Fights and Participates in the final attack that finishes off Enlil with Willpower amplified, Enlil being the one to manifest the cinema labyrinth, a realm that holds the Akashic Record, and the Akashic Records being a different name for the Heavenly Throne, or in other words Kether. Enlil, as the creator of the realm, should be superior to the personas contained in the films of the theatre, which would include the likes of Metatron and Shiva) | Extraverse level (During the events of "Shadow of the Labyrinth" fights and defeats Zeus overtaking Elizabeth, which conventionally requires one to be more powerful than the person you're overtaking. Zeus is the highest ranking Persona putting him above the likes of Lucifer and Metatron. Also defeats Chronos, an aspect of death and creator of time, who exists in a sort of a duality with Zeus) | Extraverse level (Fights and defeats both the Reaper and Elizabeth, the latter casually summoning Masakado and Metatron) | Extraverse level (Fights and defeats Nyx Avatar, the deepest Archetype in the entire collective unconsciousness, whose attacks are shown to be damaging to the rooftop of Tartarus, which corresponds to Atziluth and it's Sefira. Later is shown to actually deal damage to Nyx's true form, with her presence alone shown to shatter it, and Tartarus is a part of its body), much higher while utilizing the Universe (At the achievement of the Universe Arcana, Makoto was able to contend with Nyx's core, eventually manipulating the collective unconscious to seal Nyx away. The Universe Arcana itself, symbolizing the realization of a human's full potential, putting Makoto above even the strongest Persona Users and Archetypes, as well as the power that lies at the beginning of everything and can actualize anything, and making him the most powerful Persona User in the franchise)
Speed: Speed of Light Reactions and Combat Speed, FTL Reactions and Combat Speed with Willpower (Relatively equal to the Mid-Game Phantom Thieves) | Irrelevant (Consistently fights Atziluth level entities who exist beyond the concept of dimensions and exists as a deeper reality than Yetzirah, which transcends the temporal dimension, unreachable to those who are bound by space-time and operating on conceptual time which exceeds measures applicable to physical time) | Irrelevant (Kept up with Nyx's Avatar) | Irrelevant (Attains unity with the universe, with everything dwelling within him)
Lifting Strength: Class M (Should be comparable to Ren Amamiya, who could do stand against Cognition Wakaba's blasts, which can blow away dozens of gold blocks), higher with Willpower | Irrelevant, higher with Willpower
Striking Strength: Universe level+, eventually Extraverse level | Extraverse level, higher with Willpower | Extraverse level, higher with Willpower | Extraverse level, much higher with the Universe
Durability: Universe level+, eventually Extraverse level | Extraverse level, higher with Willpower (Tanked attacks from Atziluth level and higher entities) | Extraverse level, higher with Willpower (Survived attacks from Nyx Avatar) | Extraverse level (Can tank immutable death attacks from true form Nyx and went on to outright disregard the damage they used to deal to him), much higher with the Universe Arcana
Stamina: High
Intelligence: Genius. At maxed social stats, Makoto's intelligence is considered to be on the level of a genius
Weaknesses: Makoto inherits the elemental weaknesses of his equipped Persona if they have one. He needs an Evoker to summon his Personas. Using the Great Seal sacrifices his soul, and would thus be out-of-character for him to use outside of extreme circumstances
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Persona Summoning: The ability to utilize Personas, powerful manifestations of the mind and soul. Personas can move and attack independently of their users, allowing for double-teaming between their user and the equipped Persona. Each Persona has a set of elemental affinities, which also apply to their user while the Persona is equipped. Unlike the respective casts of Persona 4 and 5, the cast of Persona 3 can use their Personas in reality. Makoto's initial Persona is Orpheus, its evolved form is Orpheus Telos, and his ultimate Persona is Messiah. Each Persona has a unique set of statistics and elemental affinities, which also apply to their user while the Persona is equipped. The Personas that Makoto has access to are listed here.
Persona Skills: Personas are all able to use certain skills and spells related to the stories/mythologies of the figure they are based on. Persona-users and their Personas can use skills and spells independently of each other. These skills range from amplified physical attacks, highly-malleable elemental attacks, status buffs and debuffs, ailment infliction, passive defenses and more, can manifest instantly and with a thought, as well as affect the mind, soul, information and concept of the target. The complete list of skills that Makoto has access to are listed here.
- Armor Breaker/Armor Destroyer: Physical attacks that lower defenses on contact.
- Kidney Smash/Weapon Crusher: Physical attacks that lower attack power on contact.
- Arm Chopper/Arm Crusher: Physical attacks that inflict Strength Bind.
- Holy Touch/Saint's Touch: Physical attacks that inflict Magic Bind.
- Leg Reaper/Achilles Reaper: Physical attacks that inflict Agility Bind.
- Dream Needle/Dormin Rush: Physical attacks that inflict Sleep.
- Calm Blade: Physical attacks that inflict Hex.
- Terror Claw/Bloodbath/Death Scythe: Physical attacks that inflict Fear.
- Headbutt/Memory Blow: Physical attacks that inflict Forget.
- Hysterical Slap/Oni Kagura: Physical attacks that inflict Rage.
- Brain Shake/Brain Buster: Physical attacks that inflict Brainwash.
- Sledgehammer/Flash Bomb: Physical attacks that inflict Dizzy.
- Skull Cracker: Physical attacks that inflict Confusion.
- Negative Pile/Bad Beat: Physical attacks that inflict Despair.
- Lucky/Miracle Punch/One-Shot Kill: Physical attacks that have a high critical rate.
- Hassou Tobi: A physical attack that multiplies speed by 8x to perform.
- Hamaon/Mudoon/Samsara/Die For Me: Death spells.
- Divine Judgement/Demonic Decree: Life-halving spells.
- Pralaya: A powerful Almighty attack that inflicts Death.
- Stagnant Air: Changes the air in the environment to make targets more susceptible to ailments.
- Ghastly Wail: An Almighty-based Death spell that instantly kills all enemies afflicted with Fear.
Notable Matchups[]