Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
2D Platformers
Mario Kart
Sport Games
Canon (Continued)
Fan Series
Super Mario Bros. Z
Mario: The Music Box
Last Impact
Star Road


Mario is the hero of the Mushroom Kingdom, defending it and the surrounding Mushroom World from Bowser and his armies.

Powers and Stats[]


At least 9-B to 9-A, likely 8-C, higher with Power-Ups, far higher with Starman

At least 9-B to 9-A, likely 8-C, higher with Power-Ups, far higher with Starman

At least 8-C, possibly 2-C, far higher with Starman

7-C, likely 4-C, possibly 2-C, higher with Power-Ups, far higher with Starman and Hammer Suit

6-C, likely 4-C, possibly 2-C, higher with Power-Ups, far higher with Starman

6-C, likely 4-C, possibly 2-C, higher with Power-Ups, far higher with Super Star

At least 6-C, likely 4-C, possibly 2-C, higher with Power-Ups, far higher with Star

At least 6-C, likely 4-C, possibly 2-C, lower with Mini Mushroom, higher with Ground Pounds and Power-Ups, far higher with Starman, Mega Mushroom and Blue Shell







Name: Mario

Origin: Mario Bros.

Gender: Male

Age: 24-25

Classification: Plumber, Hero

Powers and Abilities:

  • All previous abilities
  • Vehicular Mastery (Can pilot the Sky Pop and Marine Pop, an airplane and submarine, and fight hordes of Tatanga's forces while doing so)
  • Resistance to Mind Manipulation (Unaffected by Tatanga's "interstellar hypnosis" that brainwashed all of Sarasaland)
  • Resistance to Poison Manipulation (Can survive Nyololin's poison balls and Pompon Flowers' poisonous pollen)

  • All previous abilities

  • All previous abilities

  • All previous abilities

  • All previous abilities

  • All previous abilities

Attack Potency:

At least Wall level[Statistics Values 1] to Small Building level[Statistics Values 2] (Can shatter brick and stone with his bare hands), likely Building level[Statistics Values 3] (Can halt a Bullet Bill's momentum with a stomp), higher with Power-Ups (Power-ups are said to make Mario stronger, can harm Bowser and Bowser disguised enemies with his fire form's fireballs, while he's incapable of harming them in base), far higher with Starman (Strong enough to kill previously comparable enemies just by running into them)

At least Wall level[Statistics Values 4] to Small Building level,[Statistics Values 5] likely Building level[Statistics Values 6] (Should be at least as strong as before and can perform all of the same feats), higher with Power-Ups, far higher with Starman

Building level (Can should at least be as strong as before, can harm enemies who can in turn harm him), possibly Low Multiverse level[Statistics Values 7] (Can fight and defeat Wart, who is far above Mouser, with the latter's bombs being stated to be capable of destroying dreams, which contain starry skies and bottomless pits. And destroying dream worlds would require twice as much power as normal due to containing a sub-world equal to the main dream world in size), far higher with Starman (Can defeat Ostro/Birdo just by running into them, despite normally requiring several attacks)

Town level[Statistics Values 8] (Can fight and defeat Sledge Bros, who can cause small earthquakes with their jumps), likely Star level[Statistics Values 9] (Can kick a Koopa shell hard enough to kill the Angry Sun), possibly Low Multiverse level (Should be at least as strong as before), higher with Power-Ups, far higher with Starman and Hammer Suit (His hammer form is stated to be stronger than his fire form and its hammers can kill enemies he normally can't harm, even with his other power-ups, such as thwomps. Can do the same with a Starman just by running into them)

Island level+[Statistics Values 10] (Comparable to Tatanga, who created a large black cloud that covered all of Sarasaland), likely Star level, possibly Low Multiverse level (Should be at least as strong as before), higher with Power-Ups, far higher with Starman (Can one-shot enemies just by running into them, including enemies that would normally take several hits to defeat from Superball Mario)

Island level+ (Likely stronger than before, can stop a Banzai Bill's momentum with a stomp), likely Star level, possibly Low Multiverse level, higher with Power-Ups, far higher with Super Star

At least Island level+, likely Star level, possibly Low Multiverse level (Stronger than before, fought Tatanga again, this time without his Sky Pop)

At least Island level+, likely Star level, possibly Low Multiverse level (Likely stronger than before), lower with Mini Mushroom (Mario's stomps deal no damage to enemies in this state, a ground pound in this form deals the same damage as a stomp from Mario's oher forms), higher with Power-Ups, Large Island level, likely Star level, possibly Low Multiverse level with Ground Pound (Deals twice the damage of a normal stomp), far higher with Starman, Mega Mushroom and Blue Shell (These power-ups can one-shot enemies Mario normally can't harm)


Hypersonic[Statistics Values 12] (Should be at least as fast as before and can perform the same feat)

Hypersonic[Statistics Values 13] (At least as fast as before)

Relativistic[Statistics Values 14] (Can dodge lasers from Bowser statues) with Massively FTL[Statistics Values 15] Reaction/Combat speed (Can easily evade dives from the Angry Sun), higher with Starman (Gains a slight increase in speed while under the effects of a Starman)

Relativistic[Statistics Values 16] (Should be at least as fast as before), with Massively FTL+[Statistics Values 17] Reaction, Flight and Attack speed with Sky Pop (The Sky Pop can keep up with Tatanga's spaceship, which was fast enough to "appear suddenly from deep space." Mario can react to enemies while flying the Sky Pop, even attacks from behind, and the Sky Pop's missiles are faster than Tatanga's spaceship)

FTL[Statistics Values 18] (Can move relative to Magikoopas' spells described as "strange flashes of light"), with Massively FTL+ Reaction speed, higher with Super Star

FTL with Massively FTL+ Reaction/Combat Speed (Can keep up with, tag, and react to dives from Tatanga's ship)

FTL with Massively FTL+ Reaction/Combat speed







Lifting Strength:

At least Class 100[Statistics Values 19] (Can carry 99 gold coins)

At least Class 100[Statistics Values 20] (At least as strong as before and can perform the same feat)

At least Class 100[Statistics Values 21]

At least Class 100[Statistics Values 22] (At least as strong as before, can lift and throw large blocks of ice and massive koopas)

At least Class 100[Statistics Values 23]

At least Class G[Statistics Values 24] (Casually lifts Larry's castle and punts it through the air)

At least Class G (Likely stronger than before)

At least Class G (Likely stronger than before)







Striking Strength:

At least Wall Class to Small Building Class, likely Building Class, higher with Power-Ups, far higher with Starman

At least Wall Class to Small Building Class, likely Building Class, higher with Power-Ups, far higher with Starman

Building Class (Can throw enemies with enough force to kill them), possibly Low Multiversal

Town Class (Can kill Sledge Bros with a stomp), likely Star Class, possibly Low Multiversal, higher with Power-Ups, far higher with Starman

Island Class+, likely Star Class, possibly Low Multiversal, higher with Power-Ups, far higher with Starman

Island Class+, likely Star Class, possibly Low Multiversal, higher with Power-Ups, far higher with Super Star

At least Island Class+ (Can defeat Tatanga with a few stomps), likely Star level, possibly Low Multiverse level

At least Island Class+, likely Star Class, possibly Low Multiversal, lower with Mini Mushroom, higher with Power-Ups, Large Island Class, likely Star Class, possibly Low Multiversal with Ground Pound, far higher with Starman, Mega Mushroom and Blue Shell








At least Wall level to Small Building level (Can survive falls from the clouds unscathed), likely Building level (Can survive being hit by Bullet Bills), higher with Power-Ups

At least Wall level to Small Building level, likely Building level (Should be at least as durable as before), higher with Power-Ups

Building level (Can survive explosions powerful enough to pulverize several cubic meters of rock), possibly Low Multiverse level (Can tank Mouser's bombs stated to be capable of destroying dreams)

Town level (Can survive attacks from Sledge Bros), likely Star level (Can survive being rammed by the Angry Sun), possibly Low Multiverse level, higher with Power-Ups

Island level+ (Can take hits from enemies that can damage the Sky Pop, which can take hits from Tatanga), likely Star level, possibly Low Multiverse level, higher with Power-Ups

Island level+ (Likely more durable than before, can survive being hit by Banzai Bills), likely Star level, possibly Low Multiverse level, higher with Power-Ups

At least Island level+, likely Star level, possibly Low Multiverse level (Can survive attacks from Tatanga)

At least Island level+', likely Star level, possibly Low Multiverse level, lower with Mini Mushroom (Can be killed by microgoombas in this form, meanwhile microgoombas are incapable of harming any of Mario's other forms), higher with Power-Ups







Stamina: Superhuman (Can travel across eight worlds, spanning enough distance for them to have wildly different climates from deserts to icelands, fighting Bowser's forces the entire way without showing signs of fatigue at any point, could repeat one of these journeys right after with harder enemies and do so eight times in Lost Levels to unlock the secret worlds)

Range: Standard melee range, several meters with hammers, tens of meters with fireballs and superballs

Standard Equipment:

  • Super Mushroom: A mushroom that boosts Mario's stats
  • Fire Flower: A flower that grants Mario the ability to shoot fireballs from his hands
  • Starman: A rare item that turns Mario temporarily invincible, rendering him able to defeat enemies simply by walking into them

  • Starman: A rare item that turns Mario temporarily invincible, rendering him able to defeat enemies simply by walking into them
  • Stopwatch: A stopwatch that can stop time for a short while

  • Super Mushroom: A mushroom that boosts Mario's stats
  • Fire Flower: A flower that grants Mario the ability to shoot fireballs from his hands
  • Super Leaf: A leaf that turns Mario into Raccoon Mario, where he can fly, slow his descent with his tail, and use his tail to attack. The tail can interact with enemies Mario normally can't and can hit electrified and fire enemies without taking any damage
  • Frog Suit: A suit that greatly increases Mario's underwater speed and mobility
  • Hammer Suit: A suit that grants Mario the ability to throw hammers, these hammers are strong enough to one-shot enemies Mario can't normally damage, even with his other power-ups. Mario can also duck into the form's shell for increased resistance to fire attacks
  • Tanooki Suit: A suit that grants Mario all the abilities of the Super Leaf, along with the ability to turn into an invincible stone statue
  • Kuribo's Shoe: A green shoe Mario can climb inside of to walk and jump on spikes safely
  • Starman: A rare item that grants Mario a slight speed boost and turns him temporarily invincible, allowing him to defeat enemies simply by walking into them, including enemies impervous and intangible to any of his other forms' attacks. Being under the effects of a Starman also turns certain other coins into additional Starmen, allowing Mario to chain them and stay invincible even longer
  • Warp Whistle: A whistle that when used, summons a whirlwind to take Mario to the warp zone
  • P-Wing: A wing that grants Mario the ability to fly indefinitely
  • Music Box: A magic music box that puts everyone that hears it to sleep

  • Super Mushroom: A mushroom that boosts Mario's stats
  • Superball Flower: A flower that grants Mario the ability to shoot "superballs" from his hands, projectiles that ricochet off walls and can collect coins
  • Starman: A rare item that turns Mario temporarily invincible, allowing him to defeat enemies just by walking into them, any projectiles or enemies that aren't defeated or destroyed will simply pass through Mario

  • Super Mushroom: A mushroom that boosts Mario's stats
  • Fire Flower: A flower that grants Mario the ability to shoot fireballs from his hands
  • Cape Feather: A magic cape that grants Mario flight and several new attacks
  • Power Balloon: An item that causes Mario's body to blow up like a balloon, allowing him to fly
  • Super Star: A rare item that boosts Mario's speed and turns him temporarily invincible, allowing him to defeat enemies just by walking into them

  • Mushroom: A mushroom that boosts Mario's stats
  • Fire Flower: A flower that grants Mario the ability to shoot fireballs from his hands
  • Carrot: A carrot that causes Mario to grow bunny ears, which he can flap to slow his descent
  • Star: A rare item that turns Mario temporarily invincible, allowing him to defeat enemies just by walking into them, Mario can obtain one of these by defeating 100 enemies

  • Super Mushroom: A mushroom that boosts Mario's stats
  • Fire Flower: A flower that grants Mario the ability to shoot fireballs from his hands
  • Blue Shell: A blue koopa shell Mario can wear, Mario can duck into the shell while running to slide along the ground
  • Mini Mushroom: A blue mushroom that shrinks Mario down, allowing him to jump higher and walk on water, at the cost of reducing his strength
  • Mega Mushroom: An orange mushroom that causes Mario to grow several times larger, increasing his strength to the point that he can walk through bricks and enemies with ease, defeating enough enemies and destroying enough terrain with a Mega Mushroom gives Mario several 1-Ups
  • Starman: A rare item that boosts Mario's running and jumping ability and makes him temporarily invincible, allowing him to defeat enemies just by walking into them

Intelligence: Above Average (Has fought against Bowser and his armies several times taking down scores of enemies single handedly, easily besting Bowser's finest troops on his own. Regularly uses Bowser's attacks and the enviornment they fight in to defeat him, has fought against certain bosses while intentionally in his weaker mini-form where he can only deal damage with ground pounds and would be killed by any one attack to unlock specific worlds)

Weaknesses: Power-Ups disappear when Mario is hit, Starman and Mega Mushroom last a limited time (Usually 10-15 seconds), flight granted by raccoon, tanooki and cape forms is limited and needs to be charged by running

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Jumps: Mario's most iconic move, Mario's main method of attack is to jump in the air and stomp down on his foe's head, Mario can jump higher than normal by bouncing on an enemy's head, charging a power meter, and crouching for a few seconds
  • Super Jump: By crouching for a few seconds, Mario jumps far higher than normal
  • Spin Jump: Mario jumps while spinning, this technique doesn't go as high as a normal jump, but it allows Mario to jump on various things he can't normally and deal more damage to enemies he stomps. When used as Cape Mario, Mario attacks with the cape at his sides, and when used with a Fire Flower, Mario rapidly shoots fireballs around him, and when used with a Ice Flower or Peguin Suit, Mario shoots snowballs
  • Triple Jump: By jumping multiple times in quick succession, Mario can perform a double and then a triple jump, going much higher than a standard jump
  • Wall Jump: Mario can slide along walls to descend slowly and kick off of them to gain height
  • Ground Pound: Mario can slam into the ground after a jump, able to shatter brick blocks and deals twice as much damage as Mario's normal stomps
  • Drill Stomp: Mario can slow his descent by spinning his body, and by raising his arms and spinning faster, drop down like a drill, dealing similar damage to his ground pound
  • Pounce Bounce: Mario jumps at the same time as he stomps an enemy, causing him to gain a large amount of height
  • Slide: By crouching on a hill Mario can slide down it, defeating any enemies he runs into
  • Body Press: Cape Mario only; Mario drops down onto an enemy while flying
  • Fast Dive: Cape Mario only; Mario dives straight down, slamming into the earth, shaking the ground and damaging/defeating nearby enemies

Note: This blog is where I'm cataloguing the abilities and feats Mario gets through all of these games, including going in detail about repeat abilities I don't on this profile, such as a resistance to something already listed in a previous key or AP/Speed/LS feats that are obsolete due to being lower than previous feats

  1. 2.17705 Megajoules
  2. 0.00849 Tons
  3. 1.10366 Tons
  4. 2.17705 Megajoules
  5. 0.00849 Tons
  6. 1.10366 Tons
  7. 79 Universes
  8. 15.10204 Kilotons
  9. 136.066 Quettatons
  10. 98.96194 Gigatons
  11. Mach 5.10204
  12. Mach 5.10204
  13. Mach 5.10204
  14. 0.31175 C
  15. 831.67464 C
  16. 0.31175 C
  17. 4,466,978.28536 C
  18. 1.45288 C
  19. 93,373.2407 Kilograms
  20. 93,373.2407 Kilograms
  21. 93,373.2407 Kilograms
  22. 93,373.2407 Kilograms
  23. 93,373.2407 Kilograms
  24. 89.48423 Billion Kilograms

