Fan Series |
Super Mario Bros. Z |
Mario: The Music Box |
Last Impact |
Star Road |
Mario (Now Marvin) is the main character of the YouTube series SuperMarioLogan. A washed up version of his canon counterpart, SML Mario is a tired, balding middle-aged man just trying to live his life while enduring the chaos around him caused by the rest of the cast.
Key: Mario and Luigi's Stupid and Dumb Adventures | Main Series
Tier: At least Low 4-C, likely 4-C, possibly Low 2-C to 2-A | At least Low 4-C, likely 4-C, possibly Low 2-C to 2-A
Name: Mario, Marvin
Origin: SuperMarioLogan
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown (his age is actually quite inconsistent with Mario himself saying he is in his 40s, he has also said his first game was in 1942 which was proven incorrect, although he was likely born in November)
Classification: Human, plumber
Powers and Abilities:
- Puppet Physiology
- Flight (with wing cap)
- Transformation (Can transform into his winged form and back at will)
With Equipment:
- Healing (At least Mid-Low, likely higher with mushrooms; healed from being shot three times)
- Portal Creation, Dimensional Travel and Time Travel with the phone (Can open Time and Dimension portals by pressing various buttons on the phone and can take others with him)
With Bowser's Powers, gains the following:
- Fire Manipulation (Can shoot fireballs from his hands)
- Electricity Manipulation (Has all of Bowser's powers, who can summon lightning bolts to strike enemies)
- Weapon Creation (Bowser could create weapons for himself)
- Resurrection (Can revive the dead)
- Teleportation
- Necromancy (Bowser could revive the dead as mindless zombie minions)
- Sealing (Bowser could seal Yoshi under his power)
- likely Power Bestowal (Bowser could grant his powers to Mario, also increasing his physical stats)
- Puppet Physiology
- Indomitable Will (Could keep standing and fighting D-Money even after being beaten to the point he was suffering severe cranial bleeding & swelling and was barely coherent thanks to his determination to get back Rosalina, with the former even noting Mario's immense determination)
- Possible Resistance to Possession (was not possessed by Jeffy when he put Cappy on Mario's head)
- Fire Manipulation with Fire suit
- Possession with Cappy
- Size Manipulation & Small Size with Mini Mushroom (Type 4;[Statistics Values 1] Can shrink down to the point he can fit in a submarine smaller than a red blood cell)
- Resurrection with 1-Up (Can bring the dead back to life)
Attack Potency: At least Small Star level, likely Star level+, possibly Universe level+ to Multiverse level+ (Even at the beginning of the series should be far superior to his current self, due to being portrayed as a slightly out of it but still capable adventurer, while modern Mario is typically portrayed as a typical middle aged man past his prime in poor health, after being amped by Bowser at the end of Season 2 he was capable of fighting on par with him, meanwhile Bowser was capable of one-shotting Luigi, who was comparable to Mario beforehand) | At least Small Star level[Statistics Values 2] (Somewhat comparable to Shrek, who could produce this level of kinetic energy destroying the Earth with a fart), likely Star level+[Statistics Values 3] (Somewhat comparable to Bowser, whose bodily fluids are used to make Bowser Juice, an energy drink that contains enough energy to give the user the strength to "beat the Sun"), possibly Universe level+ to Multiverse level+ (Stronger than Jeffy, who could harm God, who created at least the main SML universe and likely the entire SML Multiverse, which contains an infinite number of alternate dimensions)
Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic+, likely Massively FTL+ (Should be comparable to, if not faster than his main series counterpart due to being in his prime), possibly Immeasurable | At least Massively Hypersonic+,[Statistics Values 4] likely Massively FTL+[Statistics Values 5] (Comparable, if not superior to Bowser Junior, comparable to Brooklyn Guy, who could cover the Moon in Christmas lights in seconds), possibly Immeasurable (Comparable to Chef Pee Pee)
Lifting Strength: At least Class 10[Statistics Values 6] (Far superior to Toad, who could drag this much weight, comparable to Mama Luigi, who could easily lift and toss a 5,000-pound bed, somewhat comparable to Bowser, who could lift a Camaro with one hand), likely Class Z,[Statistics Values 7] possibly Stellar[Statistics Values 8] (Is usually at least somewhat comparable to Bowser, a regular consumer of his own product Bowser Juice, which supposedly grants the user the strength to lift the Moon, comparable to Brooklyn Guy, who could carry enough Christmas lights to cover the Moon)
Striking Strength: At least Small Star level, likely Star Class+, possibly Universal+ to Multiversal+ (Can trade blows with those that can harm him) | At least Small Star level, likely Star Class+, possibly Universal+ to Multiversal+ (Can harm Bowser with his strikes)
Durability: At least Small Star level, likely Star level+, possibly Universe level+ to Multiverse level+ | At least Small Star level (Comparable to Woody, who no-sold an explosion that destroyed a shrimp the size of the Earth), likely Star level+, possibly Universe level+ to Multiverse level+
Stamina: Superhuman (Was still able to get up after 3 severe beatings from Yoshi, in his fight with D-Money, could still get up and fight after he had received enough head injuries that he could no longer speak properly, having two black eyes, and severe cranial bleeding and swelling. Spent five months trying to escape a hole he and Mama Luigi fell into during one of their adventures)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with Fire and Lightning, possibly Kilometers with sealing, Multiversal+ with Inter-Dimensional Phone (Could travel to any universe in the SML Multiverse, which has been stated to be infinite, can also travel to any point in time in those universes) | Standard melee range, Extended melee range with Fire and Cappy
Standard Equipment: Super Mushrooms, Inter-dimensional phone | Fire suit, Cappy
Intelligence: Average
Weaknesses: Can only use Bowser's powers if he's alive, the dimension traveled to by the phone is random | Suffers from PTSD